Saturday, April 30, 2022

2022 Mingling the metaverses. OpenSim conference talks about Decentraland and NFTs.

Mingling the metaverses.  
OpenSim conference talks about 
Decentraland and NFTs.  
OpenSim Community Conference is about all things metaverse, not just about OpenSimulator

Could an OpenSimulator grid sell land with NFTs?

  • Yes, a grid-owner could do that.
  • You can't maintain scarcity, though.
  • Anybody can set up their own grid.
  • Even run it on their own computer if they have enough bandwidth.


Easy access meetings in the metaverse



  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Screenshots from ShareX
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google

2022 Metaverse: the many worlds model. How can the metaverse be decentralized and interconnected? Metaverse hub

Metaverse:  the many worlds model.  
How can the metaverse be decentralized and interconnected?    
Metaverse hub
The many virtual worlds that could assemble into the metaverse are presently disconnected. A hub could start to bring them together.
MyMetaverse hub: automatic entry
  • The web page starts you in a virtual world--a 3D web page.
  • But not the kind of 3D world that requires a thing over your eyes.
  • This 3D world just displays on your screen.  
  • Yeah--the beginner's trial model.  No investment beyond your computer.
  • It will probably even work on a tablet.  
  • This collection takes you into a web-world as a guest.
  • You can't make any permanent changes, but you can click on things,
  • ,
  • More after the break.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

2021 #VWEDU: Metaverse quests: The quest model, serious games, inquiry-based learning. Score-keeping and display, learning principles. Quest template.

Metaverse quests: 
The quest model, serious games, inquiry-based learning.  
Score-keeping and display, learning principles.  
Quest template.
A quest can be for something useful, such as an educational achievement.   
  • Watch on YouTube
  • Go directly to the location
  • Note: you may have to reload to get everything to appear
  • Reload: button, lower left, circling arrows.  
  • Go to 3DWebWorldz.  Medieval quest is under adventures. 

A serious game

  • Learning the nomenclature.  That's learning the names of things.
  • The vocabulary of a foreign language.
  • The correct names for the specialized objects in any technical field.
  • These usually have to be overlearned so that accurate recall is no effort.
  • Treasure hunts can provide serious games to practice that vocabulary skill.
  • They can also  provide formative assessment indicating level of achievement.
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • To introduce a social element, form teams with a team assignment,  

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

2022 The OpenSimlator metaverse is developing. Yes. opensource and decentralized. Not as much hype but you are in control.

The OpenSimlator metaverse is developing. 
Yes, opensource and decentralized.  
Not much hype, but you are in control.
OpeSimulator is free, opensource software.  People run it their own machines and connect with others over the hypergrid. 
  • Watch on YouTube
  • OSCC21: The Metaverse is coming, and OpenSim can show the way
  • OpenSim’s decentralized, open-source, hyperconnected universe 
  • can point the way to how to do it right.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

2022 Metaverse performances Spirit Light Dance Company. An interview with the artistic director, Caryl Meredith

Metaverse performances  
Spirit Light Dance Company.  
An interview with the artistic director, Caryl Meredith  
Dance in the metaverse.  Worldwide audience. Physical limitations don't count. 
  • Watch on YouTube
  • "Performing in VR - PART ONE" Behind the Scenes with Caryl Meredith
  • Artistic Director Spirit Light Dance Company
  • Curtain 0:06
  • Self Introduction 0:21
  • Theatre of Light 1:24
  • Spirit Light Dance Company 2:26
  • "Phoenix Rising Open" (selection) 3:02
  • Self Background 4:09
  • Teaching in VR 4:36
  • "DevaShree" (performance selection) 5:40
  • Performing in VR 6:42
  • Learning VR Performance Tech 7:34
  • "In the Air Tonight" (performance selection) 9:39
  • Intermission 11:03


Saturday, April 23, 2022

2022 The global village, the metaverse. Marshall McLuhan in the Metaverse. The metaverse is the new message. For those who can speak it.

The global village, the metaverse.   
Marshall McLuhan in the Metaverse.  
The metaverse is the new message.  
For those who can speak it.
A video of a class discussion about these ideas.  


Epigraph 0:00 Agenda 0:17 The Medium is the Message 2:36 The Message is Not as Important as the Medium 7:00 Oral Culture 11:30 Visual Culture 13:56 Changes in Human Society 15:22 Print, Knowledge, and Power 19:39 What is the New Medium? 22:21 What is the Basis of Print Media? 24:50 What is the Basis of Digital Media? 26:42 What is the Organ of Digital Culture? 28:39 McLuhan’s Electronic Media 29:27 What is the Organ of Digital Culture? (reprise) 33:20 Tools 36:19 Tools, Techné, and Pharmakon 38:46 David Bowie and the Internet 42:51 The Alien 46:41 Digital Media and Society 50:57 Digital Media and You 55:55 Epilogue 58:29

What is the message here?

