Wednesday, December 29, 2021

2021 VW: Rivers run through the metaverse, too. Deer River, camp site, waterfall.

Rivers run through the metaverse, too.   
Deer River, camp site, waterfall.
Second Life Destinations: Deer River is a Fall themed destination celebrating the rich hues of Autumn. Visit the small fishing town, the campsite, enjoy a warm drink at the waterfall and ride Teegle horses around the region.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

2021 New presentation formats for VWBPE: Tool Talks and poster presentations

New presentation formats for VWBPE:  
Tool Talks and poster presentations  

MARCH 31 – APRIL 2, 2022
The VWBPE Conference is a completely virtual conference that is conducted using simulated environments. Participants experience the conference through a virtual reality type setting including conference rooms, theatres, exposition halls, meeting spaces, and other types of venues similar to a brick and mortar type conference.

The conference is free to attend. The cost of the conference is covered by sponsorship and donations.
  • Watch on YouTube
  • West Side Story--Promotional video made in Second Life
  • From VWBPE 2021

New Formats

Tool Talks

The big ideas are often shared at conferences, but what about those “little” things that you cannot do without in your practice – be it a tool, technique, or technology? Share a short and engaging demonstration showing us why this idea is not to be missed (Max 20 minutes). Rezzed examples and handouts are encouraged.

Poster Presentations: 

Share your research in our new Posters venue, with opportunities for both asynchronous exploration and scheduled synchronous presentation times during the conference. In addition to their poster, presenters are encouraged to provide a short video overview of their work to be shown at their poster booth. Students are strongly encouraged to share their current work with a poster presentation.

Presentation Proposals are welcomed from all subject areas and virtual environments that support teaching and learning. Whether you work at the elementary, secondary, or post-secondary levels, or support community based programs – we want to hear from you!

Sunday, December 26, 2021

2922 Metaverse: Don't just own land. Own your own grid. And have it on your computer. In your possession.

Metaverse: Don't just own land.  
Own your own grid.  
And have it on your computer.  
In your possession.
Dreamgrid lets you run a OpenSimulator on your own PC without tending to a lot of tech details.  

Dreamgrid uses OpenSimulator 

  • OpenSimulator is as decentralized as you can get.
  • Open source -- the software is available to the public.
  • You can get a copy and create a grid on your own computer.
  • And many of these grids are interconnected by hypergrid.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

2021 EV How to find events in the metaverse. Twitter may do as the universal contact. Communities are the key.

How to find events in the metaverse.  
Twitter may do as the universal contact.  
Communities are the key.
The metaverse is made of communities.  The tech is just a tool for brining people together.
  • Watch on YouTube
  • Connecting Up: Communities in the Future - Virtual Worlds
  • After the break:
  • Twitter links to selected metaverse organizations
  • Communities
  • Specific organizations
  • Broad metaverse/virtual worlds

Sunday, December 19, 2021

2021 Metaverse meet hypergrid. Hypergrid is a mini-metaverse for interconnection. It connects the independent grids of OpenSim

Metaverse meet hypergrid.   
Hypergrid is a mini-metaverse for interconnection. 
It connects the independent grids of OpenSim

A trip on the hypergrid to the OSCC. New people finding out about the metaverse need to know about the hypergrid.




What can we do on the hypergrid?

  • Avatars can travel to other grids if they have the address.
  • User puts the address in the world map, clicks find, then teleport.
  • Avatar has suitcase, can put exportable items in it.  
  • Suitcase objects are available at the destination grid.
  • Users can add people on other grids to their contacts list.
  • Users can send IMs to people on their contact list regardless of grid.

Easy access meetings in the metaverse



  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Screenshots from ShareX
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google

Saturday, December 18, 2021

202`AET: Gallery in the metaverse. Where artists can display and sell their work. In the metaverse, the world can see your work.

Gallery in the metaverse.  
Where artists can display and sell their work.  
In the metaverse, the world can see your work.
The metaverse can become a new outlet for the work of artists.  Galleries in a laptop.  Open 24/7.  Meet your friends or fans there any time. 

Selling art in the metaverse

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

2021 BIZ: STAGE: Model Letter of Agreement - Virtual World Actor

Model Letter of Agreement - Virtual World Actor
New Media Arts has developed a model letter of agreement for the employment of actors in virtual worlds.  It is reproduced below.  Anyone is licensed to use it but it should credit New Media Arts.   
  • In the document below, blank spaces or multiple question marks indicate an item that is to be filled in by the producing entity or by the actor.  
  • For work that is to be captured on video, volunteers should also sign a letter of agreement granting reproduction and distribution rights to the producing entity.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

2021 VW: Metaverse hubs to connect the metaverse. The focus is on shared interests, not tech. Because the metaverse is made of people.

