Quick Quotes about setting goals

- The reason quotes stick around is that they fit lots of things.
- So look them over.
- You may find one that fits you.
- Or somebody you know.
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with choosing where to go.
- If you do what you've been doing, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news?
- Your success lies not in satisfying others but in satisfying yourself
- If you want motivation, make your own choice.
- The key to motivation is choosing the goal.
- Your goal is where you are going. Whether you notice it or not.
- If you don't know where you are going, you won't know when you get there.
- The secret to getting there is to know where you're going.
- If you don’t know where you’re going, you'll wind up somewhere else.
- The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to like what you have to do.
- Motivation means having your whole head behind you.
- If you don’t have goals, you don’t need motivation.
- If a thing is worth doing, it is worth knowing why you are doing it.
- Can you find satisfaction if you don’t know what will satisfy you?
- The tire model for motivation: People do best at the right pressure.
- Irregularly conjugated verb: I am pursuing a hobby. You are wasting time. He is lazy.
- Half-hearted is half-headed. Half headed one way, half headed the other.
- Bloody Mary: If you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?
- If you don’t have goals, other people will provide them.
- Keep your eye on the prize.
- The key to getting people to follow you is to know where you are going.
- Maybe your goal is to be in charge of your moods.
- The secret to getting cooperation is to think about other people's goals.
- The power of a goal is in getting your head together.
- If you don't know where you're going, any road will do.
- Kids want to be something. Grown-ups want to do something.
- If you are going to get the goal, you are going to pay the toll.
- Failure is nature's way of teaching us how not to set goals.
- The secret to getting there is to know where you're going.
- Potential means you haven’t done it yet.
- There is no motivation without a plan behind it.
- The value of a goal is not in having it, but in wanting it.
- How will you know when you're finished? Your goal will tell you
- The race is not to the swiftest. The race is to the ones who know where they want to go.
- Pull works better than push.
- If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well enough to meet your goal.
- You don’t get what you want unless you go for it.
- If you don’t notice when you win, you will only notice when you lose
- Celebrate small victories. Practice for the big ones.
- If you don’t know what the goal is, how will you know when you've won?
- If you don’t know where you’re going, somebody else will get there first.
- The power of the Hunter is in focusing on the target.
- If you want to find your Hunter, you have to know the game.
- The meaning of life is to be human. First, understand what it means to be human.
- If you don' know where you're going, who will follow you?
- Motivation is not a condition. It is a choice.
- If you let distractions set the cues, you let distractions set your goals.
- You are only independent when you choose your own goals.
- It all starts with you.
- Focus on your goal to put the obstacles in perspective.
- Success is making a living from what you like to do.
- You can't get there till you know where you are going.
- If you don't know where you are going, you could get there and never notice.
- The first question on any job: Do you know what the job really is?
- The Force is with you only when you know where you are going.
- Is what you want worth the cost?
- Do you want to learn to think things through more effectively?
- What are your goals for next year?
- Is your goal to find goals that are worth considering?
- How can you find satisfaction if you don’t know what you want?
- Long-term motivation is made of short-term goals.
- Is your goal to choose a goal to focus on?
- What are your goals for five years ahead?
- Is your goal is pick your most important goals?
- Is you goal to take charge of your habits.
- Notice a few things you are inclined to do. Where would they take you?
- Do you wonder why you don’t know more about your goals?
- Is your goal to hear from the quiet parts of your brain?
- GOAL CERTIFICATE: You have authority to ignore all goals.
- Is your goal to find an obstacle that you can turn into an opportunity?
- Are you always working on a goal? Do you ever sit back to enjoy what you've done?
- Is your goal to stop underrating yourself?
- Is your goal to be able to relax?
- If you want to know what goals you should have, ask around. People will tell you.
- The key to getting people to follow you is to know where you are going.
- Do you know what goals you should have? Are these really your goals?
- Is your goal to be in charge of your moods and feelings?
- The secret to getting cooperation is to think about other people's goals.
- Do you want to make sure people don't underrate you?
- Your goal is where you are going. Whether you notice it or not.
- Notice what you want to do. Where would that take you? That’s your goal.
- Short term goals combine to make long-term motivation.
- The best luck goes to those prepared to use it
- What have you been doing recently? Where will that take you?
- Is your goal to explore possible goals?
- What are your goals for tomorrow?
- Is your goal to get better use out of what your brain can do?
- What are your goals for next week?
- If you don’t know your goals, check your resources. They know what you can do.
- You have authority to choose the goal that takes the least effort.
- What are your goals for next month?
- Is your goal to figure out what you want? Or what you can get?
- If you want to stop a habit, do you always use an instead?
- What were you doing yesterday? What was your goal in doing that?
- Is your goal to get better at getting what you want?
- The power of the Hunter is in focusing on the goal.
- Do you want to get more confidence in what you can do?
- If you have no plan, you have no goal.
- If you don’t have goals, you don’t need to focus.
- Can't is the worst of the 4-letter words.
- I could not wait for success, so I did it anyway
- The value in winning lies not in what you get but in what you learn about yourself.
- If you don't know where you are going, you may not like it when you get there.

- What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 2012
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- Annotated screen shots made with Jing
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Thinkerer Melville/Selby Evans
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