
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2014 EVENTS: PEOPLE: Added News and Notes section, collaborating blogs

Added News and Notes section, collaborating blogs
Scroll down for news and notes
Often I have items of interest that don't justify a separate blog or are about continuing events that really should appear over a period of several days.  I  put them in my Google+ stream, but I wanted to make some of them more easily available to my blog readers.   So I have added a section to the organization of my posts: the News and Notes section.  

You will find the News and Notes section following the main article.  It will carry: 
  • Links to articles I think will be of interest to some of my readers.
  • Notices about selected events and requests that fit one of the themes* of this blog.
  • Follow-up reports related to previous articles in the blog.
  • Notices about casting calls for theater and video in virtual worlds.

*Themes of this blog

Art: Three-D builds and digital paintings,   ART: 
Art videos and videos of art,  ART: VIDEO:
Business,  BIZ:
Comedy and comedy videos  COMEDY:  VIDEO:
Education   EDU:
Helpful articles for beginners in virtual worlds,  1stHELP:
Helpful articles for people just getting to like virtual worlds, 2ndHELP:
Helpful articles for anyone in virtual worlds,  HELP: 
Hobbies,  HOBBIES:
Music,  MUSIC:
Music videos,  MUSIC:  VIDEO:
Performing arts, STAGE:
Promote your project in virtual worlds,  PROMO:
Sights in virtual worlds,  SEE:
People, social media, and remote collaboration,  STECH:
Videos in general,  VIDEO:
Writing in virtual worlds,  WRITE: 
How to use your head,  TKR:

If you send me a notice about an event that fits one of these themes, I will consider it for use in a main article, but if I can't use it that way, I will try to fit it into the News and Notes section.   Feel free to send me a news item in the comments section of a recent article on this blog or by a note in Google+.  

Collaborating blogs  

I welcome collaboration with other bloggers.  If your blog deals with one or more of the themes listed above, send me a link to it in the comments section of a recent article on this blog or by a note in Google+.  Don't worry about whether you blog is already on my blog roll.  The system will handle that.  I am also building a list of blogs for a later article and will use your link for that also.  
If I think your blog fits a theme and would be of interest to my readers,  I will put it on my blogroll (right-hand column, scroll down).  Your posts will then appear on the blogroll shortly after they are posted.   The blogroll shows only the most recent posts, so your post will move down in the list as other posts are made.  Usually a post will stay up for about a day before it is bumped off by more recent posts.  
Clothing fashion is one kind of blog I do not include in my blogroll beyond the one already there (iheartsl Second Life).   The Ihearts blog has a large collection of contributors and I think it covers the SL Fashion scene very well.  I would consider listing another blog if I thought it gave better coverage to the Opensim-Hypergrid market.  But there are so many clothing fashion blogs that they would crowd out other blogs if I put all of them on my blogroll. .  
I will also add your blog to my feed-reader, Feedly.   I will see your posts on my feed reader and may post a link to it to my Google+ stream and to the News and Notes section of this blog. I may also use an article as source material or leads for my blog articles.  I will not directly use your content, but may report on the same artistic build or location that you have reported on.  If I use your blog in this way, I will link back to your blog as a related article.
You are welcome to use Virtual Outworlding in the same way as described above.  It would be nice if you list Virtual Outworlding in your blog roll, but it is OK if you don't.


News and Notes

Related blog posts, upcoming, current, and recent events




Around the virtual worlds  

Art in virtual worlds
Video-Machinima in virtual worlds

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