Metaverse hubs to connect the metaverse.  
The focus is on shared interests, not tech.
Because the metaverse is made of people.
The metaverse needs hubs.  They would be the first step towards interconnection.  

What is a metaverse hub?

"The Metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space,[1] including the sum of all virtual worldsaugmented reality, and the Internet."  Wikipedia
  • "Persistent virtual space" has been around for years as virtual worlds.
  • There are many virtual worlds and many, many active groups in these worlds.

  • Hub (Network): A hub is a network node with lots of links.
  • A metaverse hub is a place in the metaverse with links to other parts of the metaverse.
  • OpenSimulator and the hypergrid are an example of the developing metaverse.
  • Hypergrid hub. (Spreadsheet--the flat web) Links to known grids.
  • Grid is a common metaverse term for virtual worlds under one management.
  • So hypergrid hub is a web page that connects OpenSimulator grids
  • Community Virtual Library: Explore-SL Spreadsheet 
  • This is a community hub with links to SL libraries, museums, exhibitions, tutorials, galleries, and more...
  • Metaverse & NFT News & Media Network (LnkedIn)
  • But why not a hub in the metaverse?  That's being set up in 3DWebWorldz.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

2021 BIZ: EDU: RezMela's Panocube gives world-wide virtual tours in the metaverse. Exploration of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ryōanji. Distance is nothing to the metaverse.

RezMela's Panocube gives world-wide virtual tours in Kitely.  
Exploration of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ryōanji.  
Distance is nothing to the metaverse.
How your class can travel the world. The video captures a live unscripted session. Exploration of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ryōanji (1488) by Virtual World EdTech designers in Kitely

Friday, December 10, 2021

2021 VW: Metaverse conference: OpenSimulator Community Conference 2021 – December 11- 12, 2021. All on your computer, all in the metaverse.

Metaverse conference:  
OpenSimulator Community Conference 2021 – 
December 11- 12, 2021.  
All on your computer, all in the metaverse.
A conference on your computer.  That's the power of the metaverse.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Music in the metaverse. The walk-in web, No prep, impulse access. No cost. No dress code. Just come in your browser.

Music in the metaverse.  
The walk-in web,  No prep, impulse access.  
No cost.  No dress code.  
Just come in your browser.
Drop in for music with friends  No planning,  No registration.  No cost.  No dress code.  Just come in your browser.
  • 3DWebWorldz music every Friday at 9 pm New York time.
  • Go there:
  • For upcoming events, hover the little red circle over the event schedule.
  • Too go to an event, find the performer's panel, click Esc, then click on the panel.
  • Performers have their own venues.  

Easy access meetings in the metaverse

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

2021 #VWEDU: Virtual architecture: People can design and build their own virtual buildings. Walk through them. Picture them from any angle.

Virtual architecture:
People can design and build 
their own virtual buildings.  
Walk through them.  
Picture them from any angle.

The dawn of the virtual reality in architecture.  Draft buildings you can walk into, look around in, put furniture in.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

2021 BIZ: Fashion, marketing, and web-worlds. The Metaverse may be a fashion goldmine. Any entrepreneurs around?

Fashion, marketing, and web-worlds.  
The Metaverse may be a fashion goldmine.  
Any entrepreneurs around? 
Appearances are the main task of metaverse tech.  Fashion is made of appearances.  The two were made for each other.

How would a person use it? 

  • You can have an avatar that looks like you.
  • You can dress it as you please (from home).
  • You can put it in a replica of your living room.
  • Or of any place you choose.
  • You can invite friends and family to see it.
  • They can talk with you about it: Approve or suggest changes
  • If you like the result, you can order the outfit from an online retailer.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

2021 TKR: Role playing and narrative-based learning. Therapy, Hobby, language learning. Social activity for online learning.

Role playing and narrative-based learning.  
Therapy, Hobby, language learning.  
Social activity for online learning 
Role-playing is one of the most powerful teaching strategies you can incorporate in your eLearning course.
Social skills are vitally important to success in life, but where do we find practice space for them? John Arcadian, a writer and publisher of tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, talks about the benefits that can be gained from playing out characters in Tabletop Role-playing Games.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

2021 #VWEDU: DTA: Teaching online. Reinventing the teacher career. Lecturing is not teaching. Teaching is creating conditions in which students learn.

Teaching online.  Reinventing the teacher career.  
Teaching is creating conditions in which students learn.
Lecturing is not teaching.  
Online learning creates opportunities for online teachers especially those who can make effective use of modern technology.

Creating conditions in which students learn

Who would be interested?

