Frans Johansson: The Secret Truth
About Executing Great Ideas
Actions DO speak louder than words (or tactics, or strategic planning). At the 99% Conference, Frans Johansson illustrates why groundbreaking innovators generate and execute far more ideas than their counterparts.
Frans Johansson: The Secret Truth About Executing Great Ideas
from 99U on Vimeo.
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds
Actions DO speak louder than words (or tactics, or strategic planning). At the 99% Conference, Frans Johansson illustrates why groundbreaking innovators generate and execute far more ideas than their counterparts.
Frans Johansson: The Secret Truth About Executing Great Ideas
from 99U on Vimeo.
News and Notes
- Kitely cuts world startup time in half
- April Kitely Hunt starts April 1: Easter eggs and rabbit holes
- VWBPE Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference: Apr. 9-13 2014
- Kitely is now working on full Hypergrid connection
******- Kitely cuts world startup time in half
- April Kitely Hunt starts April 1: Easter eggs and rabbit holes
- VWBPE Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference: Apr. 9-13 2014
- Kitely is now working on full Hypergrid connection
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds
- New Media Arts, Inc
- Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Hobbies: Doing video/machinima in virtual worlds
- Music Videos from virtual worlds Summary
- Art videos from the virtual world
- Comedy videos from the Virtual World
- For more on topics like this, circle Selby Evans in Google+
- What do we do in Virtual Worlds?
- Kitely: low cost virtual worlds.
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- Annotated screen shots made with Jing
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- Second Life, Linden, SLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
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- Thinkerer Melville/Selby Evans