
Saturday, February 23, 2019

2019 WW: BIZ: A quick tour of my office in 3DWebWordz--Jamie Jordan

A quick tour of my office
 in 3DWebWordz
--Jamie Jordan
An office on the web.  Built in the browser.  No taxes.  No utilities.  No janitor.  Lease about $10. a month.  Location: every city in the world.  Just set your office hours.  My office hours are given after the break.

  • Watch on YouTube
  • Leasing office
  • A quick tour of Jamie's office in 3DWebWorldz 
  • Office of Jamie Jordan, RAW and Gaming Uncensored
  • RAW: Riding a Wheelie
  • Come visit for more information. 
  • You don't have to register--come in as a guest
  • You will arrive at the orientation room.
  • Get information there about how to movechat and use radar.
  • Then learn how to find places and go there.


Jamie's comments

Why do I use 3DWebWorldz as my virtual office space?

3DWebWorldz office spaces and conference rooms are designed to bring people together on the web.

There are lots of ways to communicate these days, but maybe you are uncomfortable with exchanging phone numbers or using complicated technology like Skype that seems to update and change every week. This is where a 3DWebWorldz  office and conference room can come in very handy.

All you have to do is give meeting participants the link. They can go to that landing page and come in as a guest. No application download/install is needed.

3DWebWorldz built-in presentation technology and voice makes meetings very simple, especially for initial meetings. It's a great way to introduce yourself and lay the groundwork needed even if you are oceans apart.  In addition to the many tools available to registered members, additional technology, like video conferencing, is available upon request. Whatever your need, the folks at 3DWebWorldz will help you make it happen. 

3DWebWorldz provides the ability to meet "in person” from anywhere. Visit 3DWebWorldz  to take a look around. When you are ready to set up your own region, there are two easy steps:
(2)  Complete a short form to send your initial setup requests: 

If you don't need an office, maybe you will want a conference center: 


Visit me on the web

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