Monday, November 30, 2015

2016 EDU: A school for self-study in virtual worlds. We call that a library

A school for self-study in virtual worlds.  
We call that a library
Updated 11/28/2016
Virtual worlds offer instructional designers the opportunity to design experiences to fit their instructional objectives.  With control of the environment, the designer may be able to create an environment which meets the instructional objectives without relying on the presence of an instructor for most or all of the time.  This instruction seems well suited to meeting the needs for adult instruction.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

2015 HELP: A physics engine is not needed in OpenSim--Kayaker Magic

A physics engine is not needed--Kayaker Magic
Object movement can be scripted in the object.   

  • Watch on YouTube
  • Sorry for the audio problems. This is live capture.
  • Also, particles were were turned off for the first half hour 
  • and not fully implemented later, so the effects were not well shown.
  • Scripters don't need a physics engine to make a bullet go in a parabolic path.
  • We know how to script a parabolic path, even though it is "rocket science." 
  • We know how objects should behave under physics.
  • Kayaker got tired of trying to cope with various physics engines.
  • So he stopped using them and scripted the movement himself.
  • You can too.  Even if grids have a physics engine, you don't have to use it. 
  • (More after the break)

Metaverse events, current and upcoming

  • OSCC15:  Dec 5.
  • The Grand Finale Winners announcements for MachinimUWA VIII:  
  • Sunday 12/13 6AM SLT (note its AM!!) 


        Metaverse beginner help

        Saturday, November 28, 2015

        2015 VIDEO: EDU: Time Travel. The Drax Files: [Episode 33: Luxembourg 1867]

        The Drax Files: World Makers 
        [Episode 33: Luxembourg 1867]
        Why every museum should have the capability to create and present virtual realities.  

        "Of course every museum should have something like this" says Pit Vinandy, referring to the virtual reality component at Fort Thüngen Museum and the City Museum of Luxembourg, where his team has implemented an immersive way to connect to local history, a method to time travel and experience culture and society as it was hundreds of years ago.
        • (More after the break)

        Metaverse events, current and upcoming

        • OSCC15:  Dec 5.
        • The Grand Finale Winners announcements for MachinimUWA VIII:  
        • Sunday 12/13 6AM SLT (note its AM!!) 


              Metaverse beginner help

              Wednesday, November 25, 2015

              2015 P2P: PROMO: TanGLe Grid: Hypergrid Treasure Hunt. Organization phase. The HGPprojects.

              TanGLe Grid: Hypergrid Treasure Hunt.  
              Organization phase. The HGPprojects.
              Another good feature of the Hypergrid:  It connects people: they can share events and have fun together.   Here I report on a treasure hunt in the process of organization.  Another step toward organizing the HG movers and shakers--what I am calling the Hypergrid project.  
              Hyperica Grid at 
              • People at TanGLe Grid are setting up an OpenSim Treasure Hunt 
              • All Hypergrid-enabled grids are invited to get involved.
              • -
              • The organizers are looking for sponsors to donate cash prizes or item prizes
              • More info about the hunt here: OpenSim Treasure Hunt website
              • Draw traffic to your grids and regions
              • Event time: not set yet. TBD
              • Rules and information
              • System seems designed for re-use. Are you thinking about a treasure hunt?
              • (More after the break)

              Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                Metaverse beginner help

                Tuesday, November 24, 2015

                2015 HELP: How to search this blog for what interests you.

                How to search this blog for what interests you.
                This blog is curated to help people find articles of interest to them.  Here are several ways to find what you want in this blog.
                • Summary pages
                • Google search, key words
                • Google search, target audience
                • Search on page
                • (More after the break)

                Pantoum Poetry Workshop - Tue 11/24, 7pm SLT 

                The Short Poetry Workshop this week revisits the 6th Century Malaysian form - the Pantoum, which is a series of quatrains with repeated lines. It can be rhymed or unrhymed but must make use of repeated refrains from one quatrain to the next.

                Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                  Metaverse beginner help

                  Monday, November 23, 2015

                  2015 BIZ: PROMO: VIDEO: Kitely Merchant Fair, the Video, the Fair is gone but the video lingers on

                  Kitely Merchant Fair, the Video, 
                  the Fair is gone but the video lingers on.
                  A Kitely Merchant Fair was held Oct 18-Nov 1, 2015.  Here is a video made by Zuza Ritt


                  • (More after the break)

                  Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                    Metaverse beginner help

                    Sunday, November 22, 2015

                    2015 VIDEO: COMEDY: Bowling for Hollers. A funny thing happened on the way to the strike

                    Bowling for Hollers.  
                    A funny thing happened on the way to the strike
                    Full disclosure of what we do in virtual worlds. A group of virtual comedians get together at a bowling alley. Real comedians consider comedy to be fun.

