Tuesday, May 31, 2022

2022 Brainstorming for writers in the metaverse. Ideas are easy, if... If you develop your ideation skills.

Brainstorming for writers in the metaverse.  
Ideas are easy, if...   
If you develop your ideation skills.
Ideas come easy with practice.  Just save all evaluation till later.
  • Watch on YouTube
  • Visit the scene:
  • https://3dww.a2zsg.com/3dlogin/world/?world=47
  • Visit the main site:
  • https://3dwebworldz.com/
  • Brainstorming
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainstorming

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

2022 #VWEDU: Starting in the metaverse: Second Life University - Viewer Basics. Educators: Here is a way to start your students in a virtual world.

Starting in the metaverse:  
Second Life University - Viewer Basics.  
Educators: Here is a way to start your students in a virtual world.
Educators need an efficient way to teach students how to function is Second Life if they are to bring students in for classes.

Topics Covered in this Video:

  • 0:00 - INTRO: A brief introduction to Second Life University and what to expect in the future.
  • 2:04 - GUIDEBOOK: A quick overview of the new Guidebook and how to remove it from your screen once you are done with it.
  • 2:58 - TOOLBAR: Some details about the toolbar buttons, how to position them, remove them, and also bring them back.
  • 5:39 - TEXT CHAT: https://community.secondlife.com/know...
  • 8:06 - VOICE CHAT: https://community.secondlife.com/know...
  • 10:52 - HELP MENU: Get assistance from our Support Team or information from our Knowledge Base. Learn how how to file Abuse Reports and speak to Boxy 5000 and get answers to some of your questions. https://support.secondlife.com
  • 14:01 - PROFILE: a quick overview on how to update your profile, add an image and text to let other Residents know more about you, all by clicking the gear button in the profile menu.
  • 14:56 - DESTINATIONS: Explore Second Life by using the Destinations tab in the viewer. Learn how to get your Destinations listed. https://community.secondlife.com/know...
  • 19:30 - LAG TIPS: Try derendering avatars and reducing your graphic settings, especially your draw distance, to assist with lag and FPS issues.
  • 23:19 - EEP: Control the lighting and environment by playing with your Environment settings under the World menu. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Envi...
  • 24:06 - SNAPSHOTS & 360 SNAPSHOTS: Click the snapshot and 360 snapshot buttons to take images of your surroundings in Second Life. Learn more about 360
  • snapshots: https://second.life/360
  • 30:03 - SEARCH: Use the search feature to look for Events, Places, and People in Second Life. https://community.secondlife.com/know...

Sunday, May 22, 2022

2022 Metaverse Entertainment. And entertainments production. Yes, you can stream it and post it on YouTube. Maybe build a following and monetize it

Metaverse Entertainment.  
And entertainments production.  
Yes, you can stream it and post it on YouTube.  
Maybe build a following and monetize it
Wannabe entertainers can test and hone their skills in the metaverse.  Here are some examples. 

Monetize on YouTube

Saturday, May 21, 2022

2022 #VWEDUL Metaverse resources and AI for personalized algebra. Video lectures, detailed management of individual learning. Self-paced learning.

Metaverse resources and AI for personalized algebra.  
Video lectures, detailed management of individual learning. 
Self-paced learning. 
Will education be the last place to use AI to transfer routine human effort to computers?  
  • What is it going to take for us to toss the 19th century mass-production model of education onto the trash heap of history and embrace the 21st century model of mass-personalization? 
  • Artificial intelligence is facilitating the delivery of mass-personalization in many aspects of our lives. 
  • From medicine to manufacturing, we see intelligent systems creating personalized solutions to meet the unique needs of every individual. 
  • However, in education mass-personalization is still considered experimental and has not gained widespread acceptance yet. 
  • In this session, we will explore the factors enabling or inhibiting this change. 
  • Dale Johnson, Director of Digital Innovation, University Design Institute, Arizona State University

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

2022 Dating in the metaverse. How it works in Second Life. A discussion by experienced citizens. An inworld dating app!

Dating in the metaverse.  
How it works in Second Life.  
A discussion by experienced citizens.    
An inworld dating app! 
Dating the partner of your choice.  World-wide choice.  LGBTQ friendly.  Meet in the metaverse.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

2022 #VWEDU: Metaverse museums: Meroe Museum, black culture. The metaverse is open to all cultures. From anywhere in the world. Field trips in a computer.

Metaverse museums:   Meroe Museum, black culture.   
The metaverse is open to all cultures.   
From anywhere in the world.  
Field trips in a computer.
Ras Solaris, curator of the Meroe Museum in Second Life, eloquently describes the value of sharing culture as a way to enable an authentic and three-dimensional understanding of the Black community. 
  • Go there:
  • http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Battersea%20Land/59/150/22
  • If you are in Second Life, put the link above in the top bar of the viewer. press enter.
  • MEROE Museum: purpose: provide a safe space for the repository of black culture from across the diaspora
  • and a place for dialog in an effort to resolve many of the conflicts that plague our community.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

2022 VWBPE 2022 Spotlight: Virtual teaching tactics to help a divided world. Global education.

VWBPE 2022 Spotlight:
Virtual teaching tactics to help a divided world.  
Global education.  
How to expand education resources.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

2022 Librarians in the metaverse. Libraries online. Project Gutenberg. Not a dollar for buildings.

Librarians in the metaverse.  
Libraries online.  
Project Gutenberg. 
Not a dollar for buildings.
Library 2.0 thinks of worldwide services that can reach into homes.  