  • Retiring teachers who don't want to retire mentally.
  • Teachers wanting to break location limitations.
  • Teachers wanting increased income.  
  • Students preparing for a teaching career
  • Schools offering online learning
  • People in education management

Thursday, December 2, 2021

2021 BIZ: VW: Ownership in the metaverse: your inventory. Where you keep what you own. Rezzing and editing your objects.

Ownership in the metaverse: your inventory.  
Where you keep what you own. 
Rezzing and editing your objects. 
The metaverse gets more like you place when you have your things there.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

2021 VW: How to spot the fake stories about the metaverse. Those authored by hacks that just rewrite what others have written. Without doing any research themselves.

How to spot the fake stories about the metaverse.   
Those authored  by hacks who
just rewrite what others have written.  
Without doing any research themselves.
The people of the metaverse are really irritated by articles about the metaverse that show total ignorance about the history and current state of the metaverse.

The clues

  • They write as if the metaverse lies in the future.
  • (A little research would find  parts of the metaverse that have been around for years.)
  • They start with the old Snow Crash story that popularized the name.
  • (A little thought would tell them that virtual environments go back to movies, theaters, and oral stories.)
  • They think the metaverse requires head-mounted displays.
  • (Screen displays are widely used for current metaverse activity.)

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

2021 #VWEDU: BIZ: The programmed environment of the metaverse. Imagine programming an environment for language leaning. Or for a game.

The programmed environment of the metaverse. 
Imagine programming an environment for language leaning.  
Or for a game
There is a lot of power in the programmed environment offered by some metaverse places.

Programmed environment

  • Any object of interest can stay its name in voice and text.
  • Or send users to a web page with instructions about the object.
  • Or give users instructions for a game based on knowing about the objects.
  • Or record user performance on a set of questions.
  • Or play its role in a story or game.
  • A virtual vehicle can perform stunts safely
  • After the break: language learning, virtual vehicles.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

2021 WW: Get your home in the metaverse. Don't just go there, build there. Get free (sometimes) land where you can build what you want.

Get your place in the metaverse.  
Don't just go there, build there.  
Get free (sometimes) land 
where you can build what you want.  
Make the metaverse home by getting your own place there.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

2021 Biz: Avatars are a metaverse business. Artists can make and sell avatars and avatar clothing

Avatars are a metaverse business.  
Artists can make and sell avatars and avatar clothing
Making avatars for the metaverse is a growing business

  • Features you need in a metaverse world to make and sell avatars (after the break).

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

2021 WW: VW: Where can I learn to work in the metaverse? A first look at finding work in the metaverse. Start with dev meetings.

Where can I learn to work in the metaverse?  
A first look at finding work in the metaverse.  
Start with dev meetings.
New tasks or old tasks in new ways.  Much online work may become metaverse work in the future.
  • Watch on YouTube
  • I picked up this question from the metaverse subredit that I am following.
  • The answer is worth an article, so here it is.
  • Get familiar with the metaverse: attend developer meetings.
  • Check out available work 
  • Choose the line of work that best fits you.
  • Two big options:
  • Work on tasks newly created by the metaverse?
  • Work on existing tasks made more efficient by the metaverse?
  • Another pair of options:
  • Work for yourself or get hired by a company.
  • Can We Work in the Metaverse?
  • Easy access Dev meetings and more after the break.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

2012 WW: Another web-world. Web pages that you walk into with 2 clicks. Just what you need for advertising.

Another web-world.  
Web pages that you walk into with 2 clicks.  
Just what you need for advertising.  

Web-world advantages

  • Easy access. Run in a browser.  Enter without registration. 
  • Run on almost any device with a browser: Smart phone, tablet, Chromebook, PC.
  • No special equipment to buy and put on.
  • Can be embedded in your web page as part of an advertisement.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2021 Virtual Pioneers in the metaverse. Second Life headquarters. Several videos of tours. And how to get to the metaverse now!

Virtual Pioneers in the metaverse.
Second Life headquarters.
Several videos of tours.
And how to get to the metaverse now!
Virtual Pioneers is a group of historically-minded associates that enjoy using Virtual Environments to learn and explore. Second Life is one of the virtual environments explored.

  • Second Life is a free-to-use desktop app providing 3-D platform access.
  • Virtual Pioneers is a group of historically-minded associates that enjoy using Virtual Environments to learn and explore. Second Life is one of the virtual environments explored.
  • The Virtual Pioneers visit various virtual simulations across Second Life and beyond. This tour is on Museum Island and features the Vatican.
  • How to start in the metaverse after the break.
  • All you need is your laptop.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

2021 VW: What the metaverse already is like -- an example. And you can easily try it out. Hold your own meeting there. Attend a scheduled developer meeting.

