Art done in virtual worlds, Summary
Updated 8/2/2020
Virtual world art: Exhibits, galleries, resources, videos, colonies.
Virginia Alone
- Art exhibits
- Familiar themes
- By Arcadia Asylum (Aley)
- Resources
- Art videos from the virtual world
- LEA closes. Art has opened in OpenSim. Looking forward
- A commercial art gallery in a web-world? Is that possible? What are the problems you have to solve?
- An online virtual world for training in the visual arts. A visual place for visual arts. A social place for working with teachers and artists
- 3DWebWorldz hosts a digital art museum in your browser. Monet, Demuth, Fortier.
- 3DWebWorldz hosts a digital art museum in your browser. Monet, Demuth, Fortier.
- Sendalonde Community Library: Installation art. Art in video.
- Nuna art gallery in OpenSim, 3rd rock grid. A great addition to art and education in virtual worlds
- From The Ashes Of AvatarFest, Opensim Fest Rises
- Art Gallery in your browser: Luna Gallery: a virtual field trip
- St. James artists in 3DWebWorldz. Art from the Saint James Artisans
- - Supporting Art, Music and More
- Intracoastal Arts: St. James Artisans Gallery: Arts on the Hypergrid
- MAGE Magazine is a community of artists
- SL13B in full swing
- SL13B: 13 years of the virtual worlds community. Call for participants. “The Shared Adventure.”
- Bauhaus Museum LEA2. A museum on your desk
- SL12B opens, the 12th anniversary of Second Life
- The Modern Museum- Art and the development of civilization
- Performing Arts in virtual worlds: Theater, video, acting, directing, script-writing
- Miney's Musings: Metaverse Destinations
- SL art exhibits schedule
- Second Life Art
- Immersive Art, Musical art
- University of Western Australia Art and Video
- Language. Synergy in Second Life. UWA
- SL11B and earlier Second Life Birthdays. Summary and Highlights
Real art products from the virtual worlds
- Sierra Sonnet: Virtual jewelry becomes real . And an explorable island with freebies
- My first edition: first bronze art work from the virtual worlds
- Shattered, virtual sculpture in real bronze: The art of Toysoldier Thor
- Handcrafted products/gifts from a virtual world: 3d printingm new art medium
Art displays/galleries (selected)
- Raglan Shire Creativity art gallery. Outdoors among the hedges. Your can do that in a virtual world
- Artlandia on DIgiworlds. Spiral Silverstar, Gracie Kendal, Alpha Auer, Freewee Ling
- Summer of Arts in 2015, Metropolis Metaversum
- Lumiere Noir and the Ivory Tower of Prims
- Poem visualized and voiced. "Folding Time", by Chic Aeon
- The WIP show, 7/18/2015: Virtual mobile art by Lucy Afarensis
- Explorable art by Bryn Oh
- Lobby Cam. Bryn Oh
- Imogen and the pigeons, Bryn Oh
- Imogen and the pigeons, more. Bryn Oh
- Cookie II (Kitely) Expands its Arcadia holdings/offerings
- Phantasmagoria, by Spiral Silverstar: GIF art. Free galleries for other artists
- Bryn Oh, A Retrospective: A Second Life and First Life Exhibit
- The Philosopher's Stone--Pixels Sideways and Georg Janick
- Technochory-- Skywalk Gallery, Steampunk at the Station
- Mechanical Circus
- Cuauhnahuac Gallery, Mathilde Vhargon and Antenna Rae
- Area 54. Music, Art, Multimedia
- 'Virtually Real' by Krystali Rabeni
- Mediamorphosis
- Rust by Cica Ghost
- Movement in Space and Space 4 Art Sim
- Fuschia Nightfire: 'Fuschia's Fantasy Fairyland'
- The Arrival, Rose Borchovsk
- Threshold, Limina
- Emphatic Eccentricia art festival
- North Pole and Santa's Workshop
- The Cube Project. Minimalism? Cubism?
- Spirit by claudia222 jewell
- Art on art Claudia222 Jewell
- Memories of Journeys of Marcel Chiffon
- KINESIS, Oberon Onmura
- Absence of Memory by Chic Aeon
- Blow your tits off
- Virginia Alone
- Art: Ronin1 Shippe at Music Island
- Immersive Art
- The Path. Art tells a story
University of Western Australia
- UWA art 2015 exhibit selections and comments
- 2015 UWA Art challenge: developing exhibit, contributions open till Oct 31
- UWA Art & Film Challenges 2014 with L$1.03 Mil in Prizes, early entries
- You can be an art critic. UWA Centenary 3D Art Challenge.
