
Saturday, July 14, 2012

2019 PROMO: Promotion from Virtual Worlds. Summary

Promotion: from virtual worlds.  Summary
Updated 7/21/2020
How to promote your virtual world project, inworld and on the web.
Yeah.  From virtual worlds.  Not just in.  Oh, I'll add a few instructions about the old unreliables, notices, notecards, landmarks, group IMs, and personal conferences (friend spamming).     
But that's just for old times sake.  Use those methods and you are limiting your target audience to those already in you grid or on the Hypergrid. 
But most of what I will summarize here will be about how to use big world social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and blogs) to promote to the world outside the SL Viewer.   That's where the people are.  That's where the money is.
Search on site: Ctrl+f gets search bar. near top.
About promo in this blog

Viewer in Browser as promotion

Promotion as a profession

Inworld promotion

Both worlds promotional campaigns

Outworld promotion



Social Media: Videos, Facebook, Linkedin, MeWe

Anyworld promotion

Streaming to YouTube gaming

Themed grids (MUVE sites) and grid promotion


Video-Machinima in virtual worlds

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