
Monday, December 26, 2016

2016 OSHG: PEOPLE: Worlds in your browser. The worlds of WebGL are coming

Worlds in your browser.   
The worlds of WebGL are coming
Updated 2/4/2017
Web Graphics Library (WebGL) allows browsers to render 3d graphics, using the computer's GPU.   A number of initiatives are working to develop software to access and run virtual worlds in browsers.  Some of these worlds are like limited versions of OpenSimulator and the MOSES project is working to develop a WebGL interface to connect the Halcyon Fork of  OpenSimulator to the browser.  
WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins.   WebGL is integrated completely into all the web standards of the browser allowing GPU accelerated usage of physics and image processing and effects as part of the web page canvas. WebGL elements can be mixed with other HTML elements and composited with other parts of the page or page background.  WebGL programs consist of control code written in JavaScript and shader code that is written in GLSL, a language similar to C/C++, and is executed on a computer's Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). WebGL is designed and maintained by the non-profit Khronos Group.


  • (More after the break, scroll down!)

Metaverse events, current and upcoming

Three.JS, Wikipedia
Three.js allows the creation of GPU-accelerated 3D animations using the JavaScript language as part of a website without relying on proprietary browser plugins. This is possible thanks to the advent of WebGL.
High-level libraries such as Three.js or GLGE, SceneJS, PhiloGL or a number of other libraries make it possible to author complex 3D computer animations that display in the browser without the effort required for a traditional standalone application or a plugin.
The Khronos Group is a not-for-profit industry consortium creating open standards for the authoring and acceleration of parallel computing, graphics, dynamic media, computer vision and sensor processing on a wide variety of platforms and devices. All Khronos members are able to contribute to the development of Khronos API specifications, are able to accelerate the delivery of their cutting-edge 3D platforms and applications through early access to specification drafts and conformance tests.
GLGE is a programming library for use with WebGL and JavaScript.  GLGE is a JavaScript library intended to ease the use of WebGL; which is basically a native browser JavaScript API giving direct access to OpenGL ES 2, allowing for the use of hardware accelerated 2D/3D applications without having to download any plugins.  The aim of GLGE is to mask the involved nature of WebGL from the web developer, who can then spend his/her time creating richer content for the web.

Interest from the OpenSim community



News and Notes


    The Hypergrid WIP Show

    • The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. 
    • Everyone is invited.  Building, scripting, promotion, entertainment-- whatever you are working on.
    • Presentations are in voice and text.  
    • For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  
    • Voice presentations may be captured in video.  
    • Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog and elsewhere.

    Next WIP show

    • WIP shows cancelled for Dec because of conflict with other events
    • Next WIP show: Sun. Jan 8, Noon SLT 
    • Narasnook  location (second Sunday of the month)
    • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
    • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
    • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora
    • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
    • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
    • II 
    • in Kitely: paste into Nav (top) bar of Firestorm, Enter.
    • hop:// II/68/369/22

            Previous Articles from the WIP show 


            HG links-- depending on your interests 

            Radio in the virtual world

            Metaverse beginner help

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