                    • (More after the break)

                    Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                      Metaverse beginner help

                      Saturday, November 21, 2015

                      2015 ART: VID: MUSIC: Right For Me by Gweeb. A Fuschia Nightfire Production

                      Right For Me by Gweeb. 
                      A Fuschia Nightfire Production 
                      Another video production by Fuschia Nightfire.

                      • (More after the break)

                      Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                        Metaverse beginner help

                        Friday, November 20, 2015

                        2015 EVENTS: HG: HYPEvents, a Hypergrid event directory. For my HG BeatThis List

                        HYPEvents, a Hypergrid event directory,
                        with a new secret ingredient!

                        Grids have their own calendars and so do some communities.  The secret ingredient here is that HYPEvents will scrape those calendars and publish what it finds. No extra work by event managers.  They just tell HYPEvents the calendar URL.  

                        HYPEvents launched a website listing events from all over the Hypergrid so avatars can find out what is going on right now, and where.   I am adding this to my HG BeatThis list

                        • (More after the break)

                        Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                          Metaverse beginner help

                          Wednesday, November 18, 2015

                          2014 PROMO: PEOPLE: Checklist for promoting your virtual world projects and communities

                          Checklist for promoting your 
                          virtual world projects and communities
                          Updated 11/25/15

                          1. Seek inworld communities that would be interested in your project
                          2. Seek outworld communities that would be interested in your project.
                          3. Join or create a Google community and Facebook group relevant to your project.
                          4. Find or start a collaborative blog that matches a relevant community
                          5. Make a video showing your project and avatars doing things in it.  
                          6. Post the video on YouTube.  (Other places tend to remove posts with low traffic.)
                          7. Put your video on your blog and link to that in your groups/communities.
                          8. Create a web page to tie your promotion work together in one place.
                          9. Hold events and put them on calendars and blogs

                          What to ask yourself about promoting your Opensim project

                          • What is your target audience?  What kinds of people will be interested in this?
                          • How can you reach these people at low cost?
                          • Why would these people be interested in what you have to offer?
                          • What would catch the attention of these people?
                          • How can people get more information about this on the web?
                          • Do your have special events that will attract people?
                          • How can you reach people via the web?
                          • How can people easily get to your place? Can you make it easier?
                          • What will cover the costs of operation?
                          • What is your objective here?  How will you know when you reach that?
                          • Promotion: from virtual worlds. Summary
                          • (More after the break)

                          Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                            Metaverse beginner help

                            Tuesday, November 17, 2015

                            2015 BIZ: "How do I import things into Kitely to put them on Kitely market?" A job for Ann Tree Prenyour?

                            "How do I import things into Kitely 
                            so I can put it on Kitely market?"  
                            A job for Ann Tree Prenyour?

                            The problem

                            • A content creator, Crea, is working in a hypergrid other than Kitely
                            • Crea wants to import content into Kitely to put it on Kitely Market.  
                            • Crea wants an easy and reliable way to import.  
                            • Crea creates a Kitely account and an avatar called Crea
                            • How does Crea get her stuff into Kitely?
                            Come back after the break to hear Ann Tree Prenyour say, "You people are all amateurs!"
                            • (More after the break)

                            Zen Poetry Short Poetry Workshop - Tue 11/17, 7pm SLT 

                            The Short Poetry Workshop this week is Zen Poetry with Ngagpa Writer as guest host. Zen Poetry has its roots in the Chinese T’ang Dynasty when spiritual attainment was gained through the discipline of poetry. If you haven’t been to one of Ngagpa’s Zen workshops before, then you don’t want to miss this one. Ngagpa will focus on both poetry and painting.

                            Metaverse events, current and upcoming

                            Monday, November 16, 2015

                            2015 NEW: PEOPLE: 3rd Rock Grid Welcome area. Newcomer welcome

                            3rd Rock Grid Welcome area
                            Newcomer welcome 
                            A picture survey of the 3rd Rock welcome area noting features that other grid operators, community organizers, etc. may want to consider in a welcome area for their operations. 
                            Overview of the welcome area
                            • Web site 3rd Rock Grid
                            • Hypergrid address:
                            • Put the address in the World Map, next to Find.  Click find, TP
                            • (More after the break)

                            Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                              Metaverse beginner help