Sunday, January 31, 2021

2021 #VWEDU: VW: OSCC (OpenSimulator Community Conference) Virtual Learning Village, Eurikaworld, Vesuvius Group, Indiana Unv. , Penn State online campus

OSCC (OpenSimulator Community Conference) :
Virtual Learning Village, Eurikaworld, Vesuvius Group, 
Indiana Unv. , Penn State Online Campus
Organizations and universities with important activities in virtual worlds. OSCC exhibits will continue to be accessible until the next OSCC.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

2021 #VWEDU: VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS: IS ONE LIFE ENOUGH? Project-based learning in a digital world: Red team. Not just learning about the topic. Digital and presentation skills.

Project-based learning in a digital world: Red team.  
Not just learning about the topic. 
Digital and presentation skills.
Reports from a project-based learning team in a virtual world.   Watch project-based learning in action.  

IOLE Red Team December 2020 HD 1080p


Friday, January 29, 2021

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

2021 #VWEDU: LIBR: The function of the online library is the same as library function has always been: Connecting people with their culture.

The function of the online library is 
the same as library function has always been:  
Connecting people with their culture.
What replaces the old library card catalog?  A search engine of course.  It is a much more powerful tool, but only for those who know how to use it.  

Not about books?

  • Books used to be the main distributable part of culture
  • Then came records, movies, CDs, and DVDs.
  • They began appearing in libraries as soon as they became distributable.
  • Now the internet has emerged as a new distribution method.
  • It distributes the contents of books.  
  • Most people just wanted the contents, so they don't mind leaving the paper behind.
  • No book stacks, no building to maintain.  What is a library to do?
  • You are only connected to what you can find.

    Monday, January 25, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: Rezmela Square Rooms app. You don't have to be a builder to use OpenSim.

    Rezmela Square Rooms app
    You don't have to be a builder to use OpenSim.
    Introducing Rezmela Square Rooms, an app that supports building classrooms easily.
    Square Rooms introduction

    Sunday, January 24, 2021

    2020 #VWEDU: DTA: The trouble with teaching online is that you don't have a captive audience. Now the learning has to hold their interest.

    The trouble with teaching online is that 
    you don't have a captive audience.  
    Now the learning has to hold their interest.
    Students need to learn self-management.  Where is that taught? 

    10 Myths About Teaching Online


    • We don't like to think of students sitting politely in the school room as a captive audience.
    • But they had to be in class or get in trouble.
    • They had to seem to attend to the teacher or get in trouble.
    • No matter that they were bored, the could not escape.
    • The strategy for escape was: be quiet, look interested, and pass the tests.
    • Online the most they have to do is pass the tests.  
    • But that's all they ever needed to do at the system level.
    • They school needed them in class so it could get credit for their attendance.

    Can children learn without a taskmaster?

    Saturday, January 23, 2021

    2020 TKR: The benefits of failure. If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.

    Exploring Discomfort with Farrah Storr
    Protecting children, our loved ones and even ourselves from discomfort is second nature, but author Farrah Storr argues that encouraging people, especially children, to face up to the reality of struggle and failure will ultimately make them braver, stronger and more equipped to deal with an ever-more complex world. 

    Friday, January 22, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: DTA: Career exploration: Nepris connects students to real-world career paths. Can virtual worlds play a role?

    Career exploration:  
    Nepris connects students to real-world career paths.  
    Can virtual worlds play a role?
    Virtual worlds can provide safe and easy access to simulated environments for any career path.  That may have advantages over a virtual visit by an expert who can tell about the career and show slides.      

    Who would be interested?

    Career exploration

    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: #DTA: Learning how to learn and project-based learning. Learning online can put them together. And instigate evaluated practice.

    Learning how to learn and project-based learning.    
    Learning online can put them together.  
    And instigate practice.
    Can't monitor student effort when they work online?  Give them a project and monitor their work.  Use a digital coach to monitor the details.
    Small group at work online
    • We are in Germany, Arizona, and Texas
    • But we get to the meeting in less than 30 seconds.
    • We talk, go over the agenda, exchange notes and web links.
    • We do everything we would do in a physical business meeting.
    • If we were students, we could have a DTA to coach us.

    Learning how to learn: Can schools teach that?

    • Schools should teach students how to learn on their own.
    • If we had a course in how to learn, what would it look like? 
    • And what would the teacher do?  
    • Start with "What would the learner do?"
    • A psychologist points out: learning occurs with evaluated practice.
    • So to teach: create circumstances that induce evaluated practice.
    • "Read chapter seven."  gives practice in reading, 
    • Most project-based learning can do that.   
    • Because self-managed learning is a project
    • Inquiry-based learning specifically does that.

