
Saturday, April 7, 2018

2018 ART: PEOPLE: Intracoastal Arts: St. James Artisans Gallery: Arts on the Hypergrid

Intracoastal Arts: 
St. James Artisans Gallery:  
Arts on the Hypergrid
Art from the people of Saint James Artisans..  Art and craft work to the people of the Hypergrid.  There is a lot more art done than people can see in the brick+mortar galleries.  But people all over the world can see art on the web.  We have art galleries at home.
Teleporter to points of interest

Go there (in OpenSimulator)

  • On the Hypergrid, HG address:
  • Arts
  • Put the HG address in the Find bar of the World Map, click Find, TP
  • Kitely

Other art on the web

More after the break

Metaverse events, recent and upcoming

A few of the artisans
The Intracoastal Arts Community supports both the artistic and educational use of virtual worlds. It is currently the virtual gallery location of artists from the St. James Artisans Gallery located in Southeast North Carolina. We will be adding more artists work to our galleries in the coming weeks and hope to provide gallery space for local student artists as well. 
Formerly known as "Isle of VERG" this site was inspired by the Virtual Education Research Group (VERG), early pioneers in the use of virtual worlds in education and other innovative forms of educational technology. 
Painting by Susan Dade
Open air gallery
"The conceptual model for this site is based on my experience as a member of the Rocky Neck Art Colony for a couple of summers..." --Don Margulis 
Painting by Tricia Hill

Inside the open air gallery 
Allie Lull 
Flower Whimsy
Teleport to display places
"Our site is the new virtual home of the St. James Artisans Gallery. The actual physical gallery is located in the town of St. James, a residential community on the southeast coast of North Carolina. We border the Intracoastal Waterway which is the inspiration for the site's name. It’s a cooperative gallery run entirely by the artists who are all residents of the local community. We’re mostly older, retired folks. Some members are serious amateurs, others are professional artists. We include painters, photographers and crafters."   --Don Margulis
Peggy Calenda
Instructions for beginners 
in virtual worlds
  • In the future, we will have such instructions in web worlds.
  • You can get to them in your browser:
  • 3DWebWorldz
  • Cybalounge 
Ron Gold 

Ward Holdridge
Another gallery


  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.

Drop by my web office Weekdays: 12:-12:30 Central time  (US) 

Entertainment in virtual worlds

Videos from virtual worlds

News and Notes


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