
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

2020 #VWEDU: The Dickens Project presents the New and the Familiar, beginning December 4

The Dickens Project presents the New and the Familiar, 
beginning December 4

Seanchai Library brings you The Dickens Project 2020.

The Seanchai Library announces the opening of The Dickens Project 2020 Edition. The Project began as a special seasonal presentation of Seanchai Library in 2008.  It transformed into an interactive environment in 2012, then to a full region experience in 2017. This year's two regions are inspired by the Victorian world of A Christmas Carol and other beloved tales, offering a broad spectrum of opportunities to explore, discover, and participate.

Overview of the Dickens Project

The Dickens Project presented over 80 hours of events during the month of December 2019, and this year's schedule is just as ambitious. Information is available on Seanchai's website in addition to other information that will be released during opening week. This year's two-region creation opens to the Second Life community on Friday, December 4th and will remain open through Sunday, January 3rd.

"Every year The Dickens Project intentionally blends the familiar features of previous years with new things waiting to be discovered," said Caledonia Skytower of Seanchai Library. "It helps our loyal visitors feel like they are coming home, gets them excited about what's new, and encourages them to share the experience with their friends. That's our goal. Each year the Dickens Project is just a little different. This year, with a second region, there is a lot that is fresh and new."  

The Dickens Project is also about a community of Second Life individuals and organizations that come together for this month long celebration. That community will again include Radio Riel, and Innsmouth SL. The Community Virtual Library will feature aspects of Victorian life from clothing, workers conditions, Dickens in Spanish, to The London Exhibition in a dedicated information district. Idle Rogue Productions will return with a new edition of their "Midnight Dinner" show, and Misfit Dance & Performance Art returns with "A Very Misfit Christmas" filled with seasonal joy. These are in addition to the live story reading programs which are Seanchai Library's hallmark.  

Dickens Harbour

Virtuoso Performing Arts joins the community this year, presenting their new "Tales of Beatrix Potter" show New Year's weekend; and the SL Hawks Aerobatic Team will present their "Ghost Flights of Christmas" air show in performances in the skies above Dickens Harbour. That's right: an air show based on A Christmas Carol.

The horse in Victorian London

For inquiring minds, there is "The Horse in Victorian London", and "The Mine" interactive experiences. The later experience includes a ride through a mine with Sultan the pit pony and his coal carts. "Sultan" is a tribute to the name of one of the last pit ponies in Wales. Like their predecessor, the Urchin Experience (on hiatus this year), these experiences seek to balance the view of Dickens' world. "It's not all plum puddings and prize turkeys," says Skytower, "not for children, the working poor, women, or for animals."

The popular "Carol Week" returns with a section of Dickens' novella presented live each day in a "Story Tour" to the sites on the region inspired by the story. Saturday, December 19th features Fezziwig's Ball in the Opera House. The week culminates in The Big Read on Sunday, December 20th at Noon in Dickens Square. The Big Read is a relay-style presentation involving 9-12 voices in a continuous reading of "A Christmas Carol" from the beginning to the end of it.

"And this is just the tip of the iceberg," added Skytower, "We have art shows this year for the first time, and wearable horses and carriages that you can drive around on each region, and so much more. It's not a cliche'. It's really impossible to concisely summarize everything you can do, see, or experience at this year's Project. You just have to come and check it out for yourself."

Seanchai Library offers its thanks to Linden Labs and Patch Linden, our 2020 Region Sponsors.

About the Seanchai Library

Seanchai Library (pronounced Shawn-a-kee, which means "Storyteller" in Irish Gaelic.) was founded in March of 2008 in Second Life. The program remains dedicated to promoting the power of stories to transform and inspire through live voice presentations: "We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life and other virtual worlds."

Reports on Dickens Project from previous years


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