Niela Miller: Arts
Processes in Education
– Marly Milena
Guest post
Session presented at Friday, March 16 at;
5th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference
March 15-17, 2012
Second Life
I have been developing new ways to use SL's technology, ie, building, textures, digital photos and painting, to enable students and clients to do problem solving by creating symbolic representations of the self, an idea or a challenge and to work directly with the creation for increased insight, awareness and options. I will do a few demos showing students how to make use of SL tools and we will discuss various applications for teachers and students involved in meaning-making curricula such as philosophy, psychology, or any learning situation in which participants are free to explore ideas and creative solutions to problems.
Bio(s): Niela Miller
Niela Miller, M.S. Education & Communications, is known as Marly Milena in Second Life. She has been designing and implementing creative learning experiences since she arrived in SL in 2007. Her group inworld is called Octagon:Creative Exploration.
She has a background in many arts, education, organization development, group facilitation and humanistic psychology. She has worked in many venues including corporations, non-profit organizations, academia, medical environments and professional conferences. Her main interest is training people who work with people in any capacity, such as teachers, therapists and coaches, how to enhance what they already do by adding arts processes and models from humanistic psychology. She is a composer, fine artist and writer.
PeopleSystems Potential
Foillowing is a transcript (with permission) of the session,
which was conducted in local chat.
[08:08] Marly: Here is one I call CRYING FOR A WORLD ON FIRE, the part of me that grieves about a world subject to violence and natural disasters. Sometimes I will have the parts talk to each other.
[08:38] Marly: At the end of the session
we invite anyone who wants to build something together based on the music they
are hearing.
– Marly Milena
Guest post
Session presented at Friday, March 16 at;
5th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference
March 15-17, 2012
Second Life
I have been developing new ways to use SL's technology, ie, building, textures, digital photos and painting, to enable students and clients to do problem solving by creating symbolic representations of the self, an idea or a challenge and to work directly with the creation for increased insight, awareness and options. I will do a few demos showing students how to make use of SL tools and we will discuss various applications for teachers and students involved in meaning-making curricula such as philosophy, psychology, or any learning situation in which participants are free to explore ideas and creative solutions to problems.
Bio(s): Niela Miller
Niela Miller, M.S. Education & Communications, is known as Marly Milena in Second Life. She has been designing and implementing creative learning experiences since she arrived in SL in 2007. Her group inworld is called Octagon:Creative Exploration.
She has a background in many arts, education, organization development, group facilitation and humanistic psychology. She has worked in many venues including corporations, non-profit organizations, academia, medical environments and professional conferences. Her main interest is training people who work with people in any capacity, such as teachers, therapists and coaches, how to enhance what they already do by adding arts processes and models from humanistic psychology. She is a composer, fine artist and writer.
PeopleSystems Potential
Foillowing is a transcript (with permission) of the session,
which was conducted in local chat.
Arts Processes in Education – Marly Milena
[08:08] Marly:
Welcome, teachers, students and Second Life residents and friends.
[08:08] Marly: In the
short time I have today, I would like to talk about the creative ways that I
have been using Second Life technology as an extension of what I have done in
my regular career.
[08:08] Marly: I
combine a background in many arts, education and psychology.
[08:08] Marly: I am
excited about the potential of Second Life for teaching and learning, whether
it is in content areas such as literature or history, or in the exploration of
the human psyche and the interactive community.
[08:08] Marly: I have
a little slide show which illustrates some of my projects. My friend and technical assistant, Ludo here,
will also contribute as a demonstration subject and as someone who has
participated in many of my classes and workshops.
[08:08] Marly: My
group in Second Life is called Octagon:Creative Exploration and I invite any of
you who plan to be around SL and are interested in creativity, education and psychology to join my group.
[08:08] Marly: I will
be talking about four different projects we have developed here. The first one, VISIONS OF SELF involves photographs, paintings and sometimes
a combination of the two.
