
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

2017 HELP: You don't need a graphics card to use virtual worlds--Integrated graphics works.

You don't need a graphics card to use virtual worlds--
Integrated graphics works.
Comparing Nvidea and Intel integrated graphics on the same laptop, I find that the integrated graphics is quite adequate for general use.  We of the metaverse should not tell people that they need a graphics card for our worlds.  We should tell them:  If you have a fairly new laptop with enough memory, install a viewer and see if it does the job for you.  Don't go after the mass market with upscale prices.
Cookie welcome center 
by Intel HD graphics 530
Cookie welcome center 
by Nvidea Geforce GTX 980M
  • (More after the break, scroll down!)

Metaverse events, current and upcoming

Epistrophe Short Poetry Workshop-Tue 5/2, 7pm SLT

This week the Short Poetry Workshop presents the Epistrophe, which is a stylistic poetry device that involves the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive stanzas
    On my laptop (bought in late 2015) I have the option of using a Nvidea Geforce GTX 980M or Intel integrated graphics.  Of course I set the default to Nvidea and left it there.  For a while.  But when I thought of it again, I decided to experiment with the Intel. 

    To my surprise, I saw no obvious difference in image quality or speed between the two.  The only difference I noticed was that the machine did not get as hot with the integrated graphics.  That probably means that it would not be as heavy a load on the battery.  

    I am not using Nvidea to its maximum.  I don't turn shadows on because that cuts my frame rate a lot.   That I am happy with the Intel graphics is probably because I am not very demanding about image quality.   

    So my conclusion is not that we should all be happy with integrated graphics, but that we should not be discouraging potential newcomers to virtual worlds by telling they will need an expensive new computer to run our virtual worlds.  Rather we should be telling them that if they have enough spare memory on the "disk" drive, they should get a viewer and see if it gives results good enough for them.  

    BTW: Integrated saves battery and generated less heat.

    Second life minimum requirements    



    News and Notes

    The Hypergrid WIP Show

    • The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. 
    • Everyone is invited.  Building, scripting, promotion, entertainment-- whatever you are working on.
    • Selby will be doing test video capture of presentations in voice.  These may be posted on YouTube.
    • Presentations are in voice and text.  
    • For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  
    • Voice presentations may be captured in video.  
    • Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog and elsewhere.

    Next WIP show

    • Next WIP show: Sun. May 14 Noon SLT 
    • Pandora Location: (second Sunday of the month)
    • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
    • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
    • II 
    • in Kitely: paste into Nav (top) bar of Firestorm, Enter.
    • hop:// II/68/369/22
    • Pandora Location: (second Sunday of the month)
    • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
    • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
    • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora

            Previous Articles from the WIP show 

            HG links-- depending on your interests 

            Communities in the virtual worlds

            Radio in the virtual worlds

            Metaverse beginner help

                                  Schools in virtual worlds

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