Videos from the virtual world
Updated 4/4/2020
Videos and articles about videos in the virtual world. Organized links.
Updated 4/4/2020
Videos and articles about videos in the virtual world. Organized links.

- Video articles in this blog
- Virtual World Video G+ community
- Flying Saucers Return: A pilot (Episode 1): a product of virtual worlds
- Machinima: Virtual World Filmmaking
- Art videos from the virtual world
- Theater and story
- Information, promotion, education
- Comedy videos from the Virtual World
- Music Videos from Virtual Worlds, Summary
- YouTube Second Life Channel
- New Media Arts, Inc
- Machinima: Virtual World Filmmaking
Theater, stage, and Story
- The Hindsight Zone: Once Upon a Time in November
- VIDEO: ART: Death of Death?
- UWA MachinimUWA VIII: Pursue Impossible
- Absinthe, a virtual super model. The Drax Files
- Learned Ladies, Act 1--Moliere. Presented by Avatar Repertory Theater at Art Plays Around
- The Blackened Mirror, Season 2, episode 1
- The Blackened Mirror, Season 1 complete (2012), episodes 1-6
- The Valkyrie, Act I. Excerpts from a performance in Second Life
- Shakespeare's Twelfth Night in SL by The Figaro Stage Company
- Innocence Lost - furry western
- The view from then. A video from the past, too.
- Love in a Virtual World (video)
- Nola Goodbye (Video)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream in Second Life
- Jim comes to tea
- Hobbies: Doing video/machinima in virtual worlds
- Second Life - Motorcycle - E Willy and Bonzzy
- The battle of Puerto Diego
- Video or machinima? Words do make a difference in search (SEO)
- Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Google+ page
- The Wizard & The Ozimal. The Magic of Grendel's Children
- Halloween feature: The Spiders of Jubjub
- Letitia meets the press. Promotion 1 for: Flying Saucers Return
- SL Aviation Magazine - Issue 1
- Redemption Hill Sim Prefab by PANDEMONIUM
- The Osama Bin Laden Killing
- Lost Treasure of the Inca Warrior by MadPea
- HoBo Chronicles: Scenes from Hobo Island
Information, education
- Transcription of video to text: VidReader
- "I Can" A Randt & Hoisan Production
- What is the non-profit commons? Working for social good in the virtual worlds
- VWBPE Video collection
- MAD lab: Mosquitos and mosquito control. Pooky Media
- Time Travelers Episode 6 - Baby Universe
- Magic in the virtual world, a 21-year old entrepreneur
- Second Life machinima used in driving training
- Virtual Harlem Video, the Cotton Club
- Mal Burns: Thinkerer on Inworld Review
- Creations for Parkinson's, the Drax Files. Creativity for health
- Virtual Voice- reviewing the hottest beaches in the virtual worlds
- Cyber Challenge: by John Low, Chief Creative Officer, Carney
- The Dogfather and TBI survivors (Traumatic Brain Injury)
- The Art of Virtual Reality @ University of Massachusetts, Lowell
- Bobbekins interview: Real-time animation in children's books
- One Billion Rising (Second Life event)
- Veterinary Medicine Class in Second Life
- Insight from the song of the dial-up modem -- Rhonda Lowry
- A year in Second Life by PookyMedia
- Pooky Media takes on the Tiger Mosquito for California
- Videos from Loyola Marymount University in Second Life
- Be My Guest - The Music. Mixed-reality variety show
- Video Editor agreement template -- by New Media Arts
- Storyboarding from the set. AMP video notes
- Fry's Toothsome delight--behind the scenes
- Virtual worlds let us play again. "SL is like merging Photoshop with a Holodeck"
- The Drax Files: World Makers: MadameThespian Underhill
- DRAX: Dwarfins
- The Drax Files: World Makers: Fantasy Faire/RFL
- Robin Sojourner The Drax Files: World Makers, Episode 10
- The Drax Files: World Makers [ Episode 5: Engrama]
Art, or music mix
- Dancing in OpenSim: Osgrid and Zangid. Okay, we do party a lot
- The Changes Changes - A Randt & Hoisan Production. Video-poetry
- Invictus: Installation art, poetic art of the virtual worlds
- Cute. Elephant. Virtually
- Yellow Submarine: a walk in Pepperland
- Cog & Grog Arcadia Asylum Freebie Center
- Bill Bailey, Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Art by Arcadia Asylum
- FleabotMARS2a
- Virtual Surreality? Moving surrealism? Is what you image real? Are you really imagining?
- Calas Galadhon's "One Christmas Night"
- A Video Christmas Card from Team Wickentower
- Video creators of the virtual worlds, check Patreon for funding
- If you want to sell exclusive rights to videos done in SL, check the TOS
Convienient video capture in Windows 10--any window- Simple video editing with Shotcut, for virtual worlders
- Free video resources for virtual worlds: Screen capture beyond FRAPS
- Video Editor agreement template -- by New Media Arts
- Tropical island to Grand Canyon, digital moon to snow-capped mountains. Sight-seeing is better with friends
- Pandora, an NPC learning lab. An NPC is a body double for an avatar
- NPCS and Holoscenes in OpenSim. Report from HG Safari
- SUMMARY: Resources for video production in virtual worlds
- How to make dancing cows and other tales of the NPCs
- Resources for video production in virtual worlds
- You can download your videos from YouTube. Here 's how
Search terms in bold (keep the caps and colon)- Art videos and videos of art ART: VIDEO:
- Comedy and comedy videos COMEDY: VIDEO:
- Music videos MUSIC: VIDEO:
- Videos in general VIDEO:
- Linden Lab Official: Snapshot and Machinima policy
- Linden: Machinima Friendly Sims
- Linden: Machinima
- Licensing music for internet performance
- What, then, does Machinima in Second Life do?
- Hobbies: Doing video/machinima in virtual worlds
- MachinimUWA VI launches with L$1.1Mil in Prizes
- Linden: Torley's Guide to Making Movies!
- Music scene in Second Life. Enjoy.
- Nashville Music Row, music business in the virtual village
- Hear/see music/video media/BOP in Second Life
- Live Musicians & Singers. Promotes music events
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds
- New Media Arts, Inc
- Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Hobbies: Doing video/machinima in virtual worlds
- Music Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Art videos from the virtual world
- Comedy videos from the Virtual World
- For more on topics like this, circle Selby Evans in Google+
- What do we do in Virtual Worlds?
- Kitely: low cost virtual worlds.
- Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right.
- To find events, scroll down to "Labels used on this Blog," click EV
- Google search this blog: Search bar, upper left--or:
- Put at the end of the search terms
- What is Second Life?
- Annotated screen shots made with Jing
- All original content on this blog is Creative Commons License, attribution only.
- Second Life, Linden, SLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
- This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.
- Ads are from Google
- -
- Drop by my place in Second Life
- Location Link. Click to go or drag to the viewer screen:
- Feel free to send me an IM, notecard, or friend request in Second LIfe or Kitely
- Thinkerer Melville in Second Life, Selby Evans in Kitely
- Google+ page; Virtual World Video
- Lauren is funny; Avatar Repertory Theater
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