What the metaverse already is like -- an example
And you can easily try it out
Hold your own meeting there.
Attend a scheduled developer meeting.
You too can be a metaverse expert. Start here.   A conversation at a developer meeting in a browser-based part of the metaverse.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

2021 Hypergrid business: EchoVoice offers a long-term, low-cost operating solution for voice on OpenSim and other metaverse places.

EchoVoice offers a long-term, low-cost operating solution 
for voice on OpenSim.
Project to provide opensource voice support for OpenSimulator and other metaverse places

  • Grids or organizations can self-host their Echovoice servers or connect to a hosting service.
  • Organizations that have security requirements will want to self-host.
  • The EchoVoice client bridge is designed to work with all of the supported viewers without any development effort by viewer development teams.
  • The current EchoVoice bridge design concept should allow users to seamlessly detect and switch to Vivox if they land in a region running Vivox V3/V4/ or the newer V5.
  • GoFundMe campaign.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

2021 BIZ: Metaverse use case: remote meetings. There is no distance in the metaverse. You are 30 seconds from everywhere.

Metaverse use case: remote meetings.  
There is no distance in the metaverse.  
You are 30 seconds from everywhere. 
You can listen to talking heads telling you what the metaverse will be like when it arrives or you can visit a part that has already arrived and is in use.  Meet the people who are making the metaverse.

2021 BIZ: Another part of the web metaverse. Try it out now. Don't wait for people to tell you about it, See for yourself.

Another part of the web metaverse.  
Try it out now.  
Don't wait for people to tell you about it, 
See for yourself 
You too can be a metaverse expert.   

A walk in the web metaverse

Sunday, November 14, 2021

2021 VW: Biz: Content creation as a business in the Metaverse. Some parts of the metaverse have the features you need. Art, fashion, architecture, interior design, landscaping.

Content creation as a business in the Metaverse.  
Some parts of the metaverse have the features you need.
Art, fashion, architecture, interior design, landscaping.
Any industry that depends on appearance can use the metaverse to display that appearance.

Creating  and selling objects: needed features

Inworld economy

  • Token money: Tokens that function inworld like money.
  • Money exchange: Way to exchange inworld tokens for fiat currency
  • Market: Way to sell things for tokens.

Content creation

  • Shops: Shops offer free of low cost items
  • Building toolsInworld tools support easy building.
  • Exporting: You can export what you make to your own computer.
  • Importing: You can import mesh objects made elsewhere. 
  • Licensing: The host company makes no claim of partial ownership of your work.
  • NFT managementSoftware can properly handle NFT objects.

Mesh tools for creation


  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Screenshots from ShareX
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google

Saturday, November 13, 2021

2021 VW: A walk into the web metaverse. Right now. Nothing to download, nothing to buy, nothing to sign up for. The free metaverse.

A walk in the web metaverse. 
Right now. 
Nothing to download, nothing to buy, nothing to sign up for. 
Walk into the metaverse now. It is in your browser. 

A walk in the free metaverse

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

2021 VW: ART: The Natascha Randt Memorial. Sometimes the metaverse is painfully real. Avatars are immortal but the people behind them are not.

The Natascha Randt Memorial.  
Sometimes the metaverse is painfully real.   
Avatars are immortal but the people behind them are not.
Ever since my creative partner, Natascha Randt, passed away on September 3rd of this year. I have been working on building her a memorial on Kitely - Virtual Worlds--Karima-Hoisan
With the help of my fabulous scripting partner, Dale Innis, and also Joey Schaffer (Joey Writer) a close friend and collaborator of Nat's who has also contributed with a special section, we can now say it's done.

The world is a guided tour, that once again, relies heavily on being able to see parcel media and enjoy short clips.

Who was Natasha Randt? -- after the break 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

2021 VW: Creator Economy of the Metaverse: Second Life Marketplace, Kitely Market, custom avatars

Creator Economy of the Metaverse: 
Second Life Marketplace,  
Kitely Market, custom avatars
The metaverse is here for you if you want to be a creator.  Well-developed markets have been around for years.
  • Watch on YouTube
  • Creator Economy of the Metaverse - Roblox, Unity, Unreal and more!

After the break

  • How  do you create?
  • Creating custom avatars and clothing.
  • Markets where products are sold.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

2021 VW: WW: Varieties and features of virtual worlds in the metaverse. And a few common use cases. See what you can do in the metaverse.

Varieties and features of virtual worlds in the metaverse. 
And a few common use cases.  
See what you can do in the metaverse.
We don't need to debate what the metaverse is.  Let's think about what we can do with it.

Fundamental varieties

  • Installed:  User installs software that may give better performance or extra features.
  • Browser-based: Runs in a browser, nothing to install
  • Mobile-able: Runs on smart phones and tablets.
  • VR: Designed for stereo-headpieces, but allows on-screen use 
  • Important features and matching use cases after the break