Sunday, May 31, 2015

2015 VIDEO: COMEDY: Laughing at Lauren's. Hilarious Hillary by Veritas Heliosense

Laughing at Lauren's.  
Hilarious Hillary by Veritas Heliosense

Comedy at Lauren's place.  Cookie sim, Second life every Tuesday at 5:00 PM SL time.

Lauren's Place

(More after the break)

News and Notes

    Friday, May 29, 2015

    2015 TKR: Being One--get your whole head behind you. A truly subversive idea

    Being One--get your whole head behind you
    A truly subversive idea


    Do you sometimes feel that parts of your mind are pulling in different directions? You may be right. Your brain does a number of jobs at the same time. Those jobs run in different parts of your brain. The parts don’t all march to the same drummer. Here are a few simple things you can do to get the parts in step. Then you are the drummer.
    • Some people just talk a good game.
    (More after the break)

    News and Notes

      Thursday, May 28, 2015

      2015 BIZ: TKR: Self Employment Summit - RSA Spotlight

      Self Employment Summit - RSA Spotlight
      Here are some short extracts from the day long summit the RSA hosted in February, in partnership with Google and Etsy, bringing together leading thinkers to explore the causes and consequences of the boom in self-employment.

      (More after the break)

      News and Notes


        Wednesday, May 27, 2015

        2015 HELP: PROMO: Set who can change your BOPS (for Firestorm)

        Set who can change your BOPS (for Firestorm)  
        Usually you want a Browser-on-Prim (BOP) to work like a browser. That means any user can scroll it and go to other urls with it .  But for some purposes, you don't want other people changing the display.  Here is how to set up a prim  to control who can change the display.
        Texture panel items
        for creating browser on prim

        Click image to enlarge
        How to set a Browser-on-Prim (BOP) to limit who can change the display
        (More after the break)

        News and Notes


        Tuesday, May 26, 2015

        2015 EDU: HG: Why an OpenSimulator Virtual Campus? REDgrid, of Ball State University.

        Why an OpenSimulator Virtual Campus?  
        REDgrid, of Ball State University.
        REDgrid is a virtual instructional and research environment built for Ball State University on the virtual world platform of OpenSim.  Stephen Gasior, the creator, here describes the advantages and disadvantages he has found in offering instruction in virtual worlds.   
        BSU Entry
        • REDgrid, the OpenSim home of Ball State University
        • Web Site:  Redgrid
        • HG address.  Paste into the world map next to Find
        • Click Find, then teleport if the place is found.  
        (More after the break)

        News and Notes

        Trilinea Short Poetry Workshop-Tue, 5/26, 7pm SLT 

        This week the Short Poetry Workshop revisits the Trilinea poetry form, which is a three-line poem of 4-8-4 syllables and must use the word “rose” in the poem. Join us as we explore the Trilinea and learn, write and share your own. 


        Monday, May 25, 2015

        2015 EDU: VIDEO: BIZ: The RezMela™ approach

        The RezMela™ approach
        Rezmela uses virtual worlds to create learning environments rapidly, easily and with no steep learning curve. Here are a few videos demonstrating how it works.

        How you build your scene
        (More after the break)

        News and Notes

        Sunday, May 24, 2015

        2015 ART: Intrinsic Gravity by Still

        Intrinsic Gravity by Still

        (More after the break)

        News and Notes


        Friday, May 22, 2015

        2015 BIZ: PROMO: HG: Help people get to your Hypergrid place.

        Help people get to your Hypergrid place
        Updated 7/5/2012
        Cookie Welcome point 
        Click image to enlarge
        • An educator reported on starting classes in a virtual world:
        • 50% of the students had problems getting to the right location.
        • You want people to be able to get to your place easily.
        • Make it easy for people to do what you want them to do.
        • For HG the ideal is "one click does the trick."
        • From anywhere: Hypergrid, same grid, same sim, same parcel.  
        • That's not available yet.  But Firestorm is partly there:
        • Firestorm hops: Textable travel links; for the HG BeatThis list? Barely
        (More after the break)

        News and Notes

        Thursday, May 21, 2015

        2015 BIZ: Don't worry about backups for those documents you make on your computer!

        Don't worry about backups for 
        docs you make on your computer!
        Q: I don't need backups?
        A: Sure you need backups.  Just make them free and automatic. Then don't worry.
        • You make important docs.  You know you need to back them up. 
        • And you will.  As soon as you get around to it.
        • You always have your stuff backed up.  Always?  Well almost always...
        • Will you have your stuff backed up when your hard drive crashes?  
        • Of course not.  When you are working hard and getting a lot done...
        • You don't have time to do backups. That's when your hard drive crashes.
        (More after the break)

        News and Notes

        Wednesday, May 20, 2015

        2015 BIZ: A new way to make change--Seth Godin. It all starts Monday, June 15

        A new way to make change--Seth Godin
        I would like to be able to recommend this project, but I have not taken it.  I have followed Seth Godin's blog for years and can recommend what he is saying.  His description of what he is offering makes a lot of sense.  But don't take my word.  Check him out for yourself.  See the links in this article.