- The UWA Centenary 3D Art Challenge 2013 - L$580,000 Prize Pool
- UWA Centenary 3D Art Challenge, Awards
Linden Endowment for the arts (LEA)
- DanCoyote’s 12-Year Retrospective Exhibition
- Depression: LEA23 Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor by Frankx Lefavre
- Searby's LEA16: Multi-media art: Sound and colors: How to sell virtual art
- LEA2: M*A*S*H 4077, 1972-1983
- LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES (July 2014): Miso Susanowa's 'State of Mind II'
- LEA26 Dragon Curves by Mac Kanashimi
- "Fisicofollia" byGiovanna Cerise, LEA FULL SIM ART
- Plankton, Lea 21, Through December
- The Gaia Project, LEA13
- The Portuguese Way LEA19
- Bogon Flux by blotto epsilon and cutea benelli
- Musiclandia by Livio Korobase - Music City, LEA11
- LEA: AIR: Round 5 Artists-in-Residence
- 'UAXUCTUM' by Cajska Carlsson, Full sim art series
- JJcccART at the LEA
- Gracie Kendal: This is not a painting
- Collaborative art at LEA18
- "The Tower" -- Rebeca Bashly -- Self-Limitations
- A Pencil Sketch. Walk into it. Be a part of the art
- LEA full sim for January. Worlds surround an ivory tower
- Gamification 'Second Libations'
- Rust by Cica Ghost
Installation Art
- VIDEO: “Deeper” Installation art
- Role-play Sierra Sonnet, Western ghost town
- 3DWebWorldz Installation art in a web page. Minimalist art
- Installation art: The Mountain by Karima Hoisan & Dale Innis. Art can move mountains in virtual worlds
- Serenity Island: Spaceship, Mars and the Moon
- ART: BURN2: I, Robot
- Installation art in the plural. Visit 1Biennale explores the possibilities of virtual worlds
- Timekeeper1: VR art, installation art and Freelanced (Social Network)
- Vector's Vortex by Karima Hoisan. Installation art in Kitely
- Pepperland II, Installation art, Surrealism, Psychedelic art, in a virtual world
- Invictus: Installation art, poetic art of the virtual worlds
- Virtual Surreality? Moving surrealism? Is what you image real? Are you really imagining?
- New Woodbury. Creative Collaborators here, too
- The lost gardens of Apollo--Installation Art on the sim scale
- Pepperland II, Yellow Submarine, surrealism, installation art in a 3D virtual world
- All my boats. Installation art, poetic art by Karima Hoisan
- FunkyJunk immersive art sim, discovery artTransgenia, a world in flux
- Hobo Amusement Park on the Hypergrid
- Explorable art: Tomb Rider. A free OAR you can download in OpenSim
- Installation art (Wikipedia)
- Stanford University Libraries in a virtual world, installation art
- Pinwheel Tilings by Mac Kanashimi: Fractal installation art
Mathematical art, Fractals, etc.
- Pinwheel Tilings by Mac Kanashimi: Fractal installation art
- 3D Mandelbrot Fractal Art. Art from Mathematics
Familiar themes
- "Frankenstein" Comes to Holly Kai Park (Press release)
- Mike's Tornado. February WIP meeting, Kitely
- Elephants all the way down. Dali is a natural for virtual worlds
- Metamorphosis, Esher's Reptiles, Quarry Hill School of Mines & Industries
- SL10B Review
- Robots at the Planetarium
- Clinical depression, Inner Prisons, and Escapes
- New World Enlightenment Fun House by Freecilla Kuhn
- "CINEMA!" Take Back the ambiance
- ART DECO by Melusina Parkin
- The Seaworld of Dr. Moreau
- Nighthawks. Art comes alive in Second Life
- Danger in evolution by Kicca Igaly and Nessuno
- Project Guernica
- The illusions of Harter Fall
- Danse Macabre
- Inferno. Full Sim Art, LEA, October
- The Path. Art tells a story Another inferno
- M.C. Escher. Walk into the art
- Rube Goldberg design, The Avatar Machine
- Inferno. Full Sim Art, LEA, October
Commercial art
- Miniatures. All those interesting objects in virtual worlds are miniatures--if you want them to be
- At the WIP Show 8/9, at Cookie II on Kitely
- Hypergate WIP meeting. The creatives of the hypergrid
- Art India Gallery See/buy art and architecture
By Arcadia Asylum (Aley)
- Infinite Metaverse Alliance (IMA) celebrates Arcadia-Aley with miniaturized display of her work
- Arcadia-Aley Library created by New Media Arts
- Treasures of Arcadia in about 14 sims
- Arcadia's Privateer Space
- The Spirit of Arcadia museum: Hobos, grunge art, pirates, space pirates, etc.
