Second Life Seventeenth Birthday.
Nonprofit Commons, Phoenix Artists Collaboration, Inspiration Island
A look at some exhibits in celebration of the 17th birthday of Second Life.
Installed virtual worlds can offer elaborate places, but they are not easy to get to. Web-worlds are easy to get to, but can't offer elaborate places. They could work together, with web-worlds as a transition path to installed virtual worlds.
Literacy has changed in the digital age as illustrated by changes in how presentations are done.
Sally Cherry talks about the virus and cell model she has built for use in her online training center. The model shows a coronavirus starting its attack on a human cell.
Take a closer look at some of the people, events, and experiences bringing attention to Black lives in both the physical and virtual world.
'Pirates didn't just break free from society, they rewrote the rules'. Founder and former CEO of award-winning marketing agency Livity, Sam Conniff Allende unveils the innovative strategies of Golden Age pirates, drawing parallels between the tactics and teachings of legends like Henry Morgan and Blackbeard with modern rebels, like Steve Jobs, Malala and Elon Musk."
The coming digital campus. We are the digital generation. This is the digital century. Can you prepare for digital work without a digital campus?
The hero myth retold in the context of entering college. A more realistic instance of the coming of age story.
The day of the digitals. Digitals talking to digitals. But there are lots of us now. Especially with the growing number of teaching digitals. This is not just about whiteboards. It is about the developing ecology and economy of the digitals.
Simple user instructions to help beginners get and use pictures in Scenegate. License: public domain.
An animated video to accompany a musical performance. Discussion about educational uses for the capability to produce such videos.
Video of part of a presentation in a browser-based virtual world. A walk-in web page where they can go to school on a Chromebook.
The skill of studying. The content changes, but the skill transfers and develops with new content. It is actually learning how to learn (unrecognized). If it were recognized as a learning objective, the teaching would be more effective and more efficient. This article is explicitly licensed Public Domain (CC0).
User-managed digital worlds have many potential uses, but "potential means you haven't done it yet." Not all those uses will be comfortable under the same brand. A bit of Design Thinking suggests a reinvention.
Free online educational resources. Offered by groups with an interest in promoting knowledge about a specific subject. Students can study these. What else could they do with them?
"This video explains why copyright matters, as we are all both creators and consumers of media online--music, movies, images, books and other writing, etc."
Modern education, new century education: The task is not tell students things, but to create conditions that cause them to learn. And not just to learn to take tests, but to learn how to learn without a teacher telling them what to do. In case they don't know everything when they get out of school. This article is explicitly licensed Public Domain (CC0).
Heike Phlip, of HMKW University (Germany) has built a digital HMKW campus in Kitely. Here I interview her about her plans for using the campus in light of virus restrictions. (Those of us in the digital worlds travel and meet freely in a pandemic)
Basic information for showing teachers how to teach an online in CybaLOUNGE
A Strawman version of a learning plan for teaching students and teachers how to start in and online class based in a web-world. Of course you can see ways to improve it.
A Virginia high school teacher builds a digital museum for one of his classes. Other schools could use it, too. This article is explicitly licensed Public Domain (CC0).
A brief description of the multimedia presenter in CybaLOUNGE and how to use it.
The end of a project-based class can be: present and preserve the results for the students to keep in their portfolios. In a digital environment, video capture is easy.
Twelve weeks after we began the module it is now time to see your Team Project presentations. Sitearm Madonna joined us to record the presentations, along with Locks Aichi and Wisdomseeker who came to support you. Each team presented their project which was followed by some comments from the floor.