How to expand your Kitely virtual world
Megaworlds and teleport.
Walk in TP for avatars. Object TP for vehicles.
Consideration of how teleports and object teleports can extend the world for users to more distant points (as subways do for NYC).
- Kitely responded to requests at a Kitely meeting by offering Megaworlds.
- Megaworlds are eight times the dimensions of traditional sims.
- These are a little over 2 kilometers on a side and run on their own server.
- Kitely 8X8 megaworlds (This offer expires Nov. 30).
- Kitely Megaworld. Over 2 KM on a side. With a server to itself. The area of 64 traditional sims. With no sim borders to cross.
- The demand has probably been enough to justify continuing the offer.
- Though the initial price ($100 USD per month) might increase.
- The price will not increase for those who take the current offer.
- Can we go beyond 8x8?