[08:08] Marly: In
this project I ask people to make self-portraits on their computers and upload
them to SL. Here are a few of mine and
one of Ludo's.
[08:08] Marly: I will
briefly describe what I might do with
them in a Visions of Self workshop.
[08:08] Marly: In
this exercise, I might ask each person to represent different aspects of the
self---they can be from real life or their virtual world experience.
[08:08] Marly: Here
is my SLOTH, the part that says, I just like lying here doing nothing, contemplating
existence, just BEING.
[08:08] Marly: Here is one I call CRYING FOR A WORLD ON FIRE, the part of me that grieves about a world subject to violence and natural disasters. Sometimes I will have the parts talk to each other.
[08:08] Marly: These
parts of the psyche each have their own agenda but all live in the same body so
it is important that they know each other and can get along and even draw on
each other's strengths.
[08:08] Marly: This
is a way to gain insight and new ideas that goes beyond just thinking or
talking alone.
[08:09] Marly: Here
is Ludo's self-portrait. In this one, there are two separate figures.
[08:09] Marly: Even
if she didn't identify with one of them when she was doing the picture, when we
set up the dialogue between them, something can be learned.
[08:10] Ludo: I
identify with the jester in this picture. She is dancing with others in a
beautiful fountain, and wondering why the dark hovering fellow isn't dancing. I
seldom identify with the dark fellow, who was supervising for the sponsoring
In this picture I'm dancing with others in a beautiful
fountain, and wondering why the dark hovering fellow isn't dancing. But
sometimes I identify with the dark fellow who has responsibilities and will not
be distracted by enjoyment.
[08:10] Marly: Once a
month, I do a program in SL with a Danish fellow who teaches coaching and
related subjects in SL
[08:13] Marly: We ask
volunteers to choose a challenge to work on and use the geometric shapes
available in the Create program to symbolize different aspects of the
[08:13] Marly: The
purpose is to gain insight, get clearer about the nature of the issues
involved, possibly play with solutions or integrations.
[08:16] Marly: Some
people come to SL to play and others to
create, build and teach. They have
different points of view about commitment here.
So, Ludo, let's create the two sides and set up a dialogue between
{Ludo makes an orange ball and says this is the uncommitted
playing around person. Then she makes an aqua cube and says this is the person
who's here with a purpose.}
[08:19] Serena
Offcourse: You are doing well...
[08:22] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): Oh yes, I can see that better too.
[08:23] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): It makes me think of the immovable object and the
irresistable force.
{Ludo kicks the orange ball around, then talks as the cube,
“Come join my project. Here's something you can commit yourself to.}
{Ludo replies as the orange ball. “Commit? I'm here to have
fun.” Marly suggests that the two be
combined in some way. Ludo makes the cube bigger, saying, “Those that have a
purpose here get bigger. They have more influence.”}
{Ludo put the ball on top of the cube, to symbolize that the
fun we have here depends on the foundation the committed people build. Marly
suggested that the cube should trap the ball. Ludo hollowed the cube and the
ball fell inside.}
{Marly asked the ball to talk. “Oooh, this is interesting,
but I keep bumping into the walls. I think I'll hop out.” The ball hopped out.
The cube chased the ball and enclosed it again.}
[08:25] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): Ah ha!
[08:25] Pim Peccable:
[08:26] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): lol
[08:26] Serena
Offcourse: Yes it does makes sense - both can learn from each other...
[08:26] Serena
Offcourse: THey both have strengths
[08:27] jesz
Murakami: can they recog that they are one
[08:27] Serena
Offcourse: Or aqua can be on it's side and allow Orange to come and go as it
{Ludo turned the cube
{Marly asked if anyone taught English Literature.
[08:28] Serena
Offcourse: I do
[08:28] Serena
Offcourse: but not Shakespeare
[08:28] Marly Milena:
This project is based on using literature, specifically monologues from
Shakespeare to make a bridge between the archetypes in literature and
contemporary life. The Avatar chooses a monologue, finds a costume, makes a
piece of art expressing the energy of the character, and we have an interactive
dialogue with the audience. Here are two samples of art pieces depicting each
of our characters.
