Monday, August 31, 2015

2015 COMEDY: VIDEO: PEOPLE: At Lauren's place: Life's Best Quotes

At Lauren's place: Life's Best Quotes
Thinkerer (Selby Evans) delivers comedy lines from the internet.

  • (More after the break)

News and Notes



      Sunday, August 30, 2015

      2015 TKR: Knowledge is Beautiful

      Knowledge is Beautiful 
      Data journalist, designer and founder of the blog sensation 'Information is Beautiful' ( David McCandless visited the RSA to demonstrate how visualized information can help us comprehend, navigate and find meaning in a complex world.

      • (More after the break)

      News and Notes



          Thursday, August 27, 2015

          2015 WRITE: The Whitechapel atrocities, investigation continues. Timeline violation or fiction?

          The Whitechapel atrocities, investigation continues. 
          Timeline violation or fiction?
          A story from history.  With no ending from history.  Some of the scene rendered here. More to show.  A call for detectives.  Interactive fiction, storybuilding Of interest to writers, historians, journalism teachers, educators, and mystery fans. 
          Click image to enlarge

          Go there

          • (More after the break)

          News and Notes



              Wednesday, August 26, 2015

              2016 MULTIMEDIA: ART: The art of multimedia in the metaverse

              The art of multimedia in the metaverse
              Updated 9/7/2016
              Virtual worlds are made by people, and for people.  With a little skill, you can make the world you want to show. You control the sounds, the sights, the colors, the movements, the whole environment.  If you can make music, you can also make the visuals.  Just as Disney could do in Fantasia, but without the cost.    Multimedia art in the metaverse is the art of putting these things together to create  a new art in the new medium of virtual worlds.
               Torben Asp, Second Life, July 2013 

              Tuesday, August 25, 2015

              2015 PEOPLE: EDU: Learning for life. Learning for living.

              Learning for life.  Learning for living
              Life-long learning.  No legal requirement.  And when you are retired, you get paid for staying alive.  You don't have to know anything.  But if you get comfortable with not learning anything new, maybe you won't know anything but the past.  But you may not be comfortable with just the past.  That is called curiosity.  Here are some ways to treat it.  
              Voluntarily housebound?  Yes.  By choice.  Oh, I walk outside on occasion, when the weather is nice.  And I go out once in a while for medical attention.  And I chat from time to time with the people in old folks home where I live.    Most of my friends are online in the virtual worlds where I also live.  They are younger.
              • (More after the break)

              News and Notes


                GeoPoetry Short Poetry Workshop-Tue 8/25, 7pm SLT - 

                This week at the Short Poetry Workshop we’re doing GeoPoem which is a short poem based on a geographic location anywhere in the world, specified by latitude and longitude coordinates ("lat-long"). A GeoPoem has two stanzas of 6 lines. The digits in the lat-long determine the count for each line. So join us at the Short Poetry Library as we travel the world through poetry.


                Monday, August 24, 2015

                2015 EDU: PEOPLE: Living in the New Digital Learning Age

                Living in the New Digital Learning Age

                Are you a confident creator?  Are you among the held back?   Are you a safety firster?  It matters for your future.  Think how things were in 2001.  Have you handled any changes?  Did you cope with them?  Did you master and use them?  Will there be any changes in the next 15 years?  How will you deal with them?   

                The new digital learning age has three main groups who experience technological change in different ways: the confident creators, the held back and the safety firsters. Anthony Painter, Director of Policy and Strategy at the RSA, discusses the attributes of each group and how a ‘cities of learning’ initiative could help more people benefit from the new digital learning age. 
                • (More after the break)

                News and Notes


                  HG WIP Show Sun. Sept 6, 20
                  PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,
                  SciFi Film FestivalSummer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis
                  Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                  Sunday, August 23, 2015

                  2015 ART: WRITE: Poem visualized and voiced. "Folding Time", by Chic Aeon

                  Poem visualized and voiced.  
                  "Folding Time," by Chic Aeon 
                  Multiple award winning American filmmaker, Chic Aeon's brings us 'Folding Time', a soulful film that touches the very soul. Video and sound to accompany voiced poem.  Is the printed page really the best medium for poetry?

