
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

2015 ART: Music, Myth, Magic, Light, Shadows, Physics. FreeWee Ling LEA27

Music, Myth, Magic, Light, Shadows, Physics.  
FreeWee Ling   LEA27
This sim is being used by FreeWee Ling for numerous different projects over the next few months. Installations and objects and land forms are likely to change a lot. The primary function of the work here is to support my 2015 Endeavour Executive Fellowship - a grant provided by the Australia Department of Education for professional development.


It changes, but you gotta be there
Reprise by video
Solar observatory
You can put on your goggles and SPF 1000 sun protection and take the elevator to the solar observatory where you can see a giant sun up close and personal, including some pretty spectacular coronal mass ejections. Transport to the Sunlight museum is via rocket ship from ground level.
In the rocket
Sunlight museum
Solar observatory
Theater of musical instruments
Now open for viewing is the latest edition of "Theatrum Instrumentorum," a museum of musical instruments created over the last several years with fellow musicologist Oriscus Zauberflote
Shadows are to explore
  • You need shadows from projectors turned on:
  • Me--Preferences--Graphics--Shadows--Sun/Moon+Projectors 
  • What do those shadows mean?
  • How does that statue get her color?
Where is the projector?
The lady in the shadows
  • Shouldn't she be floating beside me?

What she really looks like


FreeWee Ling  Artist Bio:

On the Web:

Rezzed late in 2006. Usually physically located (rl) in eastern time zone, USA.
From January to May 2015 I am in residence at the University of Western Australia on an Endeavour Executive Fellowship from the Australia Department of Education.
  • Honorary Research Fellow, University of Western Australia (Oct. 2010-present). Curator for the UWA 3D Art projects.
  • Member of Coppelia Artists Cooperative
  • Member of the Caerleon Artists Collective
Former owner of the Artemisia artists community sim for 4 years (closed Feb, 2013) -- home of FreeWee's Laboratory, the Treehouse at Artemisia music venue, Galerie de la Vie, and Tuscania Gallery.

A musicologist by education with a specialty interest in musical instruments (history, physics, use, etc.).

In real world I use technology as an administrative and web development professional in support of educational, arts, and cultural organizations.

Artist's Statement:

I'm not really a artist. More like a  kid in God's Legoland. I'm an idea manipulator.  A conceptual cubist. Most of my work is clearly derivative. I see something interesting and I want to know how it works, so I deconstruct or reconstruct the idea or combine it with some tangential idea to make something new. I am often working on some random project with no particular purpose in mind.


LEA Artist in Residence land grantee (Jan-May 2015).

Coppelia Group Show III. October-December 2014

UWA 3D Art & Machinima Challenge: Transcending Borders (October 2014). Ongoing. See:

The Freedom Project (2014). An exhibition at UWA of 2D and 3D art, words, and machinima by artists with disabilities or chronic illness. The exhibition catalog is available online at:

Philosopher's Stone (March-December 2014). "Nietzsche." Installations by Caerleon artists reflecting the work and ideas of important philosophers. The philosophers were assigned randomly to the participating artists from a list prepared by Georg Janick (rl Gary Zabel of U. Mass,). The exhibition was organized by Pixels Sideways for a LEA sim.

One Billion Rising (February 2014). Installation "St. Eulalia" created for the sculpture garden in this popular 3-day event.

LEA Interim Project (January 2014). Full sim show including a gallery of recent and not-so-recent work, and a sim-wide installation ("Are There Strangers Among Us?") with multiple scenes depicting an apparent alien invasion.

Coppelia Artists Group Show (July 2013). "ShadowLab". Several projects using shadows and projects lights.

UWA Anatomy, Physiology, and Human Biology (APHB) Building (May 2013). Large replica of actual campus building at University of Western Australia..

UWA Centenary 3D Art Challenge: REFLECTIONS (April 2013). Curator. Major exhibition of original virtual art by 64 international artists. Edited and published full catalog in UWA Studies in Virtual Art (UWA/SiVA:

UWA 3D Artists’ Choice Challenges (Jan-March and Aug-Dec 2012). Curator. A new series of exhibitions on themes. Exhibition catalogs published in University of Western Australia Studies in Virtual Arts (UWA-SiVA)

Second Life 9th Birthday (SL9B) (June 2012). A display of work promoting the UWA art and machinima challenges.

Caerleon Isle at LEA24 (June-July 2012). Artist exhibitor. A reunion show of Caerleon Art Collective artists in celebration of the Second Life 9th Birthday (SL9B).

UWA Centenary 3D Art Challenge (April-July 2012). Curator. A single round competition similar to the monthly challenges from the previous year, but with certain limitations and major prize incentives.

ArtGyro (March 2012 – continuing). A continuation of the previous project supported by the LEA and the School of Virtual Arts (SOVA).

ArtGyro (November 2011-March 2012). A full sim land grant provided by the Linden Endowment for the Arts. The site is intended to serve as a nexus for sharing arts information and supporting collaborative relationships with a focus on long-term sustainability for arts in virtual worlds.

“Art, Creativity, and Virtual Society” (October 2011). A paper on UWA’s activities in Second Life as a successful model for encouraging public engagement in collaborative work in virtual worlds. Published in the procedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme: “Partnership of Business and Education in Regional Innovation Development,” Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and Informatics in Tver.

Angy Gods: An Apocalyptic Vision (June 2011). Full sim installation at the University of Western Australia.

University of Kentucky Department of Art (summer 2011). “Curator’s Choice,” an exhibition of SL art from my personal collection.

UWA 3D Open Art Challenge (April 2011). Created a special exhibition (“When Less is More”) of non-scripted entries from the March round.