[08:28] Serena
Offcourse: Only 3rd grade
[08:29] Nisse
Anatine: I was a TA for a Brit lit college course in SL
[08:29] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): I coach writers. My husband teaches music and Shakespear college

{Marly shows her picture of Cleopatra, that she did when she read a monologue from Cleopatra in her Shakespeare's Women event.}
[08:29] Serena Offcourse: Great painting
[08:30] James at Lloud (lloud.laffer): oh yes, I see the egyptian headress
[08:30] James at Lloud (lloud.laffer): yes
[08:30] Marly: The Avatar chooses a monologue, finds a costume, makes a piece of art expressing the energy of the character, and we have an interactive dialogue with the audience.
[08:30] Serena Offcourse: :-)
{Marly asked if anyone could think of modern women who fit the stereotype.}
[08:32] Serena Offcourse: Nice connection!
[08:32] Wisdom Seeker (lissena): Lady Gaga?
[08:32] jesz Murakami: hi Oona
[08:32] James at Lloud (lloud.laffer): Nice!
[08:32] Serena Offcourse: Exactly who I was thinking of
[08:32] Wisdom Seeker (lissena): Madonna too and Rihanna
[08:33] jesz Murakami: who was the one using a male double -- reminded me of Ludo's double
[08:34] Wisdom Seeker (lissena): J-Lo?
[08:34] Ludo: I am wearing the garb I wore when I performed Kate's final monologue from Taming of the Shrew. I explained afterwards that the art is a heraldic device I imagined for Kate.
[08:34] Ludo: Kate was a dragon, and people feared her flaming tongue. Tamed by Petrucio, she did not become weak. She became Petrucio's war horse, able to use all her word-wit to fight the other wives.
[08:35] Pim Peccable: apt metaphor
[08:35] jesz Murakami: yes j-lo
[08:35] Wisdom Seeker (lissena): Great ideas!
[08:36] Marly: Here are two samples of art pieces depicting each of our characters.
[08:36] Ludo Merit: More pim
[08:36] Marly: I will briefly mention another project called COMPOSERS AND ARTISTS IMPROVS and show you some illustrations. We gather instrumentalists who improvise with artists who can spontaneously create.
[08:37] Marly: The
musician starts an improvisation and the artist builds something that expresses
the energy of the music. The audience
participates with sharing poetic images in the chat box.
[08:38] Marly: Then
we reverse the process and have the artist start first and the musician
improvise to what he or she sees.
[08:39] Pim Peccable:
nice photo
[08:39] Marly: This
is, as you can imagine, a lot of fun and also teaches participants to keep
their visual and auditory senses alert and responsive.
[08:39] Marly
(marly.milena): CESL
[08:39] Marly: And
now, if you have comments or questions please write in the chat bar and put an
asterisk after your finished comment or question.
[08:40] Marly: Feel
free to contact me, Marly Milena, about my Second Life programs and resources.
[08:40] Pim Peccable
[08:42] Marly Milena:
if you have comments or questions please write in the chat bar and put an
asterisk after your finished comment or question.
[08:43] Ludo Merit:
Hurry up or I'll hog the comments!
[08:43] Pim Peccable:
[08:43] Nickhelas: Im
new to SL but how often do you use SL for education
[08:43] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): Do you work with people who don't have experience with second life?
how do you acclimate them easily so they stay?*
[08:44] Ludo Merit:
We aren't recruiting people from first life and bringing them in, the way so
many are.
[08:45] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): OH I see Ludo, thank you.
[08:45] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): great question Marly
[08:45] Hedda
Hazelnut: That's great to see some new people!
[08:45] jesz
Murakami: actually what makes SL excessable is meeting ppl here so one knows
its not a game*
[08:45] Nisse
Anatine: I got ideas from it.
