Saturday, February 29, 2020

2020 ART: WW: 3DWebWorldz Installation art in a web page. Minimalist art

Installation art in a web page.  
Minimalist art in a browser. 

Minimalist installation art in a dance venue makes the audience become part of the art.
Minimalist art: 
dance hall

Friday, February 28, 2020

2020 Virtual: #VWEDU: OSCC19 SCENEGATE VIEWER--Thales group and IMA. For OpenSimulator and other digital scene creators.

Thales group and IMA.  
For OpenSimulator and 
other digital scene systems.
This presentation from Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA) and Thales Group discusses development of a new open source viewer for the OpenSimulator community focused on improvements in usability, accessibility, and interoperability. 

Development is driven by inclusive “design thinking” while adding capabilities for the future to address gaps in development aimed at the needs of new users and those with different abilities that may be digitally marginalized.  

Use SceneGate


Thales and IMA

The SceneGate Viewer project is one of several R&D projects integrated with decentralized OpenSimulator development supporting the mission to advance virtual worlds, virtual reality, and synthetic environments. 
The work of IMA and Thales is directed toward broadening use of the Metaverse for Public, Education, Industry and Government sectors but the digital-3D community as a whole benefits from open source.



Visit me on the web

  • Drop by my web offices Weekdays: 12:-12:30 pm Central time (US)
  • I am available for free consulting on any topic in this blog.
  • Cybalounge and 3DWebWorldz (Orientation room)
  • I will be in both places, so you may need to speak to get my attention.
  • Web-worlds, 3D virtual worlds running in a browser. Summary
  • And we can visit the Writer's Workshop on the Web
  • Don't register -- enter as guest.  


  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Annotated screenshots made with Jing
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google.
  • Selby Evans in Kitely and hypergrid, Thinkerer Melville in Second Life.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2019 DTA: Managing the media streams in SceneGate. For OpenSim (user level)

Managing the media streams 
in SceneGate. For OpenSim (user level)
SceneGate and other virtual world viewers offer 3 kinds of media streaming: audio (mainly for playing music streams), video, and media on a prim (BOPs).   Here are instructions  for users on how to manage them.

Onscreen buttons 
to control sound 
  • To get the sound control panel, hover the cursor over the speaker graphic
  • The sliders on that panel let you adjust the volume of the sound channels

Use SceneGate

Monday, February 24, 2020

2020 #DTA: #VWEDU: Vocabulary learning from the beginning: Can the DTA evaluate beginner performance? How?

Vocabulary learning from the beginning:
Can the DTA evaluate beginner performance?  

Immediate feedback is needed for optimal learning conditions.  A computer is limited in what it can evaluate.  But in a scene under its control, it can give feedback to support vocabulary learning and well up into the more advanced language skills. 
The Empty Classroom
Off to learn a language

Can DTA evaluate beginner performance?

  • The DTA can present interactive scenes to give context for learning concrete vocabulary words,
  • It can record and file learner responses. 
  • It can best support learning if it can evaluate the responses and give immediate feedback.
  • Or if it can arrange for others to give the feedback.
  • Conveniently, this feedback is only to support learning.
  • It does not have to be recorded.  It just has to happen.  Indirect evaluation.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

2020 COMEDY: Feb. 2020: Lauren's place, Tuesdays at 5:00 PM Pacific NSFW*

2020 COMEDY:  Feb. 2020: Lauren's place,   
Tuesdays at 5:00 PM Pacific NSFW

Jan.-Feb. collection of comedy from Lauren's place:   WyNott,  Catboy, HiTechAmouretta, Randy, Jamie, Synnove

          Saturday, February 22, 2020

          2020 #VWEDU: #DTA: Entrepreneurial thinking and design thinking for the virtual world Digital Teaching Assistant

          Entrepreneurial thinking 
          and design thinking for 
          the virtual world Digital Teaching Assistant 

          Entrepreneurial thinking discovers an opportunity to market a new product or service.   Design thinking develops a plan for producing and marketing such a product or service. A Digital Teaching Assistant is potentially a new product or service.  A collaboration of ideas.  This article is explicitly licensed Public Domain (CC0).

          Group meeting in a virtual world
          Click image to enlarge

            Friday, February 21, 2020

            2020 VW: WW: #VWEDU: #DTA Use-targeted learning plan for schools in digital worlds. Learners can pick the skills they need for the uses they intend. Gamified as a model

            Use-targeted learning plan in digital worlds.
            Learners can pick the skills 
            they need for the uses they intend.
            Gamified as a model
            A gamified plan for learning how to use digital/virtual worlds is offered both as a suggestion for teaching the use of virtual worlds and as a model for gamification in other educational contexts.  This article is explicitly licensed Public Domain (CC0).

            Practice goal setting 


            • Use-targeted learning plans rest on units of competency-based learning.
            • Use-targeted learning plans put the units into clusters of skills needed for practical objectives.
            • And they arrange each cluster into subclusters that can mark stages of learning progress.
            • The learner sees demonstrable achievement milestones marking progress.
            • And, for the more advanced uses, the learner can choose the objective.

