
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

2014 PROMO: PEOPLE: BIZ: A sailing community in Second Life speaks to the outworld, where the people are.

A sailing community in Second Life 
speaks to the outworld, where the people are.
Scroll down for News and Notes 

  • It is nowhere near the enjoyment of sailing.  But it is near your living room. 

Find out about it on the outworld (web)

Newcomer Help in Virtual Worlds

Helpers online
"...upscale nautical and tropical themed community with expertly landscaped residential and communal areas, a modern yacht club, fully sailable waters and a variety of community events."
."..for those RL and SL Sailors to enjoy the fun of SL maritime life."
A place where you can relax after a long day on the water and sit back with friends to share stories.  
In a virtual world, your friends can be on the other side of the world.  (Of course, they will probably just be having breakfast)
Race Map
Buy a boat

Islands for rent
- -
Need a sailing oufit?
Free jet ski
Free rez zone in Port Victoria
Press the up arrow key to go
  • Right and left arrow keys to turn
  • One press of the up arrow key gets you a short sprint
  • Press it again to go farther

Sailing, boating

People, Communities, and Communication

News and Notes

  • OSgrid down 
  • More news in my blog roll (column on the right)
Scroll down for News and Notes 

Events in the virtual worlds  

How to handle a Hypergrid address 

From any Hypergrid-enabled grid, paste the address into the address bar of Firestorm and press enter. Or paste it into the world map search bar of any viewer, search, and click Teleport when the destination is found. If it doesn't work, don't give up. Try again later. Some hypergrid destinations are offline part of the day.


Contests and dated calls/invitations

Take Five Short Poetry Workshop-Tue, 9/23, 7pm SLT - This week at the Short Poetry Workshop we’re doing Take Five. Everyone is given 5 words to use in a poem. Use any poetry form including free verse. The group will then chose 5 more words to use in the next poem. It’s great fun to see how everyone writes different styles using the same 5 words plus we’ll throw in a few twists to make it even more fun.

    Machinima - 2014 Project SciFi Competition (Registrations by 3 Oct)

    2014 Project SciFi Competition in partnership with Screen My Shorts and sponsored by the Parramatta City Council is giving filmmakers, Machinima makers and animators 30 days to write, shoot, edit, produce and upload a 3-10min short film with $5,500 (Australian Dollars) in cash prizes. -All films that enter into this years Project SciFi will be screened at Riverside Theatres.  Teams must register by 3rd October 2014 and nominate 2 scifi subjects that they would like to make their film about. For registrations visit ... 

    Subjects for Machinima makers, 2014 Project SciFi Competition

    • Sci-Romance – Love between Aliens, Robots and more! (Can be Happy, Sad or Tragedy) 
    • Sci-Comedy – Science fiction that is humorous in nature. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a good example of SciFi Comedy. 
    • Save the Environment – A theme focuses on saving the dying planet and/or ecosystem 
    • Zombie / Disease – A theme focuses on the effect of a disease in the future. 
    • Apocalyptic / Post-Apocalyptic SciFi – Stories about the extinction or near extinction of humankind either by forces of nature or by our own means. Post- focuses on telling the tale of the survivors of an apocalypse. 
    • Spy-Fy – Science fiction about futuristic spies and espionage, and the effects of technological advancement on their professions. 
    • Super Hero – Stories related to super heroes who get their powers from technology or because they are from another world. Often focuses on futuristic superheroes. 
    • Robots / AI – Fiction in which the science of Artificial Intelligence and robotics is a central theme, typically relating to Robot stories. 
    • First Contact / Alien – This sub genre imagines the various scenarios in which humanity makes contact with other civilizations. 
    • Social Science Fiction - Fiction in which future societies are extrapolated, explained and often criticized, usually for the purpose of social satire. The social sciences are the overriding theme in this type of fiction; however, science and technology will usually play a central role in the structure of the extrapolated society.

    National Agenda 2014 focuses on the battle for control of congress midway through the Obama second term, with some of the biggest and most experienced names in American politics
    Midtown Arts Museum is launching its first participation storybuild on Monday, 9.1.2014, Wear Your Goggles to the Goldrush. All elements are ready for visitors, explorers and amateur sleuths to plunder. A storybuild mystery is not an event that is attended. Rather clues and story are collected, assembled and written by the participants who journey through it. It is writing via pictures and conversation - - the natural, entertaining and effortless way. Oakes Valley blog
    Hypergrid address: Valley  
    Kitely World page:
    Companion websites:
    Longer summary and pictures on HG Destinations website
    The theme is 'TRANSCENDING BORDERS.' Artists & filmmakers can interpret the theme as they see fit. Whether transcending borders between time and space, past and present, one nation and another, one language and another, a culture or civilization or any other of the innumerable borders that present themselves as we navigate our lives. You the artist... You the machinimatographer...You decide.
    Entries Close at Midnight SLT 31st October 2014. Winners will be announced in December 2014.   
    UWA Art & Film Challenges 2014 with L$1.03 Mil in Prizes, early entries 
    And don't forget the many imagined borders, walls, that we make for ourselves.--TKR

    Newcomer Help in Virtual Worlds


    Entrepreneurs call

    Entrepreneurs of the virtual worlds unite: Think Avatar Land! The Disney park


    Video-Machinima in virtual worlds

    1 comment:

    1. For those of you interested in a FREE forum for SLSailing, for those into fun and not into making money with avatars, we encourage the forum at the link below. 
      (Free = not made by land barons and not administrated/moderated by money makers / boat builders)


    Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.