
Monday, November 25, 2019

2019 WW: #VWEDU: Metaverse School GmbH @ Berlin Change Days 2019. Web classes in a German university

Metaverse School GmbH 
@ Berlin Change Days 2019  
Web classes in a German university    

A report from a learning project in a German university.  The project was done in a browser-based virtual world (a web-world). The project produced a workshop room   Unlike most such rooms, you can go there now (instructions in the article).

 Avatars meeting on the web
Click image to enlarge

How does it work? 

  • The people are there as avatars. 
  • They talk to each other.  They may have a mentor or facilitator.
  • Here they are probably brainstorming and planning
  • They are doing the same things they would do in a classroom.
  • Rearing something on the wall, talking about it, writing something.

The project

Since 2017 the Metaverse School GmbH is engaged in a cooperation project with the University of Applied Sciences of Würzburg/Schweinfurt, where we support semester projects on and with the cybaLOUNGE platform. The goal of the semester project of 2019 was to transform methods of organizational development into a virtual 3D environment.
A meeting of avatars
  • A lot  like a conference room.
  • Except you can go there.
  • The workshop room
  • Click on the link above and follow the instructions.
  • Emphasis: transformation and change processes. 
  • Focus:  inner, outer and cyberspace.
  • The remaining role of space in general.
I went to the workshop
  • Yes--it is still there on the web.
  • It is in Germany and I am in Texas.  
  • But it still took me only 30 sec. to go there.
  • And people could meet there any time they want.

The central question 

“How can we utilize and enhance those three [spaces], when we meet the ultimate challenge of the fourth industrial revolution: How to make organizations and societies prosperous and the people within happy, at the same time?”
  • Actually, here is one way to use cyberspace. 

Cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Würzburd/Schweinfurt

The students of the project were divided in two groups, one responsible for the design and building of a virtual workshop room and the other responsible for methods and didactics. Over the course of the summer semester the workshop room was designed and built, use cases on new features were implemented and methods were tested. These all happened under the premise to take part as a facilitator at the Berlin Change Days, where we planned to present this project and gather some new input on how the cybaLOUNGE platform is able to support change or transformation into virtual environments.

The concept map on the wall
Click image to enlarge


Cybalounge, background

Class management


Visit me on the web

  • Drop by my web offices Weekdays: 12:-12:30 pm Central time (US)
  • I am available for free consulting on any topic in this blog.
  • Cybalounge and 3DWebWorldz (Orientation room)
  • I will be in both places, so you may need to speak to get my attention.
  • Web-worlds, 3D virtual worlds running in a browser. Summary
  • And we can visit the Writer's Workshop on the Web
  • Don't register -- enter as guest.  


  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Annotated screenshots made with Jing
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google.
  • Selby Evans in Kitely and hypergrid, Thinkerer Melville in Second Life.

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