[08:46] Nisse
Anatine: *
[08:46] jesz
Murakami: Yess Marly - excellent presentation and is very kool that it is texted
as well so whats been said is transcriptable [savable] **
[08:46] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): me too
[08:46] Nisse
Anatine: :)*
[08:46] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): I think this is an exciting way to work with the whole person, from
a neuroscience point of view especially. *
[08:46] Hedda
Hazelnut: Sorry I was late as I came from another session but do you have any
kind of special funding to help people get the resources to access SL?*
[08:47] Ludo Merit:
Octagon doesn't, Hedda.
[08:47] Ludo Merit:
IM me. *
[08:47] Hedda
Hazelnut: Oh yes, tips are helpful.
[08:47] Pim Peccable:
For those that want a transcript, I will have one in approximately an hour .
just let me know
[08:47] Nisse
Anatine: I don't know if this is a Q for you, but I am curious about art
therapy programs available in SL*
[08:48] Hedda
Hazelnut: I went through those a long time (years) ago.
[08:48] Nickhelas:
What kind of people do you teach? Are they from around the world or just one
[08:48] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): where do we leave the tips?
[08:48] Nisse
Anatine: Thanks*
[08:49] jesz
Murakami: ; )
[08:49] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): *
[08:49] Charlize
Bellic is Offline
[08:49] Marly
(marly.milena): NLP House
[08:50] Nisse
Anatine: NLP house in SL?*
[08:50] Ludo Merit:
Wisdom Seeker, we don't have our tip jar out, I assume because it's against
policy, but the vWBPE probably has one at the gateway.
[08:50] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): thanks for the tip!
[08:51] Nisse
Anatine: I am *
[08:51] Nickhelas: Im
from sweden :)
[08:52] Ludo Merit
[08:52] Hedda
Hazelnut: Ludo, landmark for the sim?*
[08:53] Nickhelas:
Thank you :)
[08:53] Marly
(marly.milena): NLP House
[08:53] Hedda
Hazelnut: Nice to meet you Nick!
[08:54] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): It's so true! The community here is amazing.
[08:55] Nickhelas:
Cool to be here, hehe
[08:55] Marly
(marly.milena): Prism Lila
[08:55] Ludo Merit:
You can get to Prism Lila by using the world map and tping to the center, where
all the info is
[08:55] Ludo Merit:
Hey are we supoosed to advertise?
[08:55] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): Naturally.
[08:56] Pim Peccable
[08:56] Pim Peccable:
they asked first
[08:56] Hedda
Hazelnut: Hmmmm..
[08:56] Hedda
Hazelnut: We all need more info.(:
[08:56] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): There's no transfer of money - it's just useful
[08:56] Nickhelas: I
really need to go to the bathroom, be right back ><
[08:56] Hedda
Hazelnut: TY!!!!
[08:56] Pim Peccable:
VWBPE would like to thank everyone for attending today. We would also like to
ask for your participation in the special events we are having during VWBPE.
[08:56] jesz
Murakami: TY TY
[08:56] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): I typed in octagon: creative exploration and was told it didn't
[08:56] Ludo Merit:
Pim has transcript
[08:57] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): as a group
[08:57] Ludo Merit:
Ask him.
[08:57] Pim Peccable:
I will edit it and can deliver later today
[08:57] Ludo Merit: I
think khe's makikng one from the actual chat
[08:57] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): seaRCH
[08:57] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer) says oops, 'speak' left open
[08:57] Wisdom Seeker
(lissena): OKAY
[08:57] Nisse Anatine
is Online
[08:58] Nisse
Anatine: YEs - I got to it from her profile.
[08:58] Hedda
Hazelnut: Yes, great got the group!!
[08:58] Ludo Merit:
Octagon:Creative Exploration. No spaces after the colon
[08:58] Anatoly
Learner (anatoliy.learner): I joined to this group "OCTAGON:Creative
[08:58] James at
Lloud (lloud.laffer): Ok - best wishes everyone. RL calls me away. Enjoy the
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