  • People write articles about the metaverse.
  • People make videos of themselves talking about the metaverse. 
  • People make videos of their avatar in the metaverse as they talk about the metaverse.
  • People make videos of themselves in the metaverse showing their activities in the metaverse.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

2022 #VWEDU: Metaverse educational simulations. Students can visit the scene instead of just reading about it. Digital field trips.

Metaverse educational simulations.  
Students can visit the scene instead of just reading about it.   
Digital field trips.
The textbooks used to be limited to pictures.  Now that they are online, they can take students to replicas of the scenes. 

  • Watch on YouTube
  • OSCC21: Designing Educational Virtual Simulations
  • Experience and lessons learned in designing virtual simulations for learners in high and low resource settings 
  • Challenges and opportunities for co-creating simulations with globally distributed teams.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

2022 #VWEDU: Metaverse Collaboration with VWEC (at VWBPE 2022). Eduverse: Destination for educators in Second Life

Metaverse Collaboration with VWEC (at VWBPE 2022).  
Eduverse:  Destination for educators in Second Life 
Educators started in Second Life a long time ago.  Now they are assembling there and branching out.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

2022 The early metaverse: Second Life? WSJ says it is now a player in the new metaverse movement. Perhaps its time has come.

The early metaverse: Second Life?  
WSJ says it is now a player in the new metaverse movement. 
Perhaps its time has come.  
Second Life has been operating since 2003.  It seems to have many of the features predicted for the metaverse.  Except maybe the hype.

"Buying" land in Second Life.

  • You "buy" a full region (256m x 256m) for $349
  • That is really a setup charge.  
  • You pay a monthly maintenance fee of  $229
  • But nobody is rushing in to buy up land.
  • No rush, because SL can make all the land people want.  
  • More details.
  • More about Second Life after the break.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

2022 Metaverse: Tips on how to be a smart user in Second Life and OpenSimulator. Change settings on the viewer.

Tips on how to be a smart user 
in Second Life and OpenSimulator.  
Change settings on the viewer.
People learn from experience.  Smart people learn from other people's experience.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

2022 Metaverse fashions: Designer Showcase - Earning money in the metaverse: Making fashions, making videos.

Metaverse fashions: 
Designer Showcase - 
Earning money in the metaverse: 
Making fashions, making videos.
A video about selling fashionable clothing in the metaverse

Sunday, April 10, 2022

2022 Metaverse groups in Second life: Focus on recent: Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain, Land, Events, Games, Music, Shop

Metaverse groups in Second life: 
Focus on recent: Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain, 
Land, Events, Games, Music, Shop
Second Life has groups dealing with all the recent metaverse matters.  It is a piece of the metaverse that has been around for years, developing communities. 

How to find groups 

  • For Second Life and OpenSimulator:
  • Get the search panel: Ctrl f.
  • On the top bar, click groups.
  • Enter a term that fits your interest.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

2022 LIBR: The literary metaverse. Once Upon a Time in Digiworldz. Fairy tales built in 3D.

The literary metaverse.  
Once Upon a Time in Digiworldz.  
Fairy tales built in 3D.   
The ACRL Virtual Worlds Interest Group took a hypergrid jump field trip from Second Life, to Kitely and over to Digiworldz. Fairy tales built in 3D illustrate new ways to encounter literature through immersive learning.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

2020 #VWEDU: Metaverse for immersive language learning. Role play in virtual worlds.

Metaverse for immersive language learning.  
Role play in virtual worlds.  
Language is a social skill.  Learning it takes a social environment. But that does not mean you have to pay people to provide it. 

Sunday, April 3, 2022

2022 The metaverse: English as a second language. After you finish formal lessons you want practice. Find people you can talk to in Second life.

The metaverse: English as a second language.  
After you finish formal lessons you want practice.
Find people you can talk to in Second life.
You want to practice conversations in English?  Meet people in Second Life.  They will talk with you if you stick to subjects they are interested in


  • Lots of courses can get you started in English as a second language. 
  • But where do you go from there? 
  • You need to keep practicing to further develop your skills.  
  • But how do you find English speakers where you live?
  • Try the metaverse.  The language is mostly English.
  • And you can find lots of people there if you know how to look.
  • Metaverse groups: Find people that share your interests. Join the groups and learn of the events. Here are some groups for Second Life.
  • People will want to talk to you about their interests.
  • So you need to join groups that share some on your interests.
  • And you may have to go to meetings in the middle of your night.
  • But during the day in Europe and the Americas there are about 45.000 people online. 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

2022 #VWEDU: Metaverse for education. Not like a classroom. More like a field trip. EDUmetaverse

Metaverse for education.  
Not like a classroom.  
More like a field trip.  
The EDUmetaverse is a collection of 35+ Virtual Worlds. Designed to change the way students learn online or face to face. Opening up worlds of learning possibility.