
Saturday, December 7, 2019

2019 #DTA: #VWEDU: Skill-based learning: Requires evaluated practice. A job for the Digital Teaching Assistant (DTA)

Skill-based learning:
Requires evaluated practice.

A job for the Digital Teaching Assistant (DTA)

Developing a skill requires practice with feedback.  Some of that feedback can be provided by a computer at low cost and with 24/7 availability anywhere the internet can reach.
The Empty Classroom
They are off practicing

What is skill-based learning?

Skills fit actions to an environment

  • Skill sets for operating equipment are often learned in a simulated environment.
  • But that simulation requires a physical environment like that of the equipment.
  • Some skill-sets are used in an ordinary environment.
  • These may be learned in a simulation of an ordinary environment. 
  • Examples: language, planning, collaboration, ideation, managing, etc.
  • Many skills require working with others and need others in the learning environment.
  • Working with others is often a valuable skill.
  • Mastering a skill requires evaluated practice--a job for the DTA
  • The Digital Teaching Assistant (DTA) for MUVES (vitrual worlds): Summary

Skill oriented learning

        Mastering a skill requires evaluated practice

        • Practice is not done in the abstract.  It is done in an environment.
        • In a virtual world the DTA can match the environment to the learning objectives.
        • DTA can monitor the practice and record performance
        • DTA can offer alternative practice situations.
        • DTA can help students to select practice situations that match their interests.
        • DTA can monitor practice and give immediate feedback.  It can give advice on avoiding common errors.
        • DTA can report practice activities to the teacher for formative assessment.
        • DTA can offer and manage educational games. that give a framework for practice.
        • It can keep score, maintain a leader-board, and celebrate milestones.
        • DTA can managed students in the move  up to more challenging games.
        • DTA can provide competition for students in otherwise solo games.

        The mystery of knowledge-based learning

        • Skill-based learning specified the target skill set.
        • Any competent Instructional plan can have students practicing those skills.
        • But what are students practicing with knowledge-based learning?
        • The goal is for students to be able to answer questions on the assigned topic.   
        • Is answering questions on, say, ancient history, an important skill for adults?
        • Do people even retain that skill?  Do they ever use it? 
        • Knowledge-based learning is developing a skill, but it is subtle about it.  
        • I will save that discussion for another time.



        Visit me on the web

        • Drop by my web offices Weekdays: 12:-12:30 pm Central time (US)
        • I am available for free consulting on any topic in this blog.
        • Cybalounge and 3DWebWorldz (Orientation room)
        • I will be in both places, so you may need to speak to get my attention.
        • Web-worlds, 3D virtual worlds running in a browser. Summary
        • And we can visit the Writer's Workshop on the Web
        • Don't register -- enter as guest.  


        • Original text in this blog is CC By: unless specified public domain.
        • Use as you please with attribution: link to the original.
        • All images without attribution in this blog are CC0: public domain.
        • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
        • Annotated screenshots made with Jing
        • This blog is not affiliated with anything.   Ads are from Google.
        • Selby Evans in Kitely and hypergrid, Thinkerer Melville in Second Life.

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