Monday, April 30, 2012

2013 See: Views around the virtual village

Views around the virtual village
Hobo Island
If I had a hammer

Saturday, April 28, 2012

2013 2ndHELP: Classes in Second Life: Calendar Collection

Classes in Second Life: Calendar Collection
Here is a merged set of Google Calendars showing class offerings in Second Life for each day.  The merge brings multiple sources together so that the reader can see the classes available for a given day in one place.  This collection is not comprehensive; I will add other sources as I learn of them.  

Friday, April 27, 2012

2013 HELP: Hear/see music/video media/BOP in Second Life

Hear/see music/video media in Second Life 
BOP--Browser on prim. 

Instructions for V3.3+ viewers.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

2013 1stHELP: Helpers: Helping Haven

Helpers: Helping Haven
Helping Haven website
Helping Haven Entry point 

You can enter Second Life here.  Click on the location link.
Location Link. Click to go or drag to the viewer screen:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

2013 1stHELP: Communication: Send IMs to email

Communication: Send IMs to email
Have your IMs sent to your email address when you are offline
  • Get the message even if your IMs get capped
  • Check your IMs without loading the viewer
  • Reply the IM just as if it were email
  • The other person gets your response as if you sent it inworld

2013 MUSIC: VIDEO: Owsey & CoMa - Stay With Me

Music Visual: 
Owsey & CoMa - Stay With Me
Watch on YouTube
Published on Apr 14, 2012 by VideoCoMa
Filmed/Edited by CoMa


Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

2013 MUSIC: PROMO: SYMBIOTIC PRODUCTIONS, Entertainment business in Second Life

'Live' Music, & Visual Art
in virtual world platforms.
Entertainment business in Second Life 
  • Musicians
  • Singers
  • Comedy acts
  • Theatrical groups
  • Event managers
  • Talent managers
  • Publicists
  • Venues
  • Entertainment reporters/bloggers
  • Advertisers
  • Videographers 
  • Music producers
This series is about you .  And for you.

Friday, April 20, 2012

2013 VIDEO: MUSIC: Deadmau5 On Acid With Duran Duran

Music visual: Deadmau5 On Acid 
With Duran Duran
Deadmau5 On Acid With Duran Duran

Uploaded by jjccccc on Mar 26, 2012
Music Deadmau5 vs_ Duran Duran - Ghosts on Film
Filmed At The LEA Artists Sand Box Second Life


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2013 ART: VIDEO:Tears in rain - elros Tuominen. Cinetic art

Tears in rain - elros Tuominen

Watch on YouTube
Machinima and virtual cinetic and reactive sculpture created by elros Tuominen. It was filmed inside Second Life. CinemaPop
  • tears in rain and construction of light sculptures - elros Tuominen
  • Story - elros Tuominen
  • Machinima - elros Tuominen
  • Music - Relax music, rain and piano

  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
  • Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right 
  • Google search this blog, column on right
  • or put at the end of the search terms
  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
  • Ads are  from Google

Monday, April 16, 2012

2013 PROMO: Google calendars, how to use them

Kit: Promotion: Google calendars 
Lots of Second Life venues and performers are using Google calendars to show their performance schedules. Everybody figures out how to set up their own calendars and how to share that calendar with fans. But there is much more you can do with Google calendars.
  • Subscribe.
  • Embed.  
  • Combine  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

2013 ART: One Fool's Uncharted Empire, LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES (APRIL)

Athena Bedrosian's 
'One Fool's Uncharted Empire'-
A path 
Another path
LEA blog
Walk through these stones 


  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
  • Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right 
  • Google search this blog, column on right
  • or put at the end of the search terms
  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
  • Ads are  from Google

Friday, April 13, 2012

2012 Video:: 48 Hour Machinima Project, Premiere Screening

48 Hour Machinima Project, 
Premiere Screening
USA PDT (SL time):  11 pm, April 14, 2012

2013 VIDEO: COMEDY: Catboy Live. Laughing with Lauren

Catboy Live.  Laughing with Lauren
A live performance at Lauren's Place 
Lauren welcomes comedy acts every Tuesday at 5: PM SLT
on Cookie Island:
Not Safe For Work.
Watch on YouTube

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2013 MUSIC: Nashville Music Row, music business in the virtual village, aggregation by interest

Nashville Music Row, music business 
in the virtual village, aggregation by interest
Nashville Music Row has been recreated in SL with highly detailed builds to give visitors the feel of a place where country music history was made.

Click image to enlarge
 Nashville Music Row 
Legends is the main office.
Location Link. Click to go or drag to the viewer screen

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

2013 See: Taste of Bay CIty, the party

 Taste of Bay City, the party
"Filming 'Murder on the Bay City Express'"
A celebration of trains
The Virtual Railway Consortium 
supports rail and other transportation 
in Second Life
Virtual Railway Consortium 
Free trains as party favors
The music was from the 20's and 30's 
Thus the phonograph
Free Trains at a VRC party
Reporter in the  foreground
The murder mystery was resolved
But I won't tell how
The party was Livestreamed by Geo Meek.  For a limited time, you can watch it here:
Train rezzing place

 My free Hobo Train
I am the engineer of my train 
 I drive it down the track
To the corner of Hickory and Dickery
Down by the dock


  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 2012
  • Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right 
  • Google search this blog, column on right
  • or put at the end on the search terms
  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
Drop by my place in Second life
Location Link. Click to go or drag to the viewer screen
Feel free to send me an IM, notecard, or friend request.
Thinkerer Melville/Selby Evans

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2013 ART: VIDEO: MachinimUWA V: Chic Aeon's 'In Dreams'

MachinimUWA V: Chic Aeon's 'In Dreams'
A new art is emerging.  Art in the synergy of virtual art, musical art, and videography in the virtual worlds.        
MachinimUWA V Prize Pool rises to L$725,000 till June 30, 2012
Watch on YouTube
A "Seek Wisdom" entry - University of Western Australia UWA V"Where do you go when you dream?"Music: Creo en Ti by Epic Soul Factory (CC)
In Dreams', by Chic Aeon, is the 2nd searching entry by Chic Aeon (following 'The Search") to hit the screens. It is now part of the L$725,000, MachinimUWA V: Seek Wisdom. MachinimUWA V's theme is a tribute to the Centenary of the University of Western Australia and UWA's New Courses 2012.-Entries to MachinimUWA V: Seek Wisdom close on the 30th of June 2012 and seeks for the creation of machinima with any storyline that fits to the theme of 'Seek Wisdom' so long as at least ONE of the 100 Treasures from UWA form part of the story. Click HERE for full details and landmarks to the locations of the treasures in Second Life.

  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
  • Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right 
  • Google search this blog, column on right
  • or put at the end of the search terms
  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
  • Ads are  from Google

Monday, April 9, 2012

2013 HELP: Owning a home in Second Life

Owning a home in Second Life 
Do you need a house?  Do you need land?  Read this first:
How people have homes in Second Life
  • Rent
  • Linden Home (premium membership)
  • Buy a home, put it on your land
  • Use a free home on your land
  • Use a free home on a sandbox