UWA 3D Open Art Challenge (2010-2011). Curator for monthly UWA 3D Open Art Challenge, with 60-80 entries per month. Consulted with artists on their work. Recruited promising artists. Arranged and documented entries. Served on judging panel. Managed People’s Choice voting process. Promoted events.

UWA 3D Open Art Challenge (October 2010). Built a new gallery platform for the competitions covering two full sims.

Caerleon Museum of Identity (October 2010). Led a team of 18 artists in a major sim-wide collaborative exhibition on the theme of “Ambiguity of Identity.” After a year of planning the show opened with over 1500 unique visitors in its first week.

Galerie de la Vie (May 2008-January 2011). The community gallery on Artemisia presented many engaging exhibitions by some of the top artists in SL, including Gwen Carillon, Misprint Thursday, Monroe Snook, White Lebed, Hephaistos Semyorka, Glyph Graves, elros Touminen, and an Artemisian’s residents’ show, among others. The shows were curated by RobertStephen Smythe, Apollo Renault, and myself.

UWA 3D Art and Design Imagine Challenge (June 2010). Exhibited Vertical Spiral Kaleidoscope. First Prize.

Second Life 7th Birthday (SL7B) (June 2010). Resonance. Interactive sound installation featured on Designing Worlds TV broadcast (begins at 33:50 into the program).

UWA 3D Art and Design Imagine Challenge (May 2010).  Exhibited Glowball Dropper, an object that plays with Newtonian physics.

Scien@Art Physics 2010 Competition (June 2010) headed by Talete Flanagan (Second Physics), Marjorie Fargis (SL Art), Mexi Lane (Experience Italy) and Jayjay Zifanwe (University of Western Australia). Exhibited a set of devices to demonstrate the uncertain physical behaviors of very small prims. Won the Nanotechnoloy Science category prize. Winners were later displayed by Ice Caverns Gallery at Alpine Executive Center.

UWA 3D Art and Design Imagine Challenge (April 2010).  Exhibited Golden Angle Spiral 2, a large piece created with a mathematical algorithm.

Caerleon (SL) and Harbor Gallery, UMass Boston (April 2010). Participated in ‘Through the Virtual Looking Glass, a mixed-reality international exhibition with simultaneous events in several venues in SL as well as in rl galleries in Boston, France, Holland, Germany, Brazil, and Australia.

UWA 3D Art and Design Imagine Challenge (February 2010).  Exhibited two pieces: Spaceman Rescuer (part of the pulp fiction Covers! series) and Odalisque 1: Lacking Verisimilitude (Honorable Mention award for Interaction)

UWA 3D Art and Design Imagine Challenge (January 2010).  Exhibited the Mutoscope movie players.  Second Place Award winner.

UWA 3D Art and Design Imagine Challenge (December 2009). Exhibited two pulp fiction dioramas in the Covers! series.

Interaction Collaborative. Caerleon Art Collective. (November 2009). Created and collaborated on several elements of this major installation, including the landing station, falling objects, a miniature alpine village, a tower of indecision, etc.

Burning Life (October 2009). FreeWee’s Lost Planet. Animated windmill, flexi desert ground cover, etc.

Imagine Create Texture Challenge at Erato of Caerleon (September 2009).  Cosmic Techno Spacebot Angel. Honorable mention.

ARCANA (August 2009). Group show at Caerleon Art Collective. Rendering of “The Magician” tarot card.

Project(ion)s (August 2009).  Group show by Caerleon Art Collective as part of “How We Play”  at Neutral Ground gallery in Regina, Canada, presented by Soil Digital Media Suite. “Dancing Ghosts.”

Haiku Speed Build winner, July 30, 2009. Large rotating banana.

Artemisia Residents’ Show (June 2009). Misc. works.

Second Life 6th Birthday (SL6B) (May 2009). Doing Strange Things in the Name of Art. Large solo exhibition with multiple displays, both general and site specific.

Masks! (March 2009). Group show at Erato of Caerleon. Emotive HUD controlled mask.


News and Notes

Avatar Repertory Theater Presents Iain McCracken's "Throw Back the Rocket Man"RESCHEDULED to Friday, April 3, in Second Life.
Sets, costumes and props by Aley, adapted by Judith Adele (Ada Radius iSL).

“You have one thing to do. Make that monster leave, and make him take his abomination with him.”

By special permission of the author, our own Iain McCracken (Sodovan Torok iSL) we have adapted his hard sci-fi novella from the collection "Dreams and Snippets", available at Amazon:  

Actors: Sodovan Torok playing Jacob, Ada Radius playing Baxter and Mary, and Sam Brautigan playing the Tom (Rocket Man), Ed and the Amish Guide.


Genre-Humorous Pessimist Short Poetry Workshop-Tue 3/31,7pm SLT 

This week at the Short Poetry Workshop Arabella Nemeth is guest host for the Genre-Humorous Pessimist workshop. We will write poems with a light-hearted look at a negative world view. If enjoy Eeyore from Winnie-the-Pooh, come try your hand at writing poetry in his style. So join us at the Short Poetry Library to learn, write and share you poems.



Lauren's Place


Newcomer Help in Virtual Worlds



How to handle a Hypergrid address 

From any Hypergrid-enabled grid, paste the address into the navigation bar of Firestorm and press enter. Or paste it into the world map search bar of any viewer, search, and click Teleport when the destination is found. If it doesn't work, don't give up. Try again in a minutes.  Sometimes the first try fails (probably times out).  And try again a few hours later. Some hypergrid destinations are offline part of the day. 


Video-Machinima in virtual worlds

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