
Sunday, November 24, 2019

2019 #VWEDU: #DTA: The SceneGate Viewer open beta: Rationale, documentation, support, roadmap

The SceneGate Viewer open beta:  
Rationale, documentation
support, roadmap

Scenegate is a new viewer for OpenSim grids, directed at the needs of newcomers and particularly newcomers entering to take classes or to attend meetings.  It offers a simplified screen with only a few options--just those needed for classes and meetings.  It offers defaults and other features set for newcomers.  This article is explicitly licensed Public Domain (CC0). 
Meeting at IMA Alpha


The name: Gate to a scene

  • Not a world. That is overbrag.
  • Classes and meetings are not held in worlds.
  • Classes and meetings have realistic goals.  
  • They are held in classrooms and meeting rooms

Come to a meeting


SceneGate Rationale 

  • SceneGate: updating the strawman model for education
  • Goal: Simplified viewer for newcomers entering for education or meetings.
  • Simplified viewer offers only the buttons these newcomers need to use.
  • Simplified viewer installs with defaults suited to these newcomers.
  • Firestorm settings for beginners. A DTA content page
  • SceneGate saves the newcomer the bother of these settings.
  • SceneGate is being modified for easy customization.
  • SceneGate is the name chosen as the working title for the strawman viewer.
  • A gate gives access to another place.  A viewer gives access to a virtual world.
  • Entering a virtual world is like walking into a scene on your computer.  
  • An operational viewer might have a different name, such as EduGate.
  • SceneGate beta offers more capable modes of operation for experienced users.
  • In these modes it is similar to the Alchemy Viewer (from which it is forked).

Evaluation for prospective uses

  • SceneGate offers no new benefits to experienced users.
  • It is designed to be easy for students and participants in meetings.  
  • The simplified mode offers only the capabilities needed for these activities.
  • The default settings are designed to fit those uses. 
  • SceneGate simplified is intended to install as ready for use by these newcomers.
  • Thus it avoids the complexity of starting to use the virtual world as a tool.
  • "It is easier to fix the software than it is to fix the instructions."
  • Virtual worlds, the myth of the steep learning curve

Visit me on the web

  • Drop by my web offices Weekdays: 12:-12:30 pm Central time (US)
  • I am available for free consulting on any topic in this blog.
  • Cybalounge and 3DWebWorldz (Orientation room)
  • I will be in both places, so you may need to speak to get my attention.
  • Web-worlds, 3D virtual worlds running in a browser. Summary
  • And we can visit the Writer's Workshop on the Web
  • Don't register -- enter as guest.  


  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • Annotated screenshots made with Jing
  • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google.
  • Selby Evans in Kitely and hypergrid, Thinkerer Melville in Second Life.

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