- Cog & Grog Arcadia Asylum Freebie Center
- Bill Bailey, Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Art by Arcadia Asylum
- Cookie II is an Arcadia Asylum Site
- VIDEO: Privateer space, by Aley Arai
- Arcadia museums and (free) Vendors
- Arcadia Asylum Barrio Museum
- Sea of Aley
- The Freeport of Flotsam, Blake Diego Navy/Pirate Seaport
- Ari's Privateer space sim (by Arcadia Asylum )
Stage: Performing arts
- Ballet Pixelle on the Dar and Carter TV show
- Dancing at La Ola with the visual accompaniment of Torben Asp, particle art
- Fest'Avi 2015. Video as abstract art. Do you have a wall TV?
- Performing Arts in virtual worlds: Theater, video, acting, directing, script-writing
- Torbin Asp in his own immersive theater. Electronic music, particle art
Art videos
- Art video from the virtual worlds. Impressive art, showing what can be done in virtual world art
- Teaching at the Art Ark in Second Life 3.0
- Artist statement [MFA Thesis] (Filmed in Second Life)
- The ZEROG SkyDance performance company. What would virtual worlds performing art look like?
- New century art: Torben Asp: Music with particle accompaniment
- YadNi Monde Makes Arts
- The River of Forgetting - A Randt & Hoisan Production
- The Changes Changes - A Randt & Hoisan Production. Video-poetry
- "Unmindful." The 19th video collaboration between filmmaker Natascha Randt and poet/creator Karima Hoisan
- Multimedia art. Echo Starship plays, Fuschia Nightfire accompanies in visuals
- Art videos from the virtual world
- ART: VIDEO: Believe --An illustrated poem
- Kitely Worlds Showplace. Ilan Tochner, Part 3. "The Profound and the Profane"
- Easy Rock Artist-in Residence Program
- Art: New Boston Art Colony in Second Life
- Linden Endowment of the Arts
- Lea Full Sim Art Series
- LEA Land Endowment Exhibits
- Save prims and space: rezzers and holodecks
- Art gallery in holodeck-- Tutorial
- Textures, Pictures. How to make and use them
Commentary and background
- Virtual (digital) art is art. It is time to reinvent our language and our thinking
- Art of the virtual worlds. Curation and categories
- Salvador Dali and the Future of StoryTelling(R). Dreams of Dalí
- The Great Disruption: Unleashing the Power to Create
- University of Chester: student artwork
- University of Western Australia (Art and Videos)
- Art as game
- Fashion design is popular in virtual worlds and embracing technology in the old world
- Art: Video: Architecture: in Second Life
- Download textures (pictures,graphics) from Second Life
- Artropolis, artist colony
- Linden Endowment for the Arts: Review
- Linden Endowment for the Arts Exhibit Directory
- Linden Endowment of the Arts Media:
- Multimondrians
- LEA Land Grant for the arts
- 'Art of the Artists' by Fuschia Nightfire
- Second Life Art
- Art gallery in holodeck-- Tutorial
- Save prims and space: rezzers and holodecks
Art in virtual worlds- Art in virtual worlds is often in motion and usually in 3D. It takes a video to present it on the flat screen
- Linden Endowment for the Arts
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds
- New Media Arts, Inc
- Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Hobbies: Doing video/machinima in virtual worlds
- Music Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Art videos from the virtual world
- Comedy videos from the Virtual World
- For more on topics like this, circle Selby Evans in Google+
- What do we do in Virtual Worlds?
- Kitely: low cost virtual worlds.
- Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right.
- To find events, scroll down to "Labels used on this Blog," click EV
- Google search this blog: Search bar, upper left--or:
- Put at the end of the search terms
- What is Second Life?
- Annotated screen shots made with Jing
- All original content on this blog is Creative Commons License, attribution only.
- Second Life, Linden, SLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
- This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.
- Ads are from Google
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- Drop by my place in Second Life
- Location Link. Click to go or drag to the viewer screen:
- Feel free to send me an IM, notecard, or friend request in Second LIfe or Kitely
- Thinkerer Melville in Second Life, Selby Evans in Kitely
- Google+ page; Virtual World Video
- Lauren is funny; Avatar Repertory Theater
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