
Friday, December 7, 2012

2013 ART: THE CHANGE, a rock opera in a virtual world

THE CHANGE, a rock opera in a virtual world

THE CHANGE, is a rock opera created for the metaverse through months of 
collaboration by an international team. 

Sundays at 1pm SLT at Benvolio
The schedule is a little vague.  I gather that the next 2 Sundays are sure:
  • Dec. 9
  • Dec. 16
The following 2 Sundays--Dec. 23 and Dec. 30--are uncertain, being close to the Christmas holidays.  The  show will continue into January if they keep drawing good crowds.   I will carry the schedule in my regular Sunday Morning post if I get it in time.
The CHANGE is about the huge challenge and choice facing our world - will we continue

the way we are to one future - with the world destroyed or change direction? 
  • The show uses symbolic imagery. 
  • The audience is led by a dark and a light shaman into alternative futures. 
  • We voyage into other realities - into the distant future and into the distant past. 
We face the questions 
  • What have we done?
  • Is it too late?
  • Shall we awake or shall we die?
Answer the questions for yourself when you have seen this ambitious original creative show
The Change is part of the Intergrid Metaverse Arts Biennial 

The Biennial  Website will show all the events as the full programme develops on the different grids.
The festival celebrates the emerging fantastical and creative worlds of virtual reality. In the hypergridded metaverse, new worlds spring into being, each with its creators and arts. Already avatars can travel between some of these worlds. The IMAB festival calls for all grids to provide hypergrid freedom for our virtual selves to leap world to world! Let the citizens of the metaverse explore, encounter, create and express themselves!

Click image to enlarge
Instructions for the audience
This is a show involving 10 performers, many costume and avatar changes, lighting effects and many scripts and particles. Its really a help if they don't have to compete with scripts and prims in the audience. 
We would like you to enjoy the show and avoid as many technical problems as possible. These guidelines are to help you. 
Please remove scripted items that are not needed, such as dance HUDs, scripted jewellery/shoes/hair etc. 
Many viewers allow you to check your script count. Under 50 is ideal.
Please remove prim attachments as much as possible. They affect performance on the sim too. You can check that  your Avatar Render Weight is in the green zone [ADVANCED/RENDERING/INFO DISPLAYS/AVATAR RENDER WEIGHT]
AVATAR IMPOSTERS - Please untick AVATAR IMPOSTERS to ensure avatar movement is properly synched
DRAW DISTANCE - Please set at 250 or higher
PARTICLES - Please set at 4000 or higher
CAMERAS - The show is best seen through the cameras in the seats. They will give you close up views. Sit and press escape twice to switch to camera view
LIGHTING SETTINGS - Please set to midnight to enable you to enjoy the fireworks  [WORLD/ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS/MIDNIGHT]
SOUND SETTINGS - Please leave the music stream on. If you stop it part way through the music will not be synched with the action until the next scene

  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
  • Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right 
  • Google search this blog, column on right
  • or put at the end of the search terms
  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
  • Ads are  from Google


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