        Comments by Selby

        • Real education is not about what you have read.  It is about what you can do.
        • You learn from practice.  
        • If you practice reading, you will get better at reading.
        • If you practice doing something, you will get better at doing that.
        • What job market do you want to be in?
        • Education is not delivering content, but engineering an environment where learning occurs.
        Seth Godin: "This is not an online course. It’s a community focused on learning together, a connected, virtual group of ruckusmakers in search of doing work that matters. There are no magical techniques, locked video tutorials, exclusive content that only students in the course see. In fact, it’s not about content consumption." 
        (More after the break)

        News and Notes

        Tuesday, May 19, 2015

        2015 HELP: HYPERGRID: How can I find sandboxes and freebies in the HG worlds?

        HYPERGRID: How can I find sandboxes 
        and freebies in the HG worlds?
        Click image to enlarge

        Click image to enlarge

        (More after the break)

        News and Notes

        Monday, May 18, 2015

        2015: ART: BIZ: My first edition: first bronze art work from the virtual worlds

        My first edition: first bronze art work 
        from the virtual worlds
        Art and business?  Sure, if there is money involved.  This is a statue, initially cast in pixels.  In virtual worlds, artists work in pixels.  Then the art went to China as bits over the internet.  Then 3D printing as plastic.  Then transformation into wax.  A ceramic coat to handle molten bronze. Then melting temperatures to lose the wax.  Finally molten bronze to replace the pixels.  It finally became a "real" statue.  
        "Shattered"  in Bronze
        (More after the break)

        News and Notes

        Sunday, May 17, 2015

        2015 TKR: EDU: Mind change

        Mind change
        Leading neuroscientist Susan Greenfield considers the vast range of technologies that are creating a new environment around us, and asks: how can we ensure these powerful forces bring out the best in us, and allow us to lead more meaningful, more creative lives?



        News and Notes

        Friday, May 15, 2015

        2015 OPENSIM: HELP: The OARshop and selling sims on the web

        The OARshop and selling sims on the web

        OpenSimulator archives (OAR) can save all the necessary asset data so that you can fully restore the terrain, region parcel data, the textures of objects and their inventories when loaded onto a completely different system using a different asset database.  But OARs are of no use unless you can find what you want.  That is where the aggregator comes in: The OARshop.
        • You want a particular kind of scene on your sim.  
        • Somebody probably has just what you want.  
        • But you don't know who.
        • You have just finished building out a great sim.  
        • It looks just like you wanted it to.  
        • It probably looks just like a lot of other people want, too.
        • Some of those would probably pay you for a copy.
        • But you don't know who they are.  
        • And they don't know who you are.
        • This is a job for The OARshop
        (More after the break)

        News and Notes


        Thursday, May 14, 2015


        Updated 6/19/2015
        You need a way to work with clients or students in a way that is immediate, shared, visual, visceral and changeable to meet changing needs of the process.

        Invited post by Greg Crim and Niela Miller

        If you are 

        • an educator
        • counselor
        • social worker
        • coach
        • group facilitator
        you know how to work well with others in person.  But what about in the world of Second Life?  The lack of physical proximity presents some challenges.  Simply thinking and talking about ideas does not have the power of conceptually visualizing and manipulating them in real time.  You need a way to work with clients or students in a way that is immediate, shared, visual, visceral and changeable as the process goes on.

        Wednesday, May 13, 2015

        2015 PEOPLE: Bay city community celebrates 7th anniversery with parade, live music. May 17th, 12:30 p.m. SLT/PDT

        Bay city community celebrates 7th anniversery with parade, live music. May 17th, 12:30 p.m. SLT/PDT
        Anniversary participants are asked to gather at noon SLT/PDT on Sunday, the 17th of May, to lineup for the parade at the bandshell in Bay City - Harwich. The parade will make its way down Route 66 beginning at 12:30 p.m. SLT/PDT, concluding at the Bay City Fairgrounds in the North Channel region.

        BAY CITY, SL  - Bay City is entering it's 7th year as part of Second Life. To celebrate, Residents and friends of the popular mainland community will host their annual parade as well as a live music event.

        Anniversary participants are asked to gather at noon SLT/PDT on Sunday, the 17th of May, to lineup for the parade at the bandshell in Bay City - Harwich. 

