
Saturday, November 21, 2020

2020 #VWEDU: Digital literacy. He did it in Classcraft. Like a detective story. Could you do it better in your favorite virtual world? Are your students the heroes who will solve this problem?

He did it in Classcraft. 
Like a detective story.  
Could you do it better in your favorite virtual world?  
Are your students the heroes who will solve this problem?
Consideration of how a story could be created in a virtual world to engage students in activities that develop skills on digital literacy, teamwork, and presentation.  Plus knowledge of some selected STEM content.
Students as detectives


Needed skill sets for developers

Needed resources

Brainstorm tips

  • Think of an educational web page as a scenario
  • Think of the experience you want the learner to get.  
  • Think of it as a writer--you must keep the reader interested.
  • Think of it as a detective story--the students must find all the clues and put them together to work out the solution. 
  • Think of it as a police story--the students must collect evidence to catch the killer. 



  • In and educational story, the students do the exposition.
  • In our story, the students find the evidence using their digital literacy skills.
  • They are formed into teams: Description, hang-outs, modus operandi, vulnerabilities, plans, etc.
  • Note: the evidence may be text, graphic displays, animated objects or videos.
  • Digital literacy can find on make any of these. 
  • The evidence is recorded in a series of videos.

Rising action

  • As the information comes in, several planning teams are formed to evaluate, organize and integrate it. 
  • The teams work together to produce a comprehensive solution and final report.


  • The class presents its final report including the evidence videos (probably a YouTube playlist.)

Building the investigation office

Instructional background

Could you beat this?

  • Of course you can do better than this.  
  • You can even work it out as a complete lesson plan.
  • I hope you do.  
  • Maybe I can too.  I hope to be smarter next month.

What are the students learning?

  • Digital literacy: how to use the web to collect information and use it.
  • Teamwork: How to work with team members on a task too big for one person.
  • Presentation: How to organize and present information.
  • Subject:  Details about a specific disease and general information about how we combat a disease.

    Stories in virtual worlds



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    • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
    • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
    • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
    • Screenshots from ShareX
    • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
    • Annotated screenshots made with Techsmith Capture
    • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google.
    • Selby Evans in Kitely and Hypergrid, Thinkerer Melville in Second Life.

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