Tuesday, May 29, 2018

2018 EDU: SUNY Graduate Student Collaborative. Online students need not feel isolated here!

SUNY Graduate Student Collaborative

Collaboration is the strong point of virtual worlds.  And a skill that may not be practiced enough in college.  Here a group from SUNY Empire State College is building a collaborative organization in a virtual world.

New York Graduate Student Collaborative

Go there

HG address:
grid.kitely.com:8002:SUNY ESC GSC
Put the HG address in the Find bar of the World Map, Click Find, TP

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Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


Monday, May 28, 2018

2018 Animation VID: Swim hud in action by Ricardo Sorciere, master scripter and animator

Swim hud in action 
by Ricardo Sorciere, 
master scripter and animator 

Video demo of swimming animation by Ricardo Sorciere, with relevant links 

  • Watch on YouTube
  • It's working on 0.8 at Kitely Grid I'm at Hobo region at cookie.

Cookie II, go there

  • HG address: 
  • grid.kitely.com:8002:Cookie II
  • Put the HG address in the Find bar of the World Map, Click Find, TP
  • The hobo area is a sandbox.  
  • To have build powers contact Selby Evans 
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Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


Sunday, May 27, 2018

2018 COMEDY: May: Two funny places, Tuesday and Wednesday at 5:00 PM Pacific.

May: Two funny places, 
Tuesday and Wednesday 
at 5:00 PM Pacific. 

May: collection of comedy from Laugh Tavern and Lauren's place: Randy, WyNott,  Braydon, Catboy,  Endora, Randy, Synnove.


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      Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


      Saturday, May 26, 2018

      2018 EDU: WRITE: Challenge: Hero's Journey. Game. Learning. Schools. Can you connect these?

      Challenge:  Hero's Journey.  Games.  Learning.  Schools.  Can you connect these?  

      Challenge-based presentation:  I challenge readers to formulate their views.   I offer with some helpful links.
      What is the challenge here?

      Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


      Friday, May 25, 2018

      2018 WW: Your horizon in Cybalounge. Tutorial

      Your horizon in Cybalounge.  

      Instructions on how to use your built-in horizon in CybaLOUNGE .

      Complex horizon 
      and tools to adjust it

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      Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


      Tuesday, May 22, 2018

      2018 PEOPLE: How to become a group facilitator in 7 easy steps

      How to become a group facilitator
      in 7 easy steps

      The secret of facilitating a group is (1) to notice what actions the group needs to function effectively.  And (2) to fill in the actions where needed.  The key is to observe the functioning of the group and supply the needed actions. Here is a summary of the actions you will probably need.

      1. Find a few task-oriented groups.  Join them. 

      • Pay attention to what the other people are doing.
      • Note how that is affecting the progress towards the group objectives.
      • Note what actions are needed to help the group make better progress.
      • The main needs are likely to be:
      • Door opening, agenda watch, road-map, action-items, starter-closer.
      • Group facilitator
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      Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


      Monday, May 21, 2018

      2018 WW: ART: St. James artists in 3DWebWorldz. Art from the Saint James Artisans

      St. James artists in 3DWebWorldz.  
      Art from the Saint James Artisans

      Art from the people of Saint James Artisans. There is a lot more art than people can see in the brick+mortar galleries.  But people all over the world can see art on the web.  We have art galleries at home. 
      In the 3DWW gallery
      Click image to enlarge

      Go there

      • Click 3DWebWorldz 
      • Go to Guest login 
      • On the Login location bar, click the wedge and choose St. James Artisans
      • Click Guest Login


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      Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


      Sunday, May 20, 2018

      2018 WW: Backup your Cybalounge location to a file on your computer. Import a backup

      Backup your Cybalounge location 
      to a file on your computer. 
      Import a backup.

      Make a file copy of your place.  Save it on your computer.  Load it anywhere on Cybalounge.  Give it to your friends for them to use in their place.  Sell it if you make it valuable enough.  Provide it as deliverable on grants and contracts. 
      Edit panel with 
      whole location selected

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      Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


      Saturday, May 19, 2018

      2018 TECH: PEOPLE: Web-worlders will want their own portable database on their own computers

      Will web-worlders want 
      a portable asset database
      to travel the web-worlds?

      Hypergrid technology is creating a grid-independent world-wide community of virtual worlders.   Web-worlds may expand that community.   When we travel to different grids, we want to take our avatar and maybe selected assets. with us.  We can do that on the Hypergrid, but not across web worlds.  At least not yet.
      Presentation Walk
      Click image to enlarge
      • In OpenSim, your avatar and other assets are in a database on your home grid.
      • Each stored item is a data-description of what it is to look like and do when rendered.
      • In Hypergrid, when you take your avatar to another grid, your home grid sends a copy of that data-description to the other grid.  
      • We hypergridders already have a portable asset database at the hypergrid level.
      • We also have Kitely Market, selling into that population.
      • Now that I am also building in a web-world I am missing those amenities.
      • What DragNDrop for web-worlds means for inventories
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      Metaverse events, recent and upcoming
