Educator professional development in the metaverse.
The Metaverse As a Tool for Teaching.
The metaverse for education
- Watch on YouTube
- The Metaverse As a Tool for Teaching
- María Concepción Pomar Rosselló discusses The metaverse as a tool for teaching:
- An analysis of Second Life, Minecraft, and Animal Crossing.
- Educator professional development--Dr. Nellie Deutsch
- 10.9K subscribers
- Education articles in this blog
- VWMOOC22 is fpr educators, schools, and public and private businesses that wish to provide training in virtual worlds.
- The theme of the current MOOC is “Connecting in Virtual Worlds. Communities of Practice”
- Many communities in virtual worlds promote education and learning
- through connecting online via web technologies such as Second Life.
- The MOOC will focus on connecting online for collaborative learning and teaching around the world through virtual worlds like Second Life, Digiworldz, Kitely, Minecraft, or OpenSim.
- The live presentations will include the speakers’ reflective process on teaching and learning in fully online and blended learning formats.
- Weekly badges and a final certificate of completion will be available for free.
Easy access meetings in the metaverse
- Fridays 3 pm eastern (New York)
- At the Web Show, a video set in the metaverse
- Go there with this url:
- A developer meeting is held there every other week:
- To find out which week, follow CybaLOUNGE on Twitter:
- 3DWebWorldz: Meetings alternate with the Web Show
- Welcome Center.
- I am usually available weekdays at 1 pm New York time
- In these 2 places:
- Welcome Center.
- Fridays 3 pm eastern (New York)
- At the Web Show, a video set in the metaverse
- Go there with this url:
- A developer meeting is held there every other week:
- To find out which week, follow CybaLOUNGE on Twitter:
- 3DWebWorldz: Meetings alternate with the Web Show
- Welcome Center.
- I am usually available weekdays at 1 pm New York time
- In these 2 places:
- Welcome Center.
- Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
- Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
- All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
- Second Life, Linden, SLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
- Screenshots from ShareX
- This blog is not affiliated with anything. Ads are from Google
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