
Sunday, December 23, 2018

2018 Promo: PEOPLE: Social media for the virtual worlds (RiP G+). Summary

Social media for the 
virtual worlds (RIP G+). 
Updated 2/18/2019

Summary of articles  on social media for the virtual worlds. This article will be updated when new information is available. 

Uses for social media

  • Ingroup communication
  • Event promotion
  • Outreach: professional
  • Outreach: general
  • Outreach: playful
  • Outreach--repost target

Dimensions of evaluation

  • Useful persistence: ephemeral, persistent,  archival
  • Ephemeral means you can't expect to find it after a week 
  • Useful persistence means that you can find items after a month.
  • Persistence is not useful without good search support.
  • Archival means you can find it years later. (Blogs are usually arcival.)  
  • Reputation: playful, professional
  • Reach, target density
  • 14 Key Points to Keep in Mind Before Migrating Your Online Community

Replacements for G+, by the service needed   

Event promotion

    Outreach: Professional

    Outreach: Playful

    Outreach--repost target

    • Repost buttons are offered on most blogs and some news sites.
    • These encourage reposting to those targets.  
    • Reposting promotes ideas you like.
    • And builds readership of your timeline.
    • And saves links in case you want them later.
    • My recommended repost target is Twitter.

    My comments

    • G+ was a major source for news leads as well as an outlet for promotion.
    • And it served for ingroup communication, event promotion, and outreach.

    My sources now

    • My main source for leads has been Feedly
    • Feedly monitors blogs, websites, and news items. 
    • Feedly gives me news items with links.
    • I need links because I will not generally report unless I can cite the source.
    • I now follow MeWe, and LinkedIn.

    Ingroup communication  

    • I am using Mewe and Discord.  That's where my friends are.
    The MeWe  has made a tool that will import your Google+ data to their platform. The tool is simply called the G+ MeWe Importer. The tool is expected to go live on March 12th, possibly even sooner. Here’s what MeWe had to say about the importer tool: 
    Here are some of the details of this G+ MeWe Importer tool: 
    Move your public G+ posts to MeWe as open posts on your MeWe timeline (dated and ordered the same as they were on G+). 
    Move your public collection and community posts to MeWe and create open posts on your MeWe timeline (dated and ordered the same as they were on G+) with the collection or community name as a #hashtag. 
    We’ll make improvements to the G+ MeWe Importer after launch, including the ability to import your data from Circles onto MeWe, which is expected to be live April 1.
    To make your transition to MeWe easier, by the end of March a “posting to close friends” feature will also go live on MeWe. 
    To make your transition simple, we suggest you do two things right away – download your G+ content and create your MeWe ( account.  
    Instructions to download your Google+ content can be found on Google’s website here. MeWe confirmed on Twitter you’ll need to download in JSON format.

    Event promotion

    Repost targets

    • RIP G+, time to review your likes and repost strategy
    • I usually repost articles I think might be of interest to my readers
    • My main repost target now is Twitter.  
    • An excerpt from my Twitter timeline is embedded in my weekly MUVE update.
    • It is always current and can be scrolled to read more.

    Outreach (for professionals)

    • Facebook:  Lots of users, low target density, low reputation, good persistence
    • Twitter: Lots of users, low target density, neutral reputation, doubtful persistence.
    • LinkedIn:  Limited  users, high target density, good reputation. uncertain persistence.
    • Your blog: What you make of it, excellent persistence. 
    • A collaborative blog is social media if you use it that way

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