Tuesday, January 29, 2019

2019 EDU: ART: Air painting. Doodleing in 3D. Skywriting without an airplane

Air painting.  Doodling in 3D. 
Skywriting without an airplane
I can show people what I imagine

A new product by Kayaker Magic lets you paint in OpenSim by creating balls and sticks in the air. You draw in the air with your cursor and the objects appear in living color.  Finger painting without the mess. And of course people can collaborate.   

This is a HUD that lets you paint balls, sticks and curves in the air around your avatar on Open Simulator. Wear the HUD, go into mouse-look mode, then paint lines in the air with your cursor and the left-mouse button. The resulting objects are full-perm and you can use them as a fun new way to build things in-world!

  • Buy it here: Space Paint
  • No muss, no fuss, no cleanup after.

Monday, January 28, 2019

2019 BIZ: THEME: EDU: Kitely offers themed "grids". Independent websites using Kitely tech but managed by an organization

Kitely offers themed "grids".  
Independent websites using Kitely tech 
but managed by the user organization

Introducing Kitely Organizations (private grids) that let schools and other organizations have their own 3D places with tech management by Kitely and student management by the school.

The Empty Classroom
  • Themed grids are especially suited to schools.
  • The school and its offerings would be the theme. 
  • The grid would use the name of the school. 
  • The school would manage the student activities.
  • With Organizations, Kitely would do the tech work to run the grid.

Kitely organizations (virtual grids)

  • Introducing Organizations (Virtual Grids)
  • Organizations is in addition to the standard Kitely grid.
  • It has no effect on the people in the current Kitely grid.
  • Unless they want to produce content to support an organization.
  • The main users of Organizations are likely ti be educators.
  • They could buy educational products on Kitely Market for courses.
  • They could rent educational regions for use in courses.
  • Educational regions could be replicas of culturally relevant sites.
  • Credentialed instructors might get positions as adjunct faculty.
  • Adjunct faculty might bring their own instructional content or regions.


Sunday, January 27, 2019

2019 RP: HOBBY: Tessin: Themed place: roleplay adventure: Clothing, combat, crafting, farming

Tessin: Themed place: 
role play adventure: 
Clothing, combat, crafting, farming
Some of the offerings  of Tessin in support of roleplay.
Teleport board to places 
around the island
Click Image to enlarge

Go there

  • Hypergrid address:
  • grid.kitely.com:8002:Tessin
  • Put the HG address in the Find bar of the World Map., Click FindTP

  • Tessin (Web Page)
  • Tessin (Place in Kitely)
  • Tessin is a 4X4 place, that is 1024 by 1024  (= 16 sims) 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

2019 EDU: LIBR: How to use a blog to organize a developing themed collection of information

How to use a blog to organize 
a developing themed collection 
of  information

When we think of organizing a collection of information, we immediately think of a card catalog, a table of contents, or an index.  Or, if we are technical, a database or spreadsheet.  Here I suggest a middle ground, more modern than a card catalog, less technical than a spreadsheet. 

Multiple ways to organize

  • The best way depends on the user's objective.
  • We need a search capability that lets users organize to fit their needs.
  • In developing an organization we need to encourage user input.
  • Organization is to serve the user.

Advantages of collaborative blogs for organizing knowledge

  • Blogs are familiar to all web users,
  • Many hands make fast work.
  • Blogs make stored knowledge easily available to everyone immediately.
  • Blogs can get quick review and feedback (in comments).  
  • Blogs can serve as archives.
  • Blogs contents are available in Google search.
  • Blogs can have their own (in site) search and key term support.
  • Use auto-curation on your blogs


  • Search on page: Ctrl+f gets search bar near the top.   
  • Search planning
  • Common patterns of organization
  • Search offers user choice
  •    Web search
  •    Keywords
  •    Hashtag
  • Methods in books
  •    Table of contents
  •    Index
  • Database
  • Organizing blog: suggested design

Friday, January 25, 2019

2019 TKR 5 Minute Life Lessons with Yanis Varoufakis. Condensed to 1.5 min.

5 Minute Life Lessons with Yanis Varoufakis. 
Condensed to 1.5 min.
In this 5 minute (it's only a snappy 1.5 mins this time!) backstage interview, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis explains why we should all look for a deeper kind of happiness, how a fulfilled life equates to doing good things, and how life itself is inspirational.


