Theft of digital content.
What can we do about it?
Part of successful selling is creating and maintaining a brand valued by potential customers. Content creators in virtual worlds may want to pay more attention to the brand they are creating, especially if they are interested in suppressing illegitimate sales of their products.
- Content theft quietly demoralizing for creators – - Hypergrid Business
- Metropolis deletes infringing content, plans more bans
- Creators: you are creating your brand; whether you attend to that is up to you
- Fashion show Feb 11 at Kitely Market Fashion Expo
- Property Rights in a Virtual World
- Online Markets
Protect your brand
- Put your brand on/in each of your products so people can recognize your products.
- Tutorial: how to add text watermark using free software like Windows Paint
- Blockchain-Based Avatar Fashion Now Available In High Fidelity's Blockchain-Protected Market
- Promote stores, markets, and places that remove illegitimate content.
- Promote stores and markets that sell legitimate copies of your products.
- You can promote by reposting their posts wherever you can.
Promote your brand
Know your potential market
- Of course you know your market. They are the ones who buy from you.
- The rest of your potential market does not buy from you.
- They never heard of you. You don't sell where they can buy.
- And you never thought of them as potential customers.
- What DragNDrop for web-worlds means for inventories
- Avatars on the web. Ruth 2.0. DragNDrop. Paper dolls
- Content Creators: If some markets are shrinking, look for potential growth
Intellectual property
Intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect.[1][2] Intellectual property encompasses two types of rights; industrial property rights (trademarks, patents, designations of origin, industrial designs and models) and copyright.[3][4][5][6][7] It was not until the 19th century that the term "intellectual property" began to be used, and not until the late 20th century that it became commonplace in the majority of the world.[8] --Wikipedia
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