
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

2017 ART: New century art: Torben Asp: Music with particle accompaniment in virtual worlds

New century art: Torben Asp: 
Music with particle accompaniment 
in virtual worlds 
Two excerpts in video from a musical/particle performance by Torben Asp on the Hypergrid.  

From Torben

I compose and arrange my own original music with a lot of inputs from the different genres in my compositions. I want to create pictures and set you in a certain mood instead of being the next superstar and I like to call it Recreative Music. 
Inspiration: Schiller, Klaus Schulze, Jean Michel Jarre, Kitaro, Hans Zimmer Kraftwerk, Vivaldi, Mozart to name a few.
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Torben Asp - Composer/Performer

I have been performing live concerts in Second Life since October 19th 2007 and the network I built up there has brought me to the USA twice doing 6 live concerts and one in Denmark in 2010/2011..
-I have always had music in my head one way or another. When I was a little kid I hummed a lot during the day, making my own melodies but also when put to bed I did that which was kind of annoying to my parents.
-When I was 16/17 I recorded a one-hour tape with my own compositions using a portable keyboard, a Yamaha Portasound, and a cable to my taperecorder....took quite a while and some re-takes to get it done but I did it and was very proud when my father used one of the tunes on the local stadium at a soccer-game...2500 listeners just like that.
-In our kind of highschool, Denmark, I got the basic education in using notes and started thinking more about how to put things together...never got the hang of just playing direct from a notesheet though.
-In highschool I was in a band and we did a few shows.....I had 15 mins of my own at each show while the others had their break which I used to present my own music....and people were very kind to me so that was it. 
-Then 10 years without any music and suddenly software for composing music arrived in the stores....that gave me back the sparkle and I have moved on from there.

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          • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
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          • Selby Evans in Kitely, Thinkerer Melville in Second Life
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