Remote collaboration methods in virtual worlds
Managing task-oriented meetings

Managing task-oriented meetings
Remote Collaboration
- Working together apart, virtual worlds, social media
- Brainstorming, ideation, getting ideas in virtual worlds
- Group projects in virtual worlds: How to make them work
- Series writing in virtual worlds: plan for a project
- Remote meetings: Manage distractions, Live Minutes
- Creative Collaboration. Not just a slogan anymore
All collaboration
- Group projects: Task oriented meetings: best practices
- Group Projects: Tools for group meetings: Vocabulary
- Tools for task oriented group meetings: Agenda
- Group Projects: Tools for getting it done: action items
- Tools for organizing a group project: SWGs
- The Seven Imperatives to Keeping Meetings on Track
- Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Hobbies: Doing video/machinima in virtual worlds
- Music Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Art videos from the virtual world
- Comedy videos from the Virtual World
- For more on topics like this, circle Selby Evans in Google+
- What do we do in Virtual Worlds?
- Kitely: low cost virtual worlds.
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- What is Second Life?
- Annotated screen shots made with Jing
- Creative Commons License, attribution only.
- Second Life, Linden, SLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
- This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.
- Ads are from Google
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- Drop by my place in Second Life
- Location Link. Click to go or drag to the viewer screen:
- Feel free to send me an IM, notecard, or friend request.
- Thinkerer Melville/Selby Evans
I actually added your blog to my favorites and will look forward for more updates. Great Job, Keep it up...
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