Saturday, September 30, 2017

2019 WW: Promo: Cybalounge: Tutorials and suggestions

Tutorials and suggestions

Updated 4/27/2019
Tutorials and other articles to get you started in Cybalounge.  These have all you need to start putting together a web-world to tell visitors about your favorite topic.  That will work best if you set up welcome times when you are personally there to tell them yourself.  
Tutorial walk in my web-world
Click image to enlarge

Tutorials for building in Cybalounge: contents

  • Managing a Cybalounge world
  • Simple primitives
  • "Scripted" primitives
  • Textured and colored primitives
  • Compound objects
  • Showing web content
  • Inventory management: storing, giving and receiving
  • Collision and physics
  • Collaboration
  • Avatars, animation
  • Persistent interaction with visitors
  • Complete sets for a web show.
  • Managing welcome times, email notification.
  • Chrome search on page: CTRL f opens a search bar upper middle..

Friday, September 29, 2017

2017 WW: EDU: Video visits to virtual worlds on the web: Cybalounge

Video visits to virtual worlds on the web
A tour of web-based virtual world CYBALOUNGE with the ACRL Virtual World Interest Group on Sept 17, 2017. Creator of CYBALOUNGE explains it as a "gateway to virtual worlds" for those who do not want the steep learning curve of downloading software platforms.

  • Nothing to download: access in your browser.
  • No registration: enter as guest.
  • Guests can walk around (arrow keys), talk* to people, visit places.  
  • *Chrome works for talking most of the time.  Other browsers may work.  
  • We can import content from OpenSim.
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Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

2017 MODL: Toys to play with on OpenSim: train engines, balloons to pop, rockets for role play

Toys to play with on OpenSim: 
train engines, balloons to pop, rockets for role play
We have elaborate toys in virtual worlds, but they don't clutter the closet.   Here are videos about three.  This is the kind of content we might use in our upcoming Web Report.  

Learn English suggestion
It would be great if one popped when someone typed the correct word in chat. Or the balloons could even ask a question to be answered, and then maybe give a prize, or just a congratulatory message in chat. Perhaps a scoreboard.   LEO Network


  • The learning plan offers tasks demonstrating achievements of a learning objective. 
  • Success on a task bursts 1 to 5 balloons depending on task difficulty.
  • A learner has a column on the scoreboard.  Each pop creates a balloon in the column.
  • The balloons pile up.  Filling the column to the top is a win.  
  • In competitive play, all learners have a place on the scoreboard.
  • They compete to win early.  But everyone who learns is a winner.
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Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

Twitterverse Short Poetry Workshop, Tue 9/26, 7pm SLT

This week the Short Poetry Workshop presents Twitterverse, which is a short poem of 140 characters or less – just like a Tweet.  So come down to the Short Poetry Library to learn, write and share your Twitterverse.  East Cookie, Cookie (185, 121, 23)

Monday, September 25, 2017

2017 VIDEO: COMEDY: Doc Grun on the afterlife and other things: Virtual Variety

Doc Grun on the afterlife and other things: 
Virtual Variety
Doc Grun does comedy at Lauren's place.  Videos.   Live Capture of a live show. This is the kind of content we will put in the Web Report, Entertainment Section. 

More after the break

Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

2017 WW: Promo: Building a talk-show set in Cybalounge: Tutorial

Building a talk-show set in Cybalounge: Tutorial
My tutorials on Cybalounge now cover almost all you need to build a presentation set.  Here are the the instructions for doing that. with links to the relevant posts.   Educators:  how is this as a way to review instructional content?
5 seat talk-show set
Click image to enlarge
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Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

2017 MESH: IMA: The secrets of mesh, uploading and physics in OpenSim. Simple, clear, accurate

Secrets of mesh, uploading, and physics in OpenSim.  
Simple, clear, accurate
Videos and screen shots by Tampa Powers showing how to upload mesh correctly, explaining Level of Detail (LOD), and showing why attention to LOD and the collision surface matters.

OpenSim - How to upload mesh

Since the changes were made in .9 some people seem to have some trouble understanding on how to upload mesh properly. Maybe I can help by showing how I do it now, which seems to work fine for the most part.

More after the break

Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

Friday, September 22, 2017

2017 PEOPLE: IMA: Godzilla and the boats: Testing the sim and the physics. Research can be fun.

Godzilla and the boats: Testing sim and physics. Research can be fun.
An outing tests physics and gives us a ride around Godzilla.  Content candidate for 3D Web Show, Easy Living Section.  