Critical Thinking

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

2022 Metaverse poetry. Short Poetry Workshop in Second Life. People use the metaverse to get together over long distances.

Metaverse poetry.  
Short Poetry Workshop in Second Life.  
People use the metaverse to get together 
over long distances.
Poetry is a hobby.  How can you get together with others who share that hobby?  Everywhere is next door in the metaverse.

Poetry is quite popular in Second Life 

Poetry groups
Click image to enlarge


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

2022 #VWEDU: Education in the metaverse. Online learning together. Learning teamwork online. Professional collaboration

Education in the metaverse.  
Online learning together.  
Learning teamwork online.  
Professional collaboration
The educators of the metaverse are getting organized in multiple virtual worlds.    
  • Watch on YouTube
  • OSCC21: Virtual Worlds Education Consortium across the Metaverse
  • The Virtual Worlds Education Consortium began in January 2021 in Second Life and meets quarterly. 
  • As the metaverse expands, VWEC strives to explore evolving virtual spaces and has a VWEC Pavilion in Kitely to share resources for educators. 
  • Without collaboration and networking, newcomers in virtual worlds find it difficult to navigate to high quality immersive learning experience and often ask “where is everyone?”. 
  • Participants will discover the Virtual Worlds DatabaseVWEC Directory, and numerous educational opportunities in Kitely and other open sim environments.
  • OSCC Presentation archive

Virtual World (Metaverse) events and people.

Why virtual worlds? 

Pragmatics for teachers

  • More efficient use of teacher time. 
  • Computer-based record-keeping. LMS
  • Mobility limits do not affect teachers.
  • Teaching jobs wherever you live.

Pragmatics for management

  • Low facilities cost
  • Wide catchment area for students and faculty.
  • Instructional designers and subject matter expert can be available online.
  • Computer-based record-keeping. LMS

Pragmatics for students

  • Students can advance at their own speed.
  • Quick learners are not held back, slow students are not pressured.
  • Physical bullying is precluded, online bullying creates a record.
  • Students get experience at working online.  
  • Mobility limits do not affect students.

Easy field trips.


Easy access meetings in the metaverse



  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Screenshots from ShareX
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google

Sunday, May 8, 2022

2022 Metaverse for practice by first responders. Role play or serious practice Virtual Tornado Rescue: Training practice.

Metaverse for practice by first responders.  
Role play or serious practice.  
Virtual Tornado Rescue: 
Training practice.
A simulation of a tornado rescue created as an example of immersive learning in a virtual world for education and delivery of library resources. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

2022 In the metaverse you can be the girl of your dreams. Or create her. Here is a video to show you how.

In the metaverse you can be the girl of your dreams. 
Or create her.  
Here is a video to show you how.  
In some metaverse worlds you can make or buy an avatar that is close to your ideal appearance.
  • Watch on YouTube
  • If you are casting a video, make the whole cast to suit you.
  • The notes on YouTube give links to SL locations where you can get the products.
  • If you are not in SL, you can get them here.
  • More videos here.


  • Head
  • Eyes
  • Skin
  • Hair
  • Eyebrows
  • Mouth
  • Najls
  • Wardrobe

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

2022 The metaverse and the future of theatre. “Either the engineers must become poets or the poets must become engineers.”--Norbert Wiener, 1950

The metaverse and the future of theatre.  
“Either the engineers must become poets 
or the poets must become engineers.”--Norbert Wiener, 1950
In the metaverse we can build any scene and make any characters we can imagine.  The theater is finding a home here.
Art and technology are often seen as distinct disciplines. But combining them results in magic. Sarah Ellis, the Director of Digital Development at the Royal Shakespeare Company, teaches us how technology is reimagining the experience of theatre, taking it beyond the stage and into our living rooms.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

2022 Can people hold collaborative meetings in the metaverse? Business meetings where people work together--remotely

Can people hold collaborative meetings in the metaverse?  
Business meetings where people work together--remotely.
A webworld discussion
A discussion and demonstration of how we hold meetings in the metaverse.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

2022 Metaverse neighbors: Meet Your Neighbor: A project of the Nonprofit Commons group in Second Life. A viable metaverse is made of people.

Metaverse neighbors: Meet Your Neighbor:  
A project of the Nonprofit Commons group in Second Life.   
A viable metaverse is made of people.
We don't go into a metaverse place just to look around.  We want to find people who share our interests.

How to find people in Second Life

  • Use ctrl f to open the search panel.
  • Click People in the top menu.
  • Put in the name you seek (copy/paste is best--avoids typos).
  • Send IM or offer friend connection.
Profile of Selby Evans
Click image to enlarge