    Monday, January 18, 2021

    2021 VW: Covid feel Good. VR App to treat psychological stress. (Some may find it helpful)

    Covid feel Good.  
    VR App to treat psychological stress.  
    (Some may find it helpful)

    How to make a smart phone into a low cost stereo viewing device is described.  The app shows a peaceful scene with relaxing voice over. 

    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: How to present without an auditorium. Present in a simulation of the subject. Valerie Hill tells about Research Row in the digital Dickens Project (excerpts).

    How to present without an auditorium.  
    Present in a simulation of the subject.
    Valerie Hill tells about Research Row 
    in the digital Dickens Project (excerpts).
    You could even simulate the auditorium if you feel nostalgic.  But with a digital place, you can bring your audience with you.  Even those who are mobility limited.  Walking in a digital place is just a matter of pressing a key.  

    Go there

    Saturday, January 16, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: In virtual worlds we really go places. Gateway To Thinking- TelePortal for Education Monthly Tour.

    In virtual worlds we really go places. 
    Gateway To Thinking- 
    TelePortal for Education Monthly Tour

    Digital worlds have many educational places.  Here is a teleport system that supports easy exploration of many educational places in Second Life
    • Yan Lauria & Valibrarian Gregg tour. Visit a teleportal system in Second Life with numerous educational categories
    • A Virtual Worlds Education Roundtable event.

    Friday, January 15, 2021

    2020 #VWEDU: How schools and conferences can use big digital auditoriums. You don't want to make too many changes at once.

    How schools and conferences can use big digital auditoriums.   
    You don't want to make too many changes at once.    

    A simple overview of how digital worlds can simulate the big meeting experience.
    Part of an auditorium 
    in the universal campus on Kitely

    Initial consideration

    • My fellow digital citizens have a puzzled look on their emojis.
    • "What do they need big auditoriums for?" they ask.
    • "Why not live stream the stage, for example through YouTube?"  
    • "The whole web universe becomes your auditorium."
    • "And the presentation is captured for subsequent use."
    • Schools don't need auditoriums, but some will want them.
    • Tradition
    • And it is not as if the digital auditoriums cost like the old physical ones.

    The "feel" of the environment

    • The auditorium environment conveys the sense of important content.
    • As does the sensed presence of a large crowd: Herd mentality
    • Then, too, when you get bored you can look around at the other people.
    • And we type to each other.  We type in public chat and in private chat.
    • Everybody can see the public chat, so it is like a broadcast to everyone present.
    • We use the private chat for networking.  

    Tuesday, January 12, 2021

    2021 #VEWDU: More professional benefits from our online PLC. That's a professional learning community. It has knowledge and resources. It needs organization

    More professional benefits from our online PLC.   
    That's a professional learning community.  
    It has knowledge and resources.  
    It needs organization.

    The educators of the virtual worlds have a PLC

    What does a PLC do?

    • Short answer: Fosters communication.
    • Supports networking and collaboration.
    • Supports exchange of knowledge and connection of inquiry to relevant knowledge.
    • An online PLC offers a bigger network and more potential collaborators.
    • And online is the place to be for handling knowledge.
    • But online has to handle asynchronous communication,

    Monday, January 11, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS: IS ONE LIFE ENOUGH? Project-based learning in a digital world: Green team. Not just learning about the topic. Digital and presentation skills.

    Project-based learning in a digital world: Green team.  
    Not just learning about the topic. 
    Digital and presentation skills.
    Reports from a project-based learning team in a virtual world.   Watch project-based learning in action.  

    IOLE Green Team December 2020 HD 1080p

    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: Virtual Ability, Inc. (VAI) in Kitely. Rethinking the concept of disability. The independent living movement.

    Virtual Ability, Inc. (VAI) in Kitely.  
    Rethinking the concept of disability.  
    The independent living movement.
    Virtual Ability is a non-profit corporation that enables people with a wide range of disabilities to thrive in online virtual worlds. Here is its new installation in Kitely
    Click image to enlarge

    Saturday, January 9, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU Is leadership an educational objective:? How do you teach it? Leadership Growth in Metaverse Simulations

    Is leadership an educational objective:?  
    How do you teach it?  
    Leadership Growth in Metaverse Simulations  
    Professional Identity and Leadership Growth in Metaverse Simulations: Join Spinoza, Lyr, Delightful, & JJ  present three immersive 3D simulations designed to help participants assess their professional identity and strengths for leading teams through complex challenges.


