
Thursday, May 14, 2015


Updated 6/19/2015
You need a way to work with clients or students in a way that is immediate, shared, visual, visceral and changeable to meet changing needs of the process.

Invited post by Greg Crim and Niela Miller

If you are 

  • an educator
  • counselor
  • social worker
  • coach
  • group facilitator
you know how to work well with others in person.  But what about in the world of Second Life?  The lack of physical proximity presents some challenges.  Simply thinking and talking about ideas does not have the power of conceptually visualizing and manipulating them in real time.  You need a way to work with clients or students in a way that is immediate, shared, visual, visceral and changeable as the process goes on.

You will learn how to use the available technology to help your clients capture ideas, feeling states, values, and decision-making strategies with a visual reference. The benefits include discovering new perspectives, gaining insight, and experimenting with choice-making in ways that are not possible by thinking and talking alone.  This way of capturing feelings and thoughts is particularly well-suited to exploring possibilities in virtual worlds.  The approach can also be used outside of SL
The training will be done over three consecutive weekends, in two hour blocks of time each weekend.  The exact dates and times of the training sessions have not yet been determined, and will depend on the availability of those who express interest.  It will most likely be held in late summer of 2015. There is no set fee for the training, but you are welcome to make contributions to support the ongoing work of Marly’s group, Octagon:Creative Exploration.
If you would like to attend this course, and learn how to use these tools and techniques in your own training, please let us know!  You can contact Fran, Marly’s assistant, by emailing him at  or you can send a message to either Francisco Koolhoven or Marly Milena in Second Life.  If you know of other individuals who may be interested, please send them a link to this blog.
The training will take place at the headquarters of Marly’s Second Life group, Octagon: Creative Exploration, located at  
  • SLurl: Click or drag to the viewer screen.
(To use this URL, you need a Second Life account and have the viewer software installed.  To join Second Life for FREE, go to )

News and Notes


    Lauren's Place


    Newcomer Help in Virtual Worlds


    Video-Machinima in virtual worlds

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