                  • (More after the break)

                  News and Notes


                    HG WIP Show Friday, Aug 21, Sun. Aug 23.
                    PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,
                    SciFi Film FestivalSummer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis
                    Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                    Friday, August 21, 2015

                    2015 WRITE: PEOPLE: Editors--you want to hire this lady

                    Editors--you want to hire this lady
                    Why do I think this lady is an expert in writing a feature story for internet consumption?  Controversial topic.  SEO catching word.  Breaks the limits of virtual worlds.  Invites all readers.  Invites comments from all sides.
                    • (More after the break)

                    News and Notes


                      HG WIP Show Friday, Aug 21, Sun. Aug 23.
                      PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,
                      SciFi Film FestivalSummer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis
                      Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                      Thursday, August 20, 2015

                      2015 EDU: GAME: iCivics: Do I have a right?

                      iCivics: Do I have a right?

                      Civics instruction game. iCivics developed.   Junior State of America applied.  K12 should be interested.  Lots going on.  Does everybody know where the action is? 

                      • (More after the break)

                      News and Notes


                        HG WIP Show Friday, Aug 21, Sun. Aug 23.
                        PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,
                        SciFi Film FestivalSummer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis
                        Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                        Wednesday, August 19, 2015

                        2015 ART: At the WIP Show 8/9, at Cookie II on Kitely

                        At the WIP Show 8/9, at Cookie II on Kitely
                        The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. All builders from beginner to pro are invited.  Presentations are in voice and text.  For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  Voice presentations may be captured in video.  Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog. 
                        • Watch on YouTube
                        • The railway built as a set for this video was presented at WIP 8/9/2015
                        • The Hypergrid WIP Show (Google community)
                        • HG address: Put the line below in the world map, next to Find. Click Find.  TP.
                        • II
                        • In Kitely: put the line below in the Firestorm nav bar, enter
                        • hop:// II/77/373/22 
                        PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,SciFi Film FestivalSummer of Arts submissions open on MetropolisScroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                        Tuesday, August 18, 2015

                        2015 PEOPLE: ART: BURN2, Carnival of Mirrors, Oct. 18­-25, 2015 Get your plot now!

                        BURN2, Carnival of Mirrors, Oct. 18­-25, 2015 
                        Get your plot now!
                        Update 8/29/2015
                        The annual Burning Man event is emulated in Second Life.  Preparations for the event are ongoing now.  You can buy a plot, enter the plot lottery, enter the Juried Art Camp, or simple spread the word in your social media.  Now is the time to start.

                        • You build your art
                        • Burn2 gets you an audience
                        • The power of aggregation 


                        Go there

                        • (More after the break)

                        News and Notes


                          PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,SciFi Film FestivalSummer of Arts submissions open on MetropolisScroll down for News, Notes, and Info


                          Monday, August 17, 2015

                          2015 VIDEO: COMEDY: Flying Saucers Return: A pilot (Episode 1)

                          Flying Saucers Return: A pilot (Episode 1),
                          a product of virtual worlds 
                          Updated 8/5/2015
                          Released: The pilot (first episode) of  a comedy version of the Flying Saucer epics popular in the last century.  A proof of concept about what we can do in the virtual worlds of this century.  This episode was written, cast and "filmed" in virtual worlds.    All sets were built in virtual worlds and the action was captured by machinima.    

                          • (More after the break)

                          News and Notes


                            Tuesday at Wizards Retreat on Cookie II/Kitely Grid

                            PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,SciFi Film FestivalSummer of Arts submissions open on MetropolisScroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                            Sunday, August 16, 2015

                            2015 EDU: GAME: Gaming as training. Training as gaming. Don't write it, put it in the action!

                            Gaming as training.  Training as gaming.  
                            Don't write it, put it in the action!
                            People learn from experience.  Skilled readers can imagine what they read and thus experience it.  Write instructions and you limit your audience to skilled readers.  You don't have to write instructions in the virtual worlds of computer games or of the Metaverse. Here is how you can build instruction into your virtual world.  This instruction is specifically for getting started in the world, but you don't have to stop there. 

