
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

2017 WRITE: VID: Promo: Planning for a web report about virtual worlds

Planning for a web report about virtual worlds
Yes, this report is frankly promotion about virtual worlds and active communities in virtual worlds.  It will report on virtual world community activities in areas such as education, art, entertainment, theater/writing, travel, model-building,and disabilities.  The target audience includes people in the "real world" communities interested in these topics, especially those who can be reached in G+ communities, Facebook groups, and other social media outlets.
Set for a talk show in Cybalounge

  • I am planning a video web show, working title:  "The Web Report,"  

The Web Report will have issues (sections) , such as 

  • Educators and Education in Virtual Worlds
  • Travel in the Virtual Worlds.
  • Entertainment in Virtual Worlds.
  • Art in Virtual Worlds
  • Theater and Writing in Virtual Worlds
  • Model-building in virtual worlds
  • Public service organizations in virtual worlds
  • Disabilities Left Behind in Virtual Worlds

To volunteer as an editor or content provider:

  • Contact Selby Evans in Kitely or Thinkerer Melville in Second Life.
  • Or drop into my web-office Cybalounge nonprofit zone
  • My office times: 10:-10:30 California time, weekdays
More after the break

Symetrelle Short Poetry Workshop, Tue 9/19, 7pm SLT

This week the Short Poetry Workshop presents the Symetrelle which is a 10 line poem with an unusual symmetrical rhyme scheme. So come down to the Short Poetry Library to learn, write and share the Symetrelle. East Cookie, Cookie (185, 121, 23)

Metaverse events, recent and upcoming 


Planning for a web report about virtual worlds

The target audience is people in virtual worlds and people interested in the topics cited in the issue titles.  All of these topics have G+ communities (not specifically referencing virtual worlds) that might have people interested in what virtual worlds offer in connection with these topics.  

I would like to have several editors for each issue/section.  They would get videos of appropriate content (not necessarily produce them, maybe find others willing to produce them).    The videos should be about 5 min. long and tell something about the people at the location.  That could be an interview with the builder(s) or a discussion/demonstration with some of the locals about how they use this place.

Each issue/section would be introduced by a Talking Head show in a web-world*, featuring some of the people who have reason to be interested in the issue (editors and people in the topic). It could include conversations with people never in virtual worlds before.*   That would be followed by 8--10 videos captured in a virtual world and posted on YouTube (and accompanied by relevant text, such as web links and the region address).  

The initial issues would be posted on my blog,  Later, we might look for other outlets.  The issues will be developed independently and will be published as content is developed.  I will welcome volunteers for the issues/topics listed above or with suggestions for additional issues. I hope in the future the issues can be published on a regular schedule.

*Web-worlds are small virtual worlds reached in a browser (preferably Chrome).  No viewer or registration is needed in Cybalounge.  Voice is available, but we need a precheck because voice does not work with all versions of some browsers (except Chrome).   Since web-worlds require no special downloads, some of the people in the web-world part of the show would be (I hope) people with no virtual world experience but interested in finding out about virtual worlds.  


Visit my web-office

  • My place: Cybalounge nonprofit zone
  • My office times: 10:-10:30 California time, weekdays.  
  • Chrome browser recommended.
  • Don't register.  Click the guest login button near the bottom of the page.
  • You will choose a nickname and an avatar, then enter.
  • Wait while the page loads.  A 3D world has more stuff than most web pages.
  • Click on the scene to make it the focus of the browser.
  • Walk forward by pressing the up-arrow key.  
  • You can figure out how the other arrow keys work. 
  • To walk fast, hold down shift while you press the up-arrow key.
  • To have a meeting walk to the chairs in front of you and click on the blue sphere.
  • Click the mic (bottom line) to turn on voice.  Or type in the chat bar, bottom left.
  • Chrome is most dependable for voice.  Others may work or not.  
  • When you click on the mic, a panel will appear in the upper left, with names.
  • If there is another person there, look for green parentheses next to names.
  • People who have green parentheses by their names should hear each other talk.
  • If you have talk problems, click Reset Voice.


Web-worlds in use


Tutorials on building in Cybalounge



  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.

Entertainment in virtual worlds

Videos from virtual worlds

News and Notes

HG links-- depending on your interests 

Communities in the virtual worlds

Radio in the virtual worlds

Metaverse beginner help

The Hypergrid WIP Show

  • The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress. 
  • Everyone is invited.  Building, scripting, entertainment-- whatever you are working on.
  • Selby may capture video of presentations in voice, for posting on YouTube.
  • The WIP show normally meets on 2 Sundays a month at 12 pm California time.
  • The show meets at the Pandora location on the second Sunday 
  • But will not meet in the summer.
  • And at Cookie II on the fourth Sunday.  
  • To keep up with the WIP meetings, join the Kitely group, Work in progress.
  • We can go to your place if there is time.

Next WIP meeting

    • Sunday September 25, noon SLT (California) time
    • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
    • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
    • II 
    • In Kitely, put Cookie II into the find bar of the world map. 
    • Suspended for Summer: Pandora Location: (second Sunday of the month)
    • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
    • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
    • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora

            Previous Articles from the WIP show 


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