Friday, June 30, 2017

2016 TKR: Givers and Takers, Agreeables and Disagreeables. Especially the disagreeable givers.

Givers and Takers, 
Agreeables and Disagreeables.  
Especially the disagreeable givers
The disagreeable givers will tell you what is wrong with your idea and then try to help you fix it.

New York Times bestselling author, Professor Adam Grant shows us how to improve the world by championing novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battling conformity, and bucking outdated traditions.
  • (More after the break, scroll down!)

Metaverse events, current and upcoming


    Tuesday, June 27, 2017

    2017 IMA: WG 31 TMFFail succeeds. The benefits of problem analysis

    TMFFail succeeds. The benefits of problem analysis
    Final report on the TMFFail project.  The project developed a  test object/protocol that could reliably replicate the problem.  The project was publicized in a blog article.  It attracted tests and expert opinion.  A fix was developed by one of the OS Devs and placed in the OS 0.9 master.
    The defect appears in two prims on the right
    Click image to enlarge


    Early in June, I wrote about a problem that I called TMFFail
    The problem: when a single texture is applied to multiple faces of an object,
    sometimes a few faces don't change.
    IMA Test WG: Problem analysis tests, objects, protocols: Example: TMFFail
    I suggested that such tests could be a useful contribution by IMA WG31


    • I got a number of helpful responses. 
    • The outcome was that Ubit, an OS Dev, found a way to fix the problem.
    • After the break: details of the findings and 
    • comments on the benefits of test objects and protocols.

    • (More after the break, scroll down!)

    Metaverse events, current and upcoming

    Matariki: Pleiades Short Poetry Workshop, Tue 6/27, 7pm SLT

    Ngā mihi o te tau hou: This week the Short Poetry Workshop celebrates the Māori New Year – Matariki. The Matariki star cluster is known as Pleiades. Guest host Ngagpa Writer will introduce the Pleiades which is a 7-line poem. Each line of the poem starts with the same first letter of the title word. So join us at the Short Poetry Library to celebrate Matariki and learn, write and share the Pleiades.

      Monday, June 26, 2017

      2018 WEB-WORLDS: How to start building in Cybalounge, a roadmap for beginners

      How to start building in Cybalounge,
      a roadmap for beginners

      Updated: 3/20/2018
      Cybabalounge offers support for building in web-worlds.  You get your own web-world, along with tools to build things to go in it.  This article tells how to get your world, go into it, and start building shapes.  You  learn to use tools by using them, not by reading about them.
      Selby in his test world
      Click image to enlarge

      • (More after the break, scroll down!)

      Metaverse events, current and upcoming


        Sunday, June 25, 2017

        2017 HOBBY: PEOPLE: Kayaker builds a horse, problems and solutions at the WIP meeting

        Kayaker builds a horse, problems and solutions
        at the WIP meeting
        Video:  At a recent WIP meeting Kayaker Magic demonstrated a horse he was scripting, this one in western tack.  He showed how he created reins to go from the rider's hands to the bridle by using the target feature of the particle system.  He also described a problem he was having with the animation of the legs, apparently caused by the large number of instructions required to animate legs and the other parts of the horse and the western tack. 

        • Watch on YouTube
        • The problem described here may call for IMA TestWG to develop a problem analysis test suite.
        • This may be the best horse for city boys
        • (More after the break, scroll down!)

        Metaverse events, current and upcoming

        WIP meeting today

          • Sunday June 25, noon SLT (California) time
          • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
          • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
          • II 
          • The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress. 
          • Everyone is invited.  Building, scripting, entertainment-- whatever you are working on.


            Saturday, June 24, 2017

            2017 OSHG: WRITE: Web-worlds as a place for storytelling

            Web-worlds as places for storytelling 
            Storytelling is popular is virtual worlds.  It requires mostly talk, scenery and possibly music.  All these can easily be provided in a web-world, where the access is much easier.   
            Mos Eisley Cantina 
            Click image to enlarge
            • There are stories here at Mos Eisley.  We all remember one.
            • There are many more.  That old wizard, Obi-Won Kenobi has hundreds.
            • Can we go there again?  With less violence and more stories. 
            • Yes, we can go there through the virtual world portal in Kitely
            • Seanchai Library
            • But soon there may be an even easier route.  
            • We could go there through a portal in a browser.
            • We could even hear stories read:  StoryLink radio
            • We might meet other people who are as interested in stories as we are.
            • We could talk with them, chat about the stories.
            • Talk about new plots and characters we would like to see.
            • Yeah, I said soon
            • Meanwhile, here is a web-world you can visit now.
            • Selby's nonprofit web-world.
            • You can log in as a guest, no registering.  See how easy it is.
            • Not Mos Eisley Cantina.  Just a little place to chat.  
            • I will be there almost every weekday at 10-10:30 AM California time.  
            • Soon I hope to show you instructions on how to start on your own web-world.
            • Some of my friends have imported parts of an OAR file into a web-world.
            • So importing the scenery is possible, but not yet easy.

            Friday, June 23, 2017

            2017 SEE: Touring the Hypergrid: Metaverse tours. Tell us about your place.

            Touring the Hypergrid:  Metaverse tours. 
            Tell us about your place.
            Metaverse tours visits interesting places in the Hypergrid every Saturday.  Often we get a video and I post that in this blog.  
            If you have a place of interest on the Hypergrid, post your invitation in Metaverse Tours, a G+ Community We may not have a large group, but we usually get a video and an article in Virtual Outworlding.
            • (More after the break, scroll down!)

            Metaverse events, current and upcoming


              Tuesday, June 20, 2017

              2016 PEOPLE: SEE: HG Safari on tour

              HG Safari on tour
              HG Safari tours several destinations on the Hypergrid every week, starting at noon California time on Wednesdays.  I usually catch the first hour of the tour and often get a few pictures.  Here are some pictures from various tours.
              Dance venue

              • Yeah, in a virtual world you can make a record into a dance floor
              • Google Community: HG Safari
              • (More after the break, scroll down!)

              Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                Monday, June 19, 2017

                2017 OSHG: IMA WG31 Test Management work group is organized

                IMA WG31 test management work group is organized
                IMA WG31Test Management work group is organized and has begun work.  One active project and two upcoming projects are described.  Current members are listed, along with an invitation to join.  The use of the IMA project management service is illustrated.
                The defect appears in two prims on the right
                Click image to enlarge

                Three test categories

                Current members

                Click the name of a person to find out what else that person is doing.  To join this group and start working on a project, contact Selby Evans -- or just mention your interest in a comment on this article.  
                • (More after the break, scroll down!)

                Metaverse events, current and upcoming


                  Sunday, June 18, 2017

                  2017 ART: VIDEO: Pepperland II, Installation art, Surrealism, Psychedelic art, in a virtual world

                  Pepperland II, Installation art, Surrealism, Psychedelic art, in a virtual world
                  Pepperland in a 3D virtual world.  Pepperland II in Littlefield grid is based on the 1968 ground breaking animated cartoon, 'Yellow Submarine'.  This installation art recreates scenes from the 1968 musical fantasy Yellow Submarine, an animated film based on the songs of the Beatles. 

                  Go there

                  • Put the HG address in the Word Map, Find Bar.  Click FindTP
                  • HG Address: II
                  • In Littlefield grid, find Pepperland II on the world map, teleport.

                  • (More after the break, scroll down!)

                  Metaverse events, current and upcoming