
Sunday, December 1, 2019

2019 #VWEDU: #DTA: Rezmela™ supports easy creation of instructional scenes. A demonstration in VWMOOC19

Rezmela™ supports easy creation 
of instructional scenes
A demonstration in VWMOOC19

A demonstration of the RezMela™ system.  The system itself could work with any objects, thus allowing Illustrative layouts, as practice, or arrangements as student products.  

  • Key word: rez
  • Rez:  In virtual worlds, cause a virtual object to appear and become available for use
  • The virtual object can be a building and its contents
  • Education research calls virtual worlds MultiUser Virtual Environments (MUVEs)
  • Educational research on MUVEs

Demonstration video

  • Rethinking Content Creation in Virtual Environments (Video)
  • Video is long--you don't need to watch in all at once.
  • Ann von Rhein (avatar in SL) and the Origin team in Open Sim
  • New way of creating learning environments without knowledge of building or coding.
  • Example apps show how educators can get educational content without building.
  • The environments show the application of RezMelatools across learning domains.
  • Created scenes can be saved and recreated later (for other classes).
  • Classes and groups of students can meet in the instructional scene.
  • Teachers can teach in virtual worlds and rely on builders to build.

Ethane molecules
Click image to enlarge
  • Ethane
  • This display was rezzed shortly before the picture was taken
Structured presentation 
  • If students gather to work on a presentation, they need structure.
  • They can rez guidance on presentations when they need it.
  • That can be a roadmap for preparing presentations if you want.
A museum beside 
your class room
  • And it is only there when you want it.
  • Or when your class needs it for their studies.
  • Museums could be designed by subject matter experts.
  • Just as text books were supposed to be prepared.
  • A museum could be used by an unlimited number of classes.
  • And the classes can be anywhere in the world.
Apps can rez 
informative displays

Multiuser apps

Related educational principles 

Other possible uses of the Rezmela™ system

  • Emergency preparedness
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Business
  • Virtual heritage
  • Immersive language instruction
  • Educational video content production

Potential applications in education.

  • Theater: stage design and blocking
  • Interior design
  • Campus layout
  • Language learning (vocabulary development)

Student projects and games

  • Anatomy: Build a body
  • Geography: Build a world
  • Theater/video: Build a stage set  
  • Chemistry: build a molecule





  • These products are expected to be available soon.
  • They will be sold on Kitely Market and available as demonstrations in Kitely.  
  • The availability date has not been announced.

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  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Annotated screenshots made with Jing
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google.
  • Selby Evans in Kitely and hypergrid, Thinkerer Melville in Second Life.

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