                            A look into user experience and how by giving our learners subtle clues we can help to move away from traditional text based instructional approaches.
                            • (More after the break)

                            News and Notes


                              PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,

                              The University of Western Australia (UWA) has launched 'PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE, the 6th UWA Grand Art Challenge and MachinimUWA VIII with a starting prize pool in excess of L$560,000.   Deadline: Midnight SLT, 31st October 201

                              SciFi Film Festival

                              • Deadline for Late Submissions: Midnight – 29 August 2015

                              Summer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis

                              Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                              Thursday, August 13, 2015

                              2015 WRITE: Collaborative fiction blogging in virtual world. Writing does not have to be lonely

                              Collaborative fiction blogging in virtual world
                              Writing does not have to be lonely
                              Build the world for your story in a virtual world.  Bring friends in the world to improvise or role-play the story.  Post episodes as they develop.  Get comments from the readers.  Let them say where they want the story to go.  Probably not the best way to write your second novel.  But maybe of help in writing your first. 


                              • Teachers of writing
                              • Beginning writers
                              • Explorers and experimenters in storytelling
                              • (More after the break)

                              News and Notes


                                PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,

                                The University of Western Australia (UWA) has launched 'PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE, the 6th UWA Grand Art Challenge and MachinimUWA VIII with a starting prize pool in excess of L$400,000.   Deadline: Midnight SLT, 31st October 201

                                SciFi Film Festival

                                • Deadline for Late Submissions: Midnight – 29 August 2015

                                Summer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis

                                Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                                Wednesday, August 12, 2015

                                2015 ART: Transgenia, a world in flux

                                Transgenia, a world in flux
                                A world in flux, Transgenia is evolving slowly after its discovery by an ill-fated research expedition.  Arriving, they found a simple world, covered only in oceans, low land masses, and what looks to be bright green algae.  When they began interacting with the ecosystem, however... it began to change.  It took DNA from them, from their plants and animals, and incorporated it into itself, evolving, mutating, becoming more complex..
                                Arrive at transgenia

                                Links and addresses

                                • Transgenia web page
                                • HG address:
                                • Firestorm hop 1hop://
                                • Firestorm hop 2: hop://
                                • (More after the break)

                                News and Notes


                                  PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,

                                  The University of Western Australia (UWA) has launched 'PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE, the 6th UWA Grand Art Challenge and MachinimUWA VIII with a starting prize pool in excess of L$400,000.   Deadline: Midnight SLT, 31st October 201

                                  SciFi Film Festival

                                  • Deadline for Late Submissions: Midnight – 29 August 2015

                                  Summer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis

                                  Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                                  Tuesday, August 11, 2015

                                  2015 EDU: WRITE: A dark place of dark deeds. Whitechapel, 1888.

                                  A dark place of dark deeds.  
                                  Whitechapel, 1888
                                  A story from history.  With no ending from history.  Some of the scene rendered here. More to show.  But it will take guts to show it.  Of interest to writers, historians, journalism teachers, and mystery fans.
                                  Click image to enlarge

                                  Go there

                                  • In Kitely put the line below in the Nav bar of Firestorm, enter
                                  • hop://
                                  • -
                                  • Kitely web page:
                                  • -
                                  • HG address: Put the line below in your world map, next to Find.  Click Find, TP
                                  • -
                                  • To enjoy Whitechapel fully, please use the region default environment setting
                                  • (More after the break)

                                  News and Notes


                                    Found Poetry Short Poetry Workshop-Tue 8/11, 7pm SLT

                                    This week the Short Poetry Workshop we revisit Found Poetry, which is the art of creating poems based on found words or phrases in articles and other sources. We’ll provide some for you but feel free to bring your own sources. Use any form - Rhyme, meter or syllable or free verse – it’s up to you

                                    PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,

                                    The University of Western Australia (UWA) has launched 'PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE, the 6th UWA Grand Art Challenge and MachinimUWA VIII with a starting prize pool in excess of L$400,000.   Deadline: Midnight SLT, 31st October 201

                                    SciFi Film Festival

                                    • Deadline for Late Submissions: Midnight – 29 August 2015

                                    Summer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis

                                    Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                                    Monday, August 10, 2015

