
Saturday, October 28, 2017

2017 WW: What DragNDrop for web-worlds means for inventories

What DragNDrop for web-worlds means for inventories
Now that we can drag and drop things to build in Cybalounge, we need to rethink the inventory.  We may prefer to keep our main inventories on our own computers, keeping inworld only the things we have rezzed there.

With DragNdrop

More after the break

Possible levels of use for DND

  • Contents imported by DND can be handled in multiple ways. 

DND for importing and display

  • What you drag in is both rezzed and stored in inventory.
  • This is the current Cybalounge model. 
  • It is based on the inventory inworld model of the traditional virtual worlds.
  • If your main inventory is on my computer,  web sites don't pay to store it.
  • You will probably back it up on Google Drive.
  • So I\you need an option not to store things I DND in.

DND for display only or mainly (user setting)

  • You could have a user setting: Import/Display only
  • Display only means that what you import does not go to inventory.
  • It just rezzes and remains part of the world display.  
  • You could take it into your inworld inventory if you want.  
  • But your main inventory is now on your computer.
  • Because you can find things more easily there.  
  • And you can bring them into any world that lets you.
  • And if you buy another avatar, you will probably want to use that one.  

DND temp-rez for authorized guests

  • As owner or administrator of the world, you could allow selected visitors to temp-rez.
  • Temp-rez only displays in the current live copy of the world.  It is never saved.
  • So it is automatically discarded when the world is reloaded from file. 
  • If you want that same thing when you come in again, you can drag it in again.  
  • The only things you need in your inworld inventory are things you want all the time. 
  • Or things you want to give to others.
  • Temp-rez could also be offered in timed mode: Objects removed after 10 minutes.
  • I use that mode in virtual worlds: rez on click with a die script.  

Use cases for restricted levels of DND

  • Online sales floor: Assistants or customers could rez product displays as needed.
  • Education: learners could rez assignments for demonstrations.
  • Museum: docents could rez displays as needed.
  • Presentations: Rez objects for the presentation, clean-up is automatic.
  • Tutoring: Instructional information could be presented.
  • Meetings: Agenda, minutes, notes, etc could be displayed.
  • Web-world message board

How do we get contents for a local inventory?

  • There are online sources of free COLLADA files, 
  • but we do not yet know what can be imported.
  • Kitely Market could sell items for delivery to local computers.
  • Given the import specs, Kitely Market could be sure its offerings were importable.

The implications of drag and drop avatars

  • I don't know if this feature is publicly available anywhere--yet.
  • It is technically possible for web worlds, but not simple.
  • It is probably also possible for OpenSimulator . 
  • But it may need viewer code changes to support it.  
  • If it were available in OpenSimulator
  • people could keep avatars in their own files to drop in as needed.
  • A person might have multiple avatars with different clothes. 
  • People could have avatars made to look like themselves.  
  • Or like whatever else they pleased.  
  • They could only drop them in worlds that allowed drag and drop avatars. 
  • That could become a major element of product differentiation
  • Project Ruth 2.0 - an Open Source Mesh Avatar by Shin Ingen
  • Ruth's Wiki



  • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain
  • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
  • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.

Entertainment in virtual worlds

Videos from virtual worlds

News and Notes

The Hypergrid WIP Show

  • The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress. 
  • Everyone is invited.  Building, scripting, entertainment-- whatever you are working on.
  • Selby may capture video of presentations in voice, for posting on YouTube.
  • The WIP show normally meets on 2 Sundays a month at 12 pm California time.
  • The show meets at the Pandora location on the second Sunday 
  • But will not meet in the summer.
  • And at Cookie II on the fourth Sunday.  
  • To keep up with the WIP meetings, join the Kitely group, Work in progress.
  • We can go to your place if there is time.

Next WIP meeting

    • Sunday Nov. 26, noon SLT (California) time
    • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
    • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
    • II 
    • In Kitely, put Cookie II into the find bar of the world map. 
    • Suspended for Summer: Pandora Location: (second Sunday of the month)
    • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
    • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
    • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora

            Previous Articles from the WIP show 



                    1. You are right, the closest we could do to achieve this vision in opensim is to use extensions. Displayed content on a web browser can be sent inworld by clicking on an extension we built. Dragging and dropping image from desktop to inworld is a bit harder to implement. We are working on it, but looks like it will require a third party application sitting in the background which might be another hassle.


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