Developing an interactive storytelling capability
in CybaLOUNGE, a roadmap for education
Storytelling in a browser-based virtual world. Accessible on computers, Chromebooks, and tablets. Here is a preliminary assessment of the needs for educational storytelling on the web.
ACRL Virtual World interest group
Storytelling in CybaLOUNGE
- Storytelling
- Scholarly articles for storytelling in education
- Storytelling in marketing
- Develop use cases
- Identify support needs for a preferred use case.
- Note current capabilities in CybaLOUNGE
- CybaLOUNGE is a virtual world that can be accessed with a browser.
- Describe what can be done with current capabilities.
- Prioritize developments to meet remaining needs.
Interactive means what?
- The visitor takes actions that result in progress through the story
- Actions: answer questions, solve puzzles, choose options
- Result: Continue on the story, get to a new episode, get a new power.
Storytelling in a web-world: Use cases
- Educational quests: Interactive stories where the visitor learns something.
- Entertainment quests: Interactive stories for entertainment.
- Demonstration: stories about the use of a product.
- Evaluated educational quests:The system reports student performance.
- Evaluated educational use case gets top priority.
Needs for interactive educational storytelling with evaluation
- Here is a straw-man (preliminary) description of needed capabilities
Sources for suitable scenes
- 3D Warehouse
- SketchUp
- glTF format is preferred
- More (TBD)
Player inventory and score
- Guests will need a temporary inventory or record of score.
- Registered users will need a lasting inventory and record of score.
- Students will need a lasting inventory and record of score.
- For students, the system needs to deliver a record of student performance.
- The record of student performance should fit Moodle
Database for challenges
- Database of challenges that derive from the subject matter.
- Instructor provides the challenges and challenge attributes:
- Level of difficulty, cognitive level (Bloom), topic subsection.
- Instructor provides the attributes; database is designed to accommodate them.
- Instructor may use attributes to select items serving the educational objectives.
- Player advances though multiple levels by accumulating tokens or scores.
- In class play, a leader board shows the status of unidentified players.
- In individual play the leader board shows the player performance
- It may also show typical performance at the 10th, 50th, and 90th centiles
- Player may leave the page by earning advancement to a higher level.
- Player may leave the page by exhausting the item set.
- On exhausting the item set, player may get a new page with a new set.
Objects to give information
- Cybalounge is ready for virtual worlders to use: Tutorials and suggestions
- Information can be given in text or in voice
- Voice delivery can be in speech to text or in recorded voice.
- Text to speech can use multiple voices and accents
- Text to speech could be use for a low-cost draft.
Challenge items
- Answer a question with a number response.
- Questions in a database, with the right answers.
- Challenge object draws a question from a specified set.
- Script presents the question and evaluates the response.
- Right answer may get a rise in score or a new token.
Option Items
- Player selects game conditions
- Game conditions may be easy/hard or combat/no combat
- Conditions chosen lead to different pages matching the choice.
Page advance conditions
- Page advance takes visitor to a new page, changing conditions of play.
- Changed conditions may be raised difficulty level or new power to the player.
- Changed conditions may be in a new scene or the previous one.
- Page advance conditions may be reaching a set score or a set count of tokens.
- To add entertainment value, adversaries may attack, block the way, or steal.
- In educational games, adversaries would be overcome by knowing something.
- The player would demonstrate knowledge by meeting challenges.
Health status
- Health in games
- In educational games, health would improve with knowledge.
- The player would demonstrate knowledge by meeting challenges.
Related: writing in virtual worlds
- The writing communities of the virtual worlds. What do they offer to writers?
- Interactive writing: Guide your readers
- Jane, Plain Jane: In eight scenes. A short story as a writing exercise
- Ever heard of writer's block in role-play? Role-play in virtual worlds as practice writing
- Writer's 3D online workshop: Meet in your browser. Meet in a story scene. Working together apart.
- Writing Workshop 2: For every place there is a story: Ideation
- Writing Workshop: Places tell stories: Ideation
- How writers could use a web-world. Meet in a minute
- Writing on the grid. The writing community of the Hypergrid.
- Create a collaborative blog to market your writing
- Writers of Greyville: Story seeds: The last werewolf of Blanken, Part 1
- Writers of Greyville: Story seeds: The last werewolf of Blanken, part 2
- Writers of Nara's Nook: Story seeds: The last werewolf of Blanken, part 3
- Writers of Nara's Nook: Story seeds: The last werewolf of Blanken, Part 4
- Writer's workshop in your browser: Virtual field trip
- Web Writers Workshop, the writers group that meets in your browser.
- Exercises for a 3D writers workshop: place and characters
- Flying Saucers from Outer Space (or Wherever)
- An interactive, social 3D writer's workshop in a browser. And how to mix workshop with interactive fiction.
- The developing writer's workshop in 3DWebWorldz: Video conversations
- The pecan pie murder. A 3D story in first draft for the writer's workshop
- Mama tells--but not all. Promotion 2 for: Flying Saucers Return
Visit me on the web
- Drop by my web offices Weekdays: 12:-12:30 Central time (US)
- Cybalounge and 3DWebWorldz (Orientation room)
- I will be in both places, so you may need to speak to get my attention.
- Web-worlds, 3D virtual worlds running in a browser. Summary
- And we can visit the Writer's Workshop on the Web
- Don't register -- enter as guest.
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