            Proposed roadmap for instruction in the use of virtual worlds

            • Identify the uses
            • Identify the user levels
            • Specify the skill sets required for each use-level combination.
            • Organize tool buttons and instructional units to fit the skill sets.

            "Game" elements

            • Clearly specified goals and levels. (Practice goal seeking)
            • Closely spaced levels allow frequent achievements.  (Growth mindset)
            • User choices in targets and paths (Independence)
            • Levels based on what the learner can do.  (Objective success) 
            • Skills focus rather than "knowledge" focus.  
            • "Game" is in quotes because the elements serve for learning, not just for games.

            Tuesday, February 18, 2020

            2020 #VWEDU: BIZ: Want a digital campus for your school? There's an app for that. Actually several. Here are some on RezMela Apps (Kitely grid)

            Want a digital campus for your school?  
            There's an app for that.  Actually several.   
            Here are some on Kitely grid.

            A Kitely region showing the use of several Rezmela Apps to build spaces with no need to know much about building in virtual worlds.

            An app-built place

            • Not just the building. The trees and shrubs, everything.
            • You still have to decide what you want. 
            • And tell that to the app.
            • But you don't have to learn to build.

            Go there

            Monday, February 17, 2020

            2019 #VWEDU: #DTA: GAME: Any learning task in school is a game if you want it to be. Turn study into a game

            Any learning task in school is a game 
            if you want it to be.
            Turn study into a game.

            What people do in education is much like what people do in games.  Educators can use the principles of games to enhance the effectiveness of education.
            Learning in a game?

            Start with a puzzle

            • People voluntarily work to solve puzzle games like this. 
            • They learn answers to things that are of no lasting importance.
            • Just because they like the game.
            • Education has a more efficient system.
            • Give them all the answers at the start.
            • Don't let them waste time figuring things out for themselves.
            • After all, education already has all the answers.
            • Except how to make education as attractive as games.
            • Puzzle: Finding the answers teaches something more than being given the answers
            • What do students not learn when you give them all the answers?

            Here is an opportunity for inquiry-based learning

            Sunday, February 16, 2020

            2020 #VWEDU: BIZ: #DTA: SceneGate OpenSim viewer with beginner and extended modes. Summary

            SceneGate OpenSim viewer 
            with beginner and extended modes.   
            Updated 6/10/2020

            A collection of articles about SceneGate, a viewer designed for use in OpenSimulator grids.  SceneGate has a number of features designed to help specific groups of users, such as beginners, students, people with disabilities and attendees at meetings.  This article will be updated with new articles when they are posted.
            Scenegate full screen
            Click image to enlarge
            • For beginners
            • For experienced users
            • For the educator bundle 
            • For marketing OpenSim
            • Future plans
            • Background

            Use SceneGate

            Friday, February 14, 2020

            2030 WW: Starting in 3DWW: Simplified screen controls for new people, especially guests.

            Simplified 3DWW2020 screen controls 
            for new people, especially guests.

            Beginner-friendly revisions to 3DWebWorldz are explained.
            Beginner buttons for 3DWW
            Click image to enlarge
            • Hover the cursor over a button to see what it does.

            • You can enter the three dimensional place 3DWebWorldz as a guest.
            • No registration, nothing to install--it runs in your browser.
            • Since you don't register, the system won't know you when you come back.
            • And you don't want to try everything the place has to offer anyway.
            • So the buttons on the starter screen only do what a guest can reasonably do. 
            • Even those are more than you will want to do on your first visit.
            • So after the break I will tell about the buttons in use clusters.
            • Web-worlds, 3D virtual worlds running in a browser. Summary


            • Move, walk around
            • Talk
            • Chat (Type)
            • Events
            • View
            • Lighting adjustment
            • Fix the wonkies

            Tuesday, February 11, 2020

            2020 #VWEDU: TKR: ART: Symbolic Modeling as a creative process. In a user buildable digital place you do it without clay, paper, or paint. And with people from around the world

            Symbolic Modeling as a creative process.  
            In a user buildable digital place you do it 
            without clay, paper, or paint. 
            And with people from around the world

            Creativity thrives in a user-built digital place. We are the users.  We are the builders.  We are the creative digital citizens of this digital universe.   Here we see how we can use this makerspace to create art with a meaning.  The creativity lies in the art and in the meaning.
            Introduction to the Creative Process and Symbolic Modeling

            Go there:

            Monday, February 10, 2020

            2020 Digitals: OpenSim: SceneGate and Firestorm: their scripts don't mix easily. It helps to know what to expect.

            SceneGate and Firestorm: 
            their scripts don't mix easily.  
            It helps to know what to expect.

            A bit of information on how SceneGate may display an existing script saved in Firestorm.  
            Top of script in SceneGate

            Edited from Firestorm script
            • Note that what was stored was in mono.

            A little problem

            • People probably stick to one viewer when scripting.
            • If you do that, you can ignore this article.
            • But some people are starting to use SceneGate
            • Some people will modify a script that was saved in Firestorm.
            • They may get the unexpected result above.  
            • There is really nothing wrong.  It just looks that way. 
            • The full story below the break.

