
Saturday, March 25, 2017

2017 WRITE: PEOPLE: Jane, Plain Jane: Part 2 Pack-man

Jane, Plain Jane:  Part 2, Pack-man
The writers group at Nara's Nook has started a learning and production project using the guide book "The 90-day novel," by Alan Watt.  To contribute to the project without spending the time on a novel, I am writing a short story or one act play using some of the guidance from the book.  


    Jane, Plain Jane:  Part 2, Pack-man

    Jason is really bothering me.  He keeps calling me the super-geek.  I want to yell at him, "Shut up and drink!"   But I can't do that with all the other people around.  I don't know what to do.  I guess I just have to put up with it.

    I asked Hermione about it.  Not directly, of course.  I asked her if anyone ever gave her a nickname she didn't like.  

    "Not recently," she told.  "Somebody started calling me blondie when I was younger, but I just made up an unflattering name for her and she stopped immediately.  The way she said it, it made me think 'dumb blonde.'    I'm not dumb.  And I'm not blonde."

    That was a surprise to me.   I mean that she is not blonde.  Her hair is always blonde and beautiful.   Never has dark roots.  I don't know how she does it.  But anyway, that gave me an idea.  

    Jason is in packing and mailing.  So I can call him 'pack-man."   I don't think he is proud of packing and mailing.  The pay there is not all that good.  He does it really well.    He can get things wrapped before I could get my first paper-cut.  

    If I am on good terms with him at Christmas, maybe I could get him to wrap my presents for me.  He wouldn't mind doing that and I wouldn't mind asking him because I fix his computer for him.  But I may not be on good terms with him if I start calling him 'pack-man.'   

    Maybe I will ask Hermione what she thinks about calling him 'pack-man.'  I hate to show her I am such a social nerd.  But she is too smart-- she is bound to know that anyway.  Damn! I wish I could be like her.  She is so cool. She acts in the community theater.  On stage!  With everybody looking at her!  God, I wish I could do that.  
    This (the multi-part series including this part) could be a short story or a one-act play for one or three actors.  I relinquish all claims to the copyright and declare all work by me under the title "Jane, Plain Jane" to be in the public domain.   

    • The writer's meeting at Nara's nook is on Mondays, 6 PM California time. 
    • HG address: 
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    • put the HG addrress in the Find bar of the world map, click Find, TP
    • If you are not connected to the Hypergrid: 
    • visit Nara's Nook and find out how to join Nara's virtual writer's colony.


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