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

2019 WW: Events: 3DWebWorldz holds entertainment events. Background information

3DWebWorldz holds entertainment events. 
Background information  

3DWebWorldz shows how to attend entertainment events in a 3D place on your browser.  Watch a live video stream and chat with your friends at the same time.  
Controls used during an event
Click image to enlarge

The controls

  • To get the stream, you need the access code.
  • The access code will appear in the lower left just before the event starts.
  • Click the live events button to open the stream window
  • There is a bar for you to paste in the access code. 
  • Then click the join event button.
  • Click the Region Chat button to chat with others in the audience.

To attend an event

  • Just before the event go to: https://3dwebworldz.com/
  • Yes, that is a web link.  You go to it as to any other web page.
  • Click on it here, save it in your browser or on your desktop.  
  • Or as ordinary text that you can paste into the address bar of your browser.
  • Since there is an event starting, you will enter at the event venue.

To get information about such events


Monday, January 21, 2019

2918 EDU: BIZ: The practical education. Avoid student debt. Go to college on the internet.

The practical education.  
Avoid student debt. 
Go to college on the internet.  

The Empty Classroom

How to avoid student debt


Sunday, January 20, 2019

2019 WW: EDU: Chalkboard Tool in 3DWebWorldz.com, Virtual World in a Web Browser

Chalkboard Tool in 3DWebWorldz.com: 
Virtual World in a Web Browser

Tutorial on how to use the real-time chalkboard in 3DWebWorldz.com (virtual world in a web browser). Essential tool for teachers, online classes, presentations and more.




Saturday, January 19, 2019

2019 VIDEO: EDU: A quick and easy way to get videos of performances in MUVEs (virtual worlds)

A quick and easy way to get videos 
of performances in MUVEs (virtual worlds)
A video capture method is described that offers quick and easy preparation of performance clips for posting, 

Example of easy video from a performance 


  • A technical presentation
  • A comedy bit
  • A single speech in a conference like OSCC
  • A conversation among experts on a specific topic
  • Length: 5 to 10 minutes

Friday, January 18, 2019

2019 WRITE: BLOG: Use auto-curation on your blogs

Use auto-curation on your blogs
If your blog carries evergreen content, you want to think about curating it.  The best curation requires manual intervention, but auto-curating is always up-to-date.
  • About curation
  • Are some of your blog posts evergreen (of lasting interest)?
  • If so, you want to help people to find them in the future. 
  • Blogs stay available indefinitely.  
  • Here are some ways you can help your readers find articles in your blog.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2019 LIBR: EDU: Let's gather a list of educationally useful places on the hypergrid

Let's gather a list of educationally 
useful places on the hypergrid

Updated  2/13/2019
A call for a database of places that might be of use for instruction. A few examples are given. More may be added. Educator resources 
The villa and the road
Vesuvius looms

Not schools but


Monday, January 14, 2019

2019 EDU: Kitely announces virtual campuses for schools (and other organizations): Virtual worlders would say private grids.

Kitely announces virtual campuses 
for schools (and other organizations):  
Virtual worlders would say private grids. 

Overview of Kitely's new service, virtual private campuses, an arrangement that lets schools and other organizations manage the people in their space as they do in the physical campuses they are accustomed to.

Universal campus
Free template

Your virtual campus

Virtual campuses for real organizations

  • Kitely handles the Building and Grounds work.
  • You run the school or organization.
  • You don't teach people  how to register. You register them (batch registration).
  • You register everyone, using a database or spreadsheet from your own records.
  • You don't teach people how to get a viewer and install it. There's an AP for that.
  • You don't teach people to find their classrooms.  You tell that to system. 
  • You don't send people somewhere else to get into to your campus. 
  • You give them a link that opens an entry screen with your organization's name on it.
  • In short, you manage the school, Kitely manages the details.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

2019 WW: EDU: How to Move and Teleport in 3DWebWorldz.com and 3DPortals.com

How to Move and Teleport in 
3DWebWorldz.com and 3DPortals.com

Navigation and Teleport Tutorial video for 3DWebWorldz.com (Virtual World in a Browser, social experience) and the sister site, 3DPortals.com (3D Website World, solo experience). Updated tutorial with new tools, January 2019.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

2019 EDU: MUVE: Themed grids/MUVEs focus on what the customer wants

Themed grids or virtual places, 
focus on what the customer wants

The Empty Classroom

Themes, grids, websites, MUVEs

Friday, January 11, 2019

2019 EDU: WW: Classroom in a browser. Walk in, walk around, interact, chat, have a conversation. Your classroom is wherever you are

Classroom in a browser.  
Walk in, walk around, interact, 
chat, have a conversation. 
Your classroom is wherever you are

Wherever you are and wherever your students are.   All they need is an internet connection and a tablet/laptop, Chromebook or even a modern smart phone.   An instructor would want a bit more.