        Tuesday, May 12, 2015

        2015 HELP: OpenSim scripting resources: OpenSim Scripters (G+), Showcase trail

        OpenSim scripting resources: 
        OpenSim Scripters (G+), Showcase trail
        OpenSim presents some of its scripters at the Hypergrid Safari and on a G+ community.
        Scripting Showcase Trail
        Click image to enlarge
        • At Hypergrid Safari place
        • HG address: Paste in world map next to find button, 
        • Click Find and Teleport if found.
        • Plaza
        • Firestorm hop: paste in Nav bar, enter 
        • hop:// Plaza/71/24/22

        Monday, May 11, 2015

        2015 GAME: BIZ: Tank hockey game: the design process in collaboration

        Tank hockey game: 
        design process in collaboration
        Handy Low and Ramesh Ramloll work together in Kitely to develop a simple, action-packed mini-game in Opensim

        "We are keen on designing simple action packed mini games in opensim. Here we describe such an attempt, trying out various game mechanics. After watching the clip, let us know your own thoughts about how create better rules for this game."

        Sunday, May 10, 2015

        2015 TKR: Daniel Levitin on managing information overload

        Daniel Levitin on managing information overload
        In this excerpt from the event, Daniel Levitin explains how our brains organise a flood of information, and how we can harness that understanding to be more efficient, and less stressed in an increasingly wired and distracted world.

        Modern society is in a state of data deluge, and our brains are struggling to keep up with the demands of the digital age.

        Friday, May 8, 2015

        2015 HELP: Why don't you run a grid on your own computer? Maybe good for content creators

        Why don't you run a grid (SOAS) on your computer?  
        Speaking for myself, it is because I've got other things I prefer to do and because I am in virtual worlds to work with people, not computers.  But I report on on this aspect of Opensim because some of my readers may be interested in running Sim on a Stick

        This is me running opensimulator on a Raspberry Pi 2.   Just so there is no confusion the Raspberry Pi is not running the viewer, just the server and physics simulation are on the Pi.  The viewer is running from my Asus ROG G750JH running opensuse 13.1.  My raspberry pi is running the latest fully updated raspbian and Mono 3.12.0 and BulletXNA for physics and the latest OpenSimulator code... --Nebadon Izumi
        • Benefits for content creators
        • Disadvantages
        • How to

        Thursday, May 7, 2015

        2015 HYPERGRID: KITELY: Your Kitely world page is your web presence. Are you getting full use of it?

        Your Kitely world page is your web presence.  
        Are you getting full use of it?
        Well, neither was I until I thought about it.  Do SEO.  Link directly to your world from social media and webpages.  Put links to relevant web page(s) and Google+ communities. Insert pictures of your place (preferably with people doing something).  Link to your community calendar.  
        Example: Manage World panel
        • My Worlds--{name of your world}--Manage {Right hand column}
        • Tip: When inserting links, choose open link in new window. 
        • The above screenshot is only an example.  That world is private.
        • (So I can change it without messing with our promotion plans)

        Your Kitely World Page is a web page.  

        • People can find it in Google search.
        • People can find it in a search of Explore Worlds.  
        • People on Kitely can use it to get to your world in one step
        • They just click the Enter World button.
        • If they are in a hypergrid world, they can use the hypergrid address.
        • You can provide the Firestorm Hops to places in your world.
        • To get the hop from Firestorm, click the navigation bar and copy.
        • You could put the text and links you would put in a notecard for visitors.  

        Similar features may be available in other grids

        • OpenSimWorld may work as your web presence if you list there.
        • I am reporting on Kitely because that is where I can test things.
        • If you know of another grid with something like the world pages,
        • Post a description in the comments section of this blog.
        • If I get new info, I will update this article or create a new one. 

        Wednesday, May 6, 2015

        2015 PROMO: EVENTS: HELP: OpenSim Google Calendar Users: Community formed

        OpenSim Google Calendar Users: 
        Community formed
        Updated 11/24/2016
        The Hypergrid needs a HG community calendar. Or maybe a set of calendars.  Google calendars look to me like the right thing because they are widely used and set up for collaboration.  But Google calendars have mysteries and tech problems.  So shawnkmaloney Craftgrid  has created a community especially for people interested in using Google calendars to promote events on OpenSim.
        • Ask about problems you are having with Google calendars.
        • Describe new ways to use Google calendars in virtual worlds.
        • Ask how to do something with Google calendars in virtual worlds
        • Announce a new Google calendar you have posted. 
        • Suggest Google calendars you would like to see.
        • Tell new information you have found about using Google calendars