            Sunday, February 9, 2020

            2020 WW: COMEDY: Comedy show on the web. Not just to watch. You can talk, perform, make videos

            Comedy show on the web.  
            Not just  to watch.  
            You can talk, perform, make videos

            Developing comedy plans at Selby's place in 3DWebWorldzHere is the place to try out your comedy act before a small friendly audience.
            The stage at Selby's place 
            Click image to enlarge

            I can perform?

            • Yes--and:
            • You can get a video of your performance
            • You can get it on YouTube
            • You can get your friends to watch your video.
            • Maybe you can get other people to watch your video. 
            • You can use the video to look for ways you can do it better.
            • You can use it as an audition tape to look for a gig at the local comedy club.

            Has anybody done all that?

            • Sure.  In a virtual world.  My friends and I have been doing it for years.
            • Here are performances in the last few years:  Our Comedy Channel
            • Who?  Anyone who wants to do comedy.
            • When? Any time you can get your friends together on the web.
            • Where? In a virtual world on the internet.
            • As near and easy to reach as your computer.  
            • Your neighbors down the street may not want comedy.
            • But on the internet, your neighbors are all over the world.  
            • And with virtual worlds on the browser, they can just drop in anytime.
            • Want to see it?  Click here: 3DWebWorldz.
            • How?  No shows scheduled there as yet.  We are looking for performers.
            • You can come talk to me at my scheduled time -see after the break
            • I might even be able to get video of your comedy act.
            • If you can't make that time, leave a comment on this blog and we can find another time.
            • Like a comedy show in your living room without the beer. 
            • Links to previous videos of comedy shows after the break.

            Saturday, February 8, 2020

            2020 #VWEDU: #DTA: "Learning" objectives for descriptive knowledge. The limitations of academic knowledge

            "Learning" objectives for descriptive knowledge. 
            The limitations of academic knowledge

            Getting descriptive knowledge about a subject makes a student able to describe some things about the subject.  It also practices study skills.  But if the practice only reaches recognize and recall it may not be teaching (or evaluating) all the skills needed for effective study.  This article is explicitly licensed Public Domain (CC0).
            Any teaching plan should start 
            with learning objectives

            "Learning" objectives for descriptive knowledge

            • "learning" in quotes because the objectives are about descriptive knowledge.
            • The objective for descriptive knowledge would be phrased "learns that..."
            • The ellipsis would be a noun clause saying what the learner is to recall.
            • In contrast, a skill objective would be phrased "becomes able to..."
            • Here the ellipsis would be a verb phrase describing an action.
            • skill objective aims at learners doing something.  
            • knowledge objective aims at learners telling about something.
            • How does a learner get descriptive knowledge?  
            • And how do you know that the learner has gotten descriptive knowledge.
            • And why does the learner need to get this unit of descriptive knowledge?

            Friday, February 7, 2020

            2020 OpenSim Fest 2020. August 28th-30th, 2020. Showcasing merchants this time, as well as Performers and exhibitors

            OpenSim Fest.  August 28th-30th, 2020.  
            Showcasing merchants this time, 
            as well as performers and exhibitors

            "This is our second year of running Opensim Fest and with last year's success we are pleased to say that we will be running it again this year. We have a new cohort of the community joining us that has not traditionally been part of the event. So this year we will have builders (Exhibitors), performers, and merchants."

            OpenSim Fest 2019 

            Click image to enlarge

            "There are two parts to the festival; the first is the weekend of live performances on the Opensim Fest grid on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of March 2019. and second. you will be able to visit the region via the hypergrid to see the exhibits until the 6th April 2019. Nearer the time of the festival a full schedule will be posted and pages will be posted to the site with a full list of performers and exhibitors."

            Tuesday, February 4, 2020

            2020 #VWEDU: #DTA: The learning game and the conquest of the Lims.. The generic education game. What can the Digital Teaching Assistant manage?

            The learning game and the conquest of the Lims.. 
            The generic education game.  
            What can the Digital Teaching Assistant (DTA) manage? 

            The case for the education game.  Why education is already a game, though many educators are reluctant to accept the view. And how the fully managed environment of the digital world can support gamification. This article is explicitly licensed Public Domain (CC0).

            People like games
            • Why do so few like education?
            • They don't see it as a game.
            • The education system does not present it as a game.
            • Some are trying:
            • Gamification in education (search)

            The generic education game

            • The student is in perpetual conflict with the Lims (limitations).
            • The Lims hold territory in Skilland that the student wants to rule over.
            • Some territories, such as the skill set of driving a car, the student wants to use.
            • Other territories, such as the skill set of doing math, the student is told to want.   
            • For children the teling is by the educational system: Courses they have to pass.
            • They must get the skills to  to win the game and get out of school:  Student thinking.  
            • Adolescents and young adults will (we hope) transition to breadwinner thinking.
            • Either view favors growth mindset.  
            • Breadwinner thinking goes beyond passing courses to using the skill.
            • The education game is a serious game.  

            After the break

            • How is education a game?
            • Why view education as a game?
            • What is the use of the generic education game?