                                    2015 ART: MUSIC: Multimedia art. Echo Starship plays, Fuschia Nightfire accompanies in visuals

                                    Immersive views.  Echo Starship plays.
                                    Fuschia Nightfire accompanies in visuals
                                    Virtual worlds make possible new combinations of arts.  Music quality audio is readily available.  You can fill the 3D world with visuals, so you can produce visual accompaniment to music or to a sound poem.  Or you can produce audio accompaniment to pieces of visual artwork.  Here are examples

                                    • Firestorm hop:  In Kitely, put  this hop in the Navigation bar of Firestorm. Enter
                                    • hop:// II/490/458/100
                                    • Grid address: II (use the hop when you arrive)
                                    • Paste the HG address in the World Map, next to Find. Click FindTP
                                    • (More after the break)

                                    News and Notes


                                      PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,

                                      The University of Western Australia (UWA) has launched 'PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE, the 6th UWA Grand Art Challenge and MachinimUWA VIII with a starting prize pool in excess of L$400,000.   Deadline: Midnight SLT, 31st October 201

                                      SciFi Film Festival

                                      • Deadline for Late Submissions: Midnight – 29 August 2015

                                      Summer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis

                                      Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                                      Sunday, August 9, 2015

                                      2015 TKR: Theodore Zeldin on Searching for a Fuller Life

                                      Theodore Zeldin on Searching for a Fuller Life
                                      Theodore Zeldin has engaged in a lifetime of philosophical study. He now argues that both the greatest problem and the greatest opportunity of the twenty-first century are to be found in our relationships with others.

                                      • (More after the break)

                                      News and Notes

                                      HG WIP Show  Sun. Aug 9.

                                      The Hypergrid WIP Show

                                      The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. All builders from beginner to pro are invited.  Presentations are in voice and text.  For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  Voice presentations may be captured in video.  Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog. 
                                      • HG address: Put the line below in the world map, next to Find. Click Find.  TP.
                                      • II
                                      • In Kitely: put the line below in the Firestorm nav bar, enter
                                      • hop:// II/77/373/22
                                      • Upcoming WIPs: August 7, 9, 21, 23

                                      Previous Articles from the WIP show 


                                      PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,

                                      The University of Western Australia (UWA) has launched 'PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE, the 6th UWA Grand Art Challenge and MachinimUWA VIII with a starting prize pool in excess of L$400,000.   Deadline: Midnight SLT, 31st October 201

                                      SciFi Film Festival

                                      • Deadline for Late Submissions: Midnight – 29 August 2015

                                      Summer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis

                                      Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info

                                      Friday, August 7, 2015

                                      2015 WRITE: Multimedia : Believe: a poem for voice and video

                                      Believe: a poem for voice and video. Multimedia 
                                      A poem about believing. I call it Existentialism 101.  Written and voiced by Selby Evans (Thinkerer Melville).  Art work by Antonio Alza A. (elros Tuominen)

                                      Believe -- a prose poem for voice and video

                                      Outline: The comfort. The call. The challenge. The hesitation. The lunge. The resolution. The closure.
                                      • (More after the break)

                                      News and Notes

                                      HG WIP Show Friday, Aug 7, Sun. Aug 9.

                                      The Hypergrid WIP Show

                                      The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. All builders from beginner to pro are invited.  Presentations are in voice and text.  For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  Voice presentations may be captured in video.  Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog. 
                                      • HG address: Put the line below in the world map, next to Find. Click Find.  TP.
                                      • II
                                      • In Kitely: put the line below in the Firestorm nav bar, enter
                                      • hop:// II/77/373/22
                                      • Upcoming WIPs: August 7, 9, 21, 23

                                      Previous Articles from the WIP show 


                                      PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE: UWA 3D Art & Film Challenges 2015,

                                      The University of Western Australia (UWA) has launched 'PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE, the 6th UWA Grand Art Challenge and MachinimUWA VIII with a starting prize pool in excess of L$400,000.   Deadline: Midnight SLT, 31st October 201

                                      SciFi Film Festival

                                      • Deadline for Late Submissions: Midnight – 29 August 2015

                                      Summer of Arts submissions open on Metropolis

                                      Scroll down for News, Notes, and Info