  • Watch on YouTube
  • The IMA Test Session tried water vehicles on IMA Alpha around our new  Godzilla.
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Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

2017 PEOPLE: AvatarFest 2017 Sharing our light. Starts Saturday, September 23

AvatarFest 2017 Sharing our light.  
Starts Saturday, September 23
AvatarFest 2017 will open its doors on September 23rd. Opening weekend will run until Sept. 24th, exhibits will be open until end of October.  Two days of entertainment, and thirty days of exhibits from people around the hypergrid. Avatarfest - the non-professional end-user focused celebration of life on the hypergrid - will be beginning this coming Saturday, September 23

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Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

2017 WRITE: VID: Promo: Planning for a web report about virtual worlds

Planning for a web report about virtual worlds
Yes, this report is frankly promotion about virtual worlds and active communities in virtual worlds.  It will report on virtual world community activities in areas such as education, art, entertainment, theater/writing, travel, model-building,and disabilities.  The target audience includes people in the "real world" communities interested in these topics, especially those who can be reached in G+ communities, Facebook groups, and other social media outlets.
Set for a talk show in Cybalounge

  • I am planning a video web show, working title:  "The Web Report,"  

The Web Report will have issues (sections) , such as 

  • Educators and Education in Virtual Worlds
  • Travel in the Virtual Worlds.
  • Entertainment in Virtual Worlds.
  • Art in Virtual Worlds
  • Theater and Writing in Virtual Worlds
  • Model-building in virtual worlds
  • Public service organizations in virtual worlds
  • Disabilities Left Behind in Virtual Worlds

To volunteer as an editor or content provider:

  • Contact Selby Evans in Kitely or Thinkerer Melville in Second Life.
  • Or drop into my web-office Cybalounge nonprofit zone
  • My office times: 10:-10:30 California time, weekdays
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Symetrelle Short Poetry Workshop, Tue 9/19, 7pm SLT

This week the Short Poetry Workshop presents the Symetrelle which is a 10 line poem with an unusual symmetrical rhyme scheme. So come down to the Short Poetry Library to learn, write and share the Symetrelle. East Cookie, Cookie (185, 121, 23)

Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

Monday, September 18, 2017

2017 PEOPLE: PLACES: Roland Francis tells about Neiferleaf. People and places in virtual worlds

Roland Francis tells about Neiferleaf
People and places in virtual worlds
Roland Francis tells how he came to create Neiferleaf, his fantasy virtual world

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Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

    Sunday, September 17, 2017

    2017 IMA: PEOPLE: IMAVision: Infinite Metaverse Alliance

    IMAVision: Infinite Metaverse Alliance
    Virtual reality and virtual worlds have something for everyone! Would you like to live in a mansion? Dance with friends across the globe? Race jet skis, tanks or airplanes? Create amazing builds with animation and complicated scripts? Share your creativity? The opportunities are literally and virtually endless. Using a realistic avatar (or some other creation you choose), you can EASILY join the fun.

    After much input from the virtual world community, IMA's vision is clear. Thank you to the community for your images and your thoughts :) Take a look! 
    We always welcome new members to help us reach our common goal to advance virtual technologies for all of us. It's free! 

    You can find community information at or more detailed R&D information at but we encourage you to sign up for both sides of the house. We hope to see you soon!

    An IMA initiative

    More after the break

    Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 

    Saturday, September 16, 2017

    2017 WW: EDU: PROMO: Talk show, presentation facilities available on the web

    Talk show, presentation facilities available on the web
    Updated 9/24/2017
    Meaning: here is a talk show set you can come to on a Chrome browser.  You come as an avatar, talk to a few others or just talk by yourself.  You can live stream the talk to whatever size audience you have.  And for now, all this is free. 
    Demo talk show set in Cybalounge
    • Go to Cybalounge.  You don't need to register.  Enter as guest.
    • Click the pushpin (bottom line) and scroll down to the Web Show world.
    • Wait a bit for the set to load and voice to connect.  
    • Click the Mic (bottom line) to turn on voice.
    • You can talk with your guests, record video, put it on YouTube or elsewhere.
    • Or you can stream live.   Free for now.  
    • The web show: a magazine from the virtual worlds
    • Instructions after the break.
    More after the break

    Metaverse events, recent and upcoming