Thursday, January 8, 2015

2018 EVENTS: Events in Virtual worlds. Selected Google calendars and places

Events in Virtual worlds.  
Selected Google calendars and places
Updated Aug. 30, 2019
This is a collection of Google calendars and places showing the schedule for events in Second Life and the hypergrid.  The postings are made by people running the event.  If you have any questions or concerns, contact them.  My only role here is to collect and post the calendars to make them available in a single location.   


Entertainment in the virtual worlds 

Virtual Worlds Fair, Event Venue




How to use Google calendars

Times are given in Pacific coast (California) time, Standard or Daylight, depending on which is in effect in California.
Locations should be given in the description sections.  SLurls for Second Life events, Hypergrid address for Hypergrid events.  Do not depend on locations given by Google.  Google calendar does not understand virtual worlds.    
To put any Google calendar into your collection of Google calendars, click on the graphic button that says "+Google Calendar" at the bottom right.    

Calendars should let you scroll to future dates if you want to see farther ahead.

If you have a calendar you would like to see in this list, give the link in a comment on this article or on a recent article posted to this blog.   Calendars I especially look for are
  • populated with lots of events.
  • from a source that has been in virtual worlds for a while.

Calendars about education and learning

Do not depend on locations given by Google.  Google calendar does not understand virtual worlds.

To locate a class, go here:
Note: Google Calendar does not understand virtual worlds, so information shown under Where will probably be wrong.

Calendars unclassified




News and Notes


Newcomer Help in Virtual Worlds



How to handle a Hypergrid address 

From any Hypergrid-enabled grid, paste the address into the address bar of Firestorm and press enter. Or paste it into the world map search bar of any viewer, search, and click Teleport when the destination is found. If it doesn't work, don't give up. Try again in couple of minutes.  Sometimes the first try fails (probably times out).  And try again a few hours later. Some hypergrid destinations are offline part of the day. 


Video-Machinima in virtual worlds


  1. Hi Selby,

    I wanted to bring my 12 year retrospective art exhibition to your attention and make sure you had a proper press release. (below) Please ping me in SL (Dancoyote Antonelli) or RL ( if you have questions or would like to schedule in an artist tour of what may be my last large exhibition in SL. Cheers! David "DC" Spensley aka Dancoyote Antonelli


    DanCoyote’s 12-Year Retrospective Exhibition
    2.5 miles of Virtual Art by DC Spensley


    Saturday, September 22, 2018, (Second Life, LEA 27)

    San Francisco artist, DC Spensley, will premiere a 4+ kilometer-tall, 40-level, 100-artwork exhibition, in an expansive retrospective of his work in the social, virtual world of Second Life. Featured in the exhibition is DC’s avatar, DanCoyote Antonelli, responsible for twelve years of virtual artworks and performances that have been critically recognized and widely emulated.

    DC’s largest artwork, and perhaps the largest in Second Life history, is the Tower of Light – a 4.5 kilometer monolith currently on display at LEA 27. DC Spensley is also the creator and artistic director of the world’s first virtual, aerial dance company – the ZEROG SkyDancers. Linden Lab original, John “Pathfinder” Lester (AKA Pathfinder Linden), compared this genre-expanding, three-dimensional dance to Cirque Du Soleil changing the circus forever. In all his work, DC Spensley, and DanCoyote, have been driven to create art installations and theater productions that are intentionally native to the virtual world, a thesis which DC calls Hyperformalism.

    Wagner James Au (AKA Hamlet Linden) in his seminal book, “The Making of Second Life”, has recognized DC Spensley for the advancement of virtual art. DC ’s work has been referenced in mainstream press, including The New York Times, Reuters, Step by Step Design, and Fibreculture Journal, as well in Europe, where DC has a strong following and is referenced in a number of European academic books and art journals. Additional recognition includes New Media venues such as Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria), ZERO1 Biennial (San Jose, CA), Digital Electronic Arts Festival - DEAF (Rotterdam, Netherlands), and the Frye Museum (Seattle, WA). DC won a UNESCO award for virtual architecture in 2007. He has also written extensively about new media art theory focused on virtual worlds in Arts 21 and other publications.

    About DanCoyote Antonelli:
    The avatar DanCoyote Antonelli, as the proxy for David “DC” Spensley in the virtual world of Second Life, was derived from Cervantes’ Don Quixote, in honor of a coyote that Joseph Beuys lived with for a time at the René Block Gallery in New York during his 1974 action, “I like America and America Likes Me”. Apparently nobody realized how close Beuys and the coyote had become until DanCoyote was born.

    For more information please contact:
    DC Spensley

  2. Thank you, DanCoyote. I will post an article on this.


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