
Saturday, June 11, 2016

2016 BIZ: PEOPLE: The business of community building in HG.. Ann Tree Prenyour comments

The business of community building in HG. 
Ann Tree Prenyour comments
Community building in virtual worlds can be a business if you are selling things to the members or renting them property.  Ann Tree Prenyour offers her comments on the idea. 

Selby:  Community building is a business? 
Ann:  Can be.  Is for some people in Second Life.  Probably will be for some people on the Hypergrid.  Bound to be if they are in my family.  My family is always thinking business.
Selby:  Ok.  There are some sailing communities in SL that are built up by people renting land or sea access to the people who sail.  The land owners may also sell products relevant to sailing,  So that would be a business based on the sailing community.  And it would benefit from the growth of the community. 
  • (More after the break)
  • Where is Arcadia?

Metaverse events, current and upcoming


        Ann:  Back in the days when all businesses were local, community building was always an important part of business.  
        Selby: In those days community was mainly a matter of location.  
        Ann:  Community depends on communication.  In those days, you couldn't do much communication over long distances.  Now you can have world-wide communities. 
        Selby:  So community now depends on common interests, such as sailing. 
        Ann:   Or railroads, or car racing, or building, or fashion, or music, or writing.
        Selby:  Whatever people can do in a virtual world and a reasonable number of people would find interesting and entertaining.  But why is this important now?
        Ann:  Community-oriented marketing.  I talked about that before:

        Selby: So revenue splitting is good for community building?  
        Ann:  Good for the business of community building.  Say you were building that sailing community.  You make a grid or a Kitely world that's got lots of water and things to make sailing interesting.  Part of your business is renting land and docks.  You probably give away some inexpensive sailboats.  But you sell fancy boats and sailing paraphernalia.  
        Selby: And with revenue splitting, you don't have to make all that merchandise yourself.  You can shop around for the best products and get them into your store with revenue splitting.
        Ann: That's it.  So maybe you will see more community building in Hypergrid. 
        Selby:  If you were going to build a community for business, how would you choose a target community?
        Ann: You would look in communities you are already familiar with.  You gotta know the territory.
        Selby:  Wouldn't you want to focus on big communities?
        Ann:  If you like to think inside the box.  But communities can grow.  And the right products could help a community grow.  If you were into sailing, for example, you might aggregate  sail boats and sailing paraphernalia.  Say you were active in a community that worked with "real" sailboats.  
        Selby: If I were that person, I might think about trying to persuade sailing fans to come into virtual worlds, where we can sail any time and on a moment's notice.  
        Ann:  Not a replacement for wet water sailing, but another place where you could hang out with your sailing friends. 
        Selby:  With a Varregion you could easily have a region 1024 meters on a side. That's about six tenths of a mile with no sim crossings.  Cost you $40/month in Kitely.  You could probably get a bigger region in some other grids.  A region that is mostly water could probably be pretty big before it showed much lag.
        Ann: There is a 10 x 10 region on Next Reality Grid
        • Adventure Bay Jetski Rezzer. Incidental entertainment
        Selby:  Lots of water, but I saw only one sailboat.  Probably no sailing community.
        Ann:  Kayaker Magic has a lot of content related to sailing and sea in his Ocean Engineering shop.
        Selby:  Kayaker holds races on some Sundays.  That is a kind of community-building effort.  He sells a complete race course system on Kitely Market.  So he may be starting on community-based marketing.  
        Ann:  Some parts of a community are there.   Is there a Google+ community?
        Selby:  I don't see one.  I find two sailing communities living in Second Life.  
        Ann:  There is another that seems to be for wet water sailing:
        Selby:  But I can't find a community for sailing on the hypergrid.  
        Ann:  So maybe there isn't one--yet.  My family knows the power of yet.   One may be developing on the 3rd Rock Grid

        Selby:   I am following that and will report on developments there.
        Ann:  Well it does not take much effort to create a Google+ community.  Kayaker or Mike Hart might do that tomorrow.   
        Selby:  A Google+ community is not a real community.  Real communities are made of real people.  And that holds true in a virtual world, too.
        Ann:  Right.  A Google+ community is just a meeting place for a community.  But it is a place where people in the community can meet, communicate and help build a community
        Selby:  Yes.  Post about what they are doing. Post pictures and videos. Announce upcoming events.  Post links to calendars.  All that communication is part of what it takes to build and maintain a community.
        Ann:  If there were a sailing community on the hypergrid, there would be a market for islands, docks, underwater scenes, other sailing paraphernalia, and of course, boats.  
        Selby:  Some people like to show off what the have.  Ann, I'll bet you can come up with a way to do that.
        Ann:  How about a boat in a bottle?
        Selby:  Okay, I see how community building on the hypergrid could be a business and even a profitable business.  I hope some people will try it out.  
        Ann: Some of my family, maybe.


        News and Notes


          The Hypergrid WIP Show

          The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. All builders from beginner to pro are invited.  Presentations are in voice and text.  For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  Voice presentations may be captured in video.  Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog and elsewhere.

          Next WIP show 

          • Next WIP show: Sun. June 12, Noon SLT 
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          • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora
          • Narasnook  location (second Sunday of the month)
          • Pandora allows presenters to run high threat OSSL functions.
          • Put the line above in your World Map next to Find.  Click FindTP
          • At Narasnook, use World Map to search for Pandora
          • Cookie II location (fourth Sunday of the month)
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