
Sunday, April 8, 2018

2018 WW: EDU: Learning centers on a browser. A use case for web-worlds as schools, libraries, and museums

Learning centers on a browser.   
A use case for web-worlds 
as schools, libraries, and museums
The internet is forcing us to reinvent learning environments.  Anything we need to learn is on the internet, so we no longer need to spend money on paper books.  Do we need to spend money on building more brick and mortar schools?  We could put well-staffed an well-equipped learning centers on the internet.
Standing in the art

Learning centers

  • Libraries have always been centers for adult learning
  • So have museums.  So have universities.
  • All three of these have been adapting to the Internet and the WWWeb.
  • And some will adapt to the growing availability of 3D virtual worlds.
  • Now 3D virtual worlds can live in a browser--the same browser we use for search.
  • People can meet in such places.  They can talk to each other.
  • They can work together.  Teacher or mentors can work with students.
  • Students can study together or work on projects together.
  • With no one leaving home.  Independent Learning Centre (ILC)


More after the break

Metaverse events, recent and upcoming


Cost and affordances 


  • No need for transportation--your learning center is in the spare bedroom.
  • You can actually break up study into small pieces.
  • That's what psychology has recommended for years.  
  • But a schedule with many breaks is inconvenient to manage.
  • Educational interests versus management interests--guess who wins.

Collaborate with friends

  • Not just those that live down the street.  
  • Maybe some live across town--a 45 minute drive on a good day.
  • Maybe some that live across the country or across the world.  
  • It is still just a 30 second trip to join them in the virtual learning center.

Bring in an expert or learning coach

  • That will cost money!  As if education did not cost money now.
  • An expert or learning coach would only spend time with students who need help.
  • Students with good learning skills would rarely need help.
  • That's why you need a good learning coach.
  • To help students develop good learning skills
  • But think of all the money you will save by not building those new buildings.


  • Anyone who can use a browser can get to a web-world.
  • A web-world can have people to talk to.
  • People can include instructors, mentors, learning coaches, and fellow learners.
  • Web-worlds can easily support collaborative projects and collaborative learning.
  • Since learners are in a browser, they can readily practice the use of web resources.
  • Download and install a little software, and they can enter elaborate virtual worlds.
  • Worlds built specifically for instruction on a topic.

But do they all fit together?

  • If there is one that doesn't have learning in it's mission statement, skip it.
  • They just don't fit together in the brick and mortar world.
  • But we are in the new century, the century of the internet.

    If you are interested in web-worlds...



    • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain
    • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
    • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.

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