
Friday, January 27, 2017

2017 TKR: EDU: The key to remembering is to pay attention to what you want to remember. Can you remember that?

The key to remembering is to pay attention 
to what you want to remember.
Can you remember that? 
Yeah.  It really is that simple.  Well,  once you know what you want to remember, there are some tricks to make sure you remember details. But you can't use them unless you know what you need to use them for.    

  • Yes.  It really is that simple. 
  • But it is hard to remember to do it when you need to do it,
  • What you need is habits to make that memory system work for you.
  • The habits are easy, too.  
  • You just have to remember to do them at the right time.
  • (More after the break, scroll down!)

Metaverse events, current and upcoming


Habit 1 Choose

  • Pick what you want to remember.
  • If you don't pick, you will remember something. 
  • But it won't be what you wanted to remember.
  • Don't just choose the name of the thing you want to remember.  
  • That's not usually what you want to remember.  
  • If you want to remember Susan's phone number, that's a sequence of numbers.
  • If you want to remember to pick up the cleaning, 
  • that's an action at a specific time and place.

Habit 2 Use

  • Think about the specific thing you want to remember.
  • If it is something you would say, say it to yourself a few times.
  • Or if you are standing in a store line, chant it loudly.
  • That won't make you remember any better, but it may clear the line

Habit 3 Cues

  • If you want to remember it at some particular time:
  • Imagine what you will be doing at that time.
  • Imagine what you will see at that time.  
  • Pick something you will use as a cue.
  • Imagine what you will do when you see that cue.

Memory tricks--Pick a few things to think about

  • Why do you want to remember this? 
  • Why can't you just write it somewhere?
  • If you had part of this memory, how would you find the rest?
  • Can you make a summary of what you need to remember?
  • What questions are you are most likely to ask yourself about this?
  • What part of this memory would you most like to forget?
  • What is the funniest part about what you want to remember?
  • Can you make a joke about something in this?
  • What will happen if you forget this?
  • What cues would help you remember this when you need it?
  • Did you ever forget something  like this?  What happened?
  • Does this remind you of something you already know?
  • Is place an important part of this memory? 
  • Can you remember this whole thing as a picture or a short video?
  • What does this remind you of?
  • Can you make an acronym of it?
  • Rhythm, rhyme, repetition, can you apply any of these?
  • Imagine yourself explaining this to someone else.  What would you say?
  • Memorizing Names and Faces

News and Notes


    The Hypergrid WIP Show

    • The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. 
    • Everyone is invited.  Building, scripting, promotion, entertainment-- whatever you are working on.
    • Selby will be doing test video capture of presentations in voice.  These may be posted on YouTube.
    • Presentations are in voice and text.  
    • For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  
    • Voice presentations may be captured in video.  
    • Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog and elsewhere.

    Next WIP show

    • Next WIP show: Sun. Feb. 12, Noon SLT 
    • Pandora Location: (second Sunday of the month)

    • Pandora Location: (second Sunday of the month)
    • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
    • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
    • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora

    • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
    • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
    • II 
    • in Kitely: paste into Nav (top) bar of Firestorm, Enter.
    • hop:// II/68/369/22

            Previous Articles from the WIP show 

            HG links-- depending on your interests 

            Communities in the virtual worlds

            Radio in the virtual worlds

            Metaverse beginner help

                              Schools in virtual worlds

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