Take a trip with us through the hallways of MySchool3d on 3DWebWorldz.com to get an idea of how 3D Education in a Web Browser is now possible.  Created by the Website Experts at https://a2zsmartgroup.com

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2019 PROMO: Promote your grid with twitter embed and live chat on the landing page.

Promote your grid or community 
with live chat on the landing page.  

Suggestions for how OpenSim grid owners can increase the promotion of their grids on their landing pages. 
Part of the Littlefield landing page

  • Live chat was not available when we tried.  Littlefield  grid
  • The button offered email contact.  Better than nothing, but not live.
  • Live chat with a real person would be good for marketing
  • You could use an ingrid group (if you are running the grid).
  • You could use free chat software.
  • You could use Frendica
  • Grid: Set up a group for the grid.  Put that chat on the landing page
  • Community: You already are a group.  Put your blog on the landing page
  • Themed grid: Put the chat from your main group on the landing page.
  • Twitter can serve as your timeline and you can embed it in your blog
  • Make a Twitter account for your community or grid.

Monday, January 7, 2019

2019 EDU: The Hero's Journey and Guided Pathways--Peninsula College

The Hero's Journey 
and Guided Pathways

An onboarding video by Peninsula College, based partly on videos taken in MUVEs (virtual worlds).  The video draws on an old literary metaphor and modern technology and incidentally shows something that students could learn to do at the college.  

The Hero's Journey and Guided Pathways is an ongoing project at Peninsula College. It is designed to help students with the orientation process and encouragement to follow their dreams.This is a sneak peak into the Journey. Stay tuned for more! This video was directed and edited by Clara Sue Hill.

You may wonder what the mythical hero's journey has to do with going to college.  See for yourself in Wikipedia: Hero's Journey


Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 WW: WRITE: Video: Jamie and Selby introduce a 3D writer's workshop on the web

Video: Jamie and Selby introduce 
a 3D writer's workshop on the web

In three videos, Jamie and Selby explore the beginning of a 3D writer's workshop that comes in any browser.  The workshop is presented in the form of an interactive story that takes place in the virtual environment created in the browser. Thus it also illustrates a new way to tell stories in a browser.    


Saturday, January 5, 2019

2019 VIDEO: Ricardo Sorciere returns with your pet gorilla, ready to follow you anywhere

Ricardo Sorciere returns
with your pet gorilla, 
ready to follow you anywhere 

Video: scripted follower pets available on Kitely Market. 

Hello Everyone I'm back after a while been very busy with real life work.. here is a sample of my new scripts to animate and follow you around at Kitely grid--Ricardo Sorciere

Friday, January 4, 2019

2019 HOBBY: Tessin: Themed place: roleplay adventure: sailing, combat, farming. Utrechtse Statenjacht

Tessin: Themed place: roleplay adventure: 
sailing, combat, farming.  Utrechtse Statenjacht 

Tessin has an adventure theme with several activities.  This article reports on sailing and a ship of historical interest.  The sailing is supported by Kayaker Magic, a ship-builders and scripter of renown in OpenSim.  Tessin has gathered some respected assets of OpenSim to support its adventures.

Go there

Hypergrid address:
Put the HG address in the Find bar of the World Map., Click FindTP

Tessin (Web Page)
Tessin (Place in Kitely)
Tessin is a 4X4 that is 1024 by 1024  (= 16 sims) 


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 WRITE: The pecan pie murder. A 3D story in first draft for the writer's workshop

The pecan pie murder.  
A 3D story in first draft 
for the writer's workshop

Nara's Nook Virtual Writer's Colony continues its development of a writer's workshop with a 3D detective story. This article presents the beginning of the story.
 Bromley is dead

Spoiler alert

  • The developing short story is a murder mystery.
  • This article may have information that would spoil the mystery.
  • This article is for writers, not mystery fans.


  • Talia Sunsong
  • Nathan Adored
  • Selby Evans
  • The Art 

First draft

  • This is a first draft.  It is bound to change.
  • The first draft does not have to be good.
  • It just has to be done.

Go to the mystery MUVE