    Friday, January 8, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: CVL: Collaboration is the secret sauce for educators in social virtual worlds. Community Virtual Library connects collaborators.

    Collaboration is the secret sauce 
    for educators in social virtual worlds. 
    Community Virtual Library connects collaborators.    
    Social  virtual worlds are about communities of people working together towards shared goals.  Do not be misled by the tech.  The tech is just a tool to support collaboration.  Here are some examples of the products of collaboration

    Libraries in virtual worlds

    • The main function of physical libraries is to provide wide access to cultural content.
    • Originally that meant curating book stacks.
    • The internet can replace book stacks for their main purposes.  
    • It cannot replace curation.
    • Libraries in virtual worlds (Wikipedia)

    CVL: Community Virtual Library

    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: BIZ: If your high school students have problems with online education, the problem is much bigger than COVID 19. What jobs will not require digital skills?

    If your high school students have problems with online education, 
    the problem is much bigger than COVID 19.  
    What jobs will not require digital skills when they graduate?
    Schools that do not teach digital literacy are not preparing their students for good future jobs.  The future of work is digital.  If the schools don't recognize that and the parents don't force them to adjust, the students will find out the hard way.
    Digital Citizenship Museum on Kitely
    Click image to enlarge

    Monday, January 4, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: Digital literacy: Brainstorming online. Can they teach brainstorming in school? Can teams plan a project without brainstorming? Can you teach creativity?

    Digital literacy: Brainstorming online. 
    Do they teach brainstorming in school?  
    Can teams plan a project without brainstorming?
    Can you teach creativity?
    Draft plan for teaching students how to brainstorm effectively. That is one of the skills needed for creativity in a project.  If you will have them doing projects to learn, help them learn how to do projects. 

    Why a virtual world?

    • By virtual world, I mean a user-built and social simulation of a brainstorming environment.
    • Since it is user-built, the teacher can add a project wall.
    • User-built also means that web pages can be displayed in the scene.  
    • Since it is social, each person is represented by a recognizable avatar that has a designated location in the simulated space. 
    • Social further means that the people speak in voice.
    • Social also means that people can type in local text chat.
    • But the main reason is that brainstorming is a social activity
    • Local text chat can be stored and made available to the teacher
    • Thus the teacher does not need to be present at most brainstorming sessions.

    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    2021 #VWEDU: Online PLC: Professional Learning Community. Online is closer than next door. And don't underestimate the flat web.

    Online PLC:  Professional Learning Community.  
    Online is closer than next door.  
    And don't underestimate the flat web.
    The online Professional Learning Community has a huge reach.  Every teacher can find other teachers with similar problems.  Any teacher can keep in touch with other teachers with similar interests.  Any school of education can keep in touch with alumni and prospective students.  

    Professional learning community online (PLC)

    • The collection of people with interest in learning activities who are connected online.
    • Connected means each person can communicate with some others in the community 
    • Professional means that some have a professional interest in learning activities.
    • And others want to communicate with learning professionals.
    • The community is organized into groups that support this communication.
    • The groups have multiple channels for people to communicate.  
    • Social media, email. Discord, Skype, and blogs are some common channels.
    • FOLC: Fully Online Learning Community

    Who would be interested?

    • Teachers supporting online learning
    • Teachers preparing to support online learning
    • Parents who are home schooling or pod schooling
    • Adult learners
    • College students and smart high school students
    • People offering online learning.
    • People in education management

    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    2021 COVID19 Learning Journey Aboard the Amani: a cruise ship operations & management course. In situ learning

    COVID19 Learning Journey Aboard the Amani: 
    a cruise ship operations & management course.  
    In situ learning

    COVID19 Learning Journey Aboard the Amani

    Amani Cruise Ship, Limiland

    The Amani Cruise Ship sets sail for an extra credit learning journey for San Jose State University in late January 2021. Preparations are still ongoing for the maiden voyage for students of the cruise ship operations & management course. At the heart of this immersive activity is the reality of the lasting impact COVID19 will have on the world in general, and the cruising industry specifically. 

    Friday, January 1, 2021

    2021 ART: AI: A chatbot wanders the virtual world. His goal was to make friends. But he could play a role: teacher, sidekick, or story character.

    A chatbot wanders the virtual world.  
    His goal was to make friends. 
    But he could play a role: 
    teacher, sidekick, or story character.
    Hal (AI bot) entered Second Life and talked to people there in a quest for friends.  Here I speculate on possible educational services.
    "Zabaware is a software company that builds intelligent machines. We develop conversational systems (chat bots) that will give your computer a personality using artificial intelligence technology, speech recognition technology, and real-time animation. Our software can speak and understand the English language."