
Monday, December 14, 2015

2015 BIZ: PEOPLE: AnnT: Ann Tree Prenyour comments on a "Hypergrid Chamber of Commerce"--Or HGProjects

"Hypergrid Chamber of Commerce"
I called on the people in my head to develop plans for a Hypergrid Chamber of Commerce: the why, the what and the how.  Here I report the discussion in my head about HGProjects. 

Destination board for OSCC14
One element of HGProjects

OpenSimulator Community Conference 2014
  • The destination board for OSCC was well designed.
  • Located in the center of many sims.
  • With standard signage.
  • With teleports well organized.
  • And destinations described by content.
  • Just the kind of thing the HGProjects would do
When I heard that someone wanted an article from me about a Hypergrid Chamber of Commerce, I called on Ann Tree Prenyour, one of my head alts, to give some advice.
I report the discussion in my head after the break.
(Updated from previous article posted in November-December issue of Visionz Magazine, an inworld magazine accessible at various placed on the Hypergrid.)
  • (More after the break)
  • Where is Arcadia?

Metaverse events, current and upcoming

  • The Grand Finale Winners announcements for MachinimUWA VIII:  
  • Sunday 12/13 6AM SLT (note its AM!!) 


        Metaverse beginner help

        Selby:  Ann, should we try to organize a Hypergrid Chamber of Commerce?

        Ann: No.  Do it.  Or don't do it.  There is no try.  

        Selby:  OK, should we organize a Hypergrid Chamber of Commerce?
        chamber of commerce (or board of trade) is a form of business network, e.g., a local organization of businesses whose goal is to further the interests of businesses. Business owners in towns and cities form these local societies to work on behalf of the business community. They generally interpret this mission broadly, assuming that working in the interests of the city (say, for population growth) is also in the interests of the business community. (Wikipedia)
        Ann:  I am not a moralist.  I don't deal in shoulds.  I deal in objectives and results.  If your objective is to increase the number of people and level of activity in the Hypergrid, then you want to form some organization like the HGCC.  That's short for Hypergrid Chamber of Commerce
        Vulcan:  The objective of the HGCC would be to increase the number of people and level of activity in the Hypergrid.  Working toward that objective requires the cooperation of many people.   The function of the HGCC would be to coordinate that effort.  That is logical.
        Pro Moe: You don't really want to call it a Hypergrid Chamber of Commerce, do you?  The name does not fit your audience.  HGProjects would be a more effective name 
        Selby:  "Chamber of commerce" may be under trademark protection in the US.  It would take some research to find out whether anyone else can use it as the name of an organization.  I was just using it as a shorthand way of suggesting what the organization might do.   People will think of a new name. HGProjects will do for now
        Yes Butters:  Yes, but lots of people active on the Hypergrid are competitors.  Competitors don't cooperate with their competition.
        Vulcan:   If competitors don't cooperate, there would be no chambers of commerce that included competitors.  Yet there are many chambers of commerce with competitors working together, for example, to increase the population of the city.  The claim is illogical and inconsistent with reality.  But quite human.
        Ann: Competitors work together towards objectives that support their common interests.  Increasing the population of the city benefits retail businesses because they get more customers.  The same is true of increasing the population of the Hypergrid.  
        Selby:  And if you are running a commercial grid, your real competitors are the outworld businesses who give people something else to do when they could be coming to the metaverse.  
        YesButters: Yes, but what would they cooperate on?  You won't get new people coming into the metaverse by talking to people already in the metaverse.    
        Vulcan:  That is indeed logical.  It follows that you must talk to people in the outworld.  However, projects cannot live on talk alone.  You must also work to remove barriers that obstruct entry.  
        Pro Moe:  The two arms of promotion.  Show people why they want to do what you want them to do.  Make it easy for them to do it.  Two arms of outreach.  A promotional start right there.
        Ann:  And you want to do both at low cost. So you use social media to spread the word.  That is free and it benefits from talkative supporters.  
        Selby:  So the HGProject would facilitate cooperation on two main goals:  Promotion of Hypergrid activities on social media and reducing barriers to entry.
        Vulcan: The first step in reducing barriers would be to identify them.  Then you might look for help in getting them fixed.
        YesButters:  Yes, but you don't know how to promote that.

        Ann:  The YesButters are wrong again.  They don't know know how to promote that.  Talla Adam does.  A scripting function was generally unusable because of a serious bug.  Talla Adam proposed a crowdfunding solution and raised money for a bounty.
        Vulcan:  That matter is a detail, useful as an example of how the HGProjects might do things.  But it is not useful, in planning, to be distracted by detail and neglect the main objective.  The HGProjects would collect the most serious barriers then evaluate them in terms of importance and potential for removal.  It would then select some barriers as targets and develop plans for action against them.  
        Selby:  There is another objective that would the imaginary HGprojects would have, improving the virtual experience for everyone.  That is what leads to retention.
        Ann:  Retention was the problem Second Life had.  Lots of people came, but lots of people left.  
        Vulcan:  Then to summarize, the top level objective of the HGProjects is
        • to increase the number of people and level of activity in the Hypergrid
        That leads to sub-objectives:
        • Marketing: Show people why they want to try out the Hypergrid.
        • Onboarding: Make it easy for them to try out the Hypergrid. 
        • Retention:  Improve the Hypergrid experience for everyone.
        Pro Moe:  Those would be the tasks of the top level action teams.  Each one would need a subcommittee for promotion.  
        Selby:  The three P's:  planning, product, promotion.  Each team would select goals derived from their objectives, then plan projects or campaigns to accomplish those goals.  And finally, the team would organize a project to get the work done.
        YesButters:  Yes, but how do you get people to do all that work?
        Selby: People are already doing it.  Here are some examples:
        YesButters: Yes, but if people are already doing it, you don't need HGProjects to do it.
        Vulcan:  You don't need the HGProject to do it,  you need the HGProject to plan, organize, and promote it.  Here are some things the HGProjects could do:
        • HG needs: Collect  and promote a list of needs to make the Hypergrid more valuable to users.
        • Efforts:.  Identify efforts currently in progress, provide contacts.
        • Priorities:  Suggest priorities for needs.
        • Publicize Needs.
        • Identify and connect overlapping, related, complementary, and competing efforts.
        Selby:  I cover several of these topics in my blog.  
        YesButters:  Yes but you aren't comprehensive.  And you are not well organized.  
        Selby:  To help get organized, I have started using the term HGProjects in the title or text.  That is a search-friendly term that will turn up few false positives.  All my blogs come with a search bar at top and a second one on the right side.   That second one isn't working right now--probably your Google engineers at work. 
        Vulcan:  You can also organize them under the categories I mentioned:
        • Marketing: Show people why they want to try out the Hypergrid.
        • Onboarding: Make it easy for them to try out the Hypergrid. 
        • Retention:  Improve the Hypergrid experience for everyone.
        ProMo:  And you can report the status, as in the BeatThis list:
        Selby: And I am always happy to consider invited articles covering things I don't know about. 



        News and Notes


          The Hypergrid WIP Show

          The Hypergrid WIP is a one hour "show & tell" of works in progress or recently completed. All builders from beginner to pro are invited.  Presentations are in voice and text.  For text presentations, best bring the text in a notecard and paste it into chat.  Voice presentations may be captured in video.  Stills and videos from the show may appear in this blog. 

          Next WIP show 

          • Next WIP show: Dec 13
          • Kayaker Magic holds a Zombie party.
          • HG address below: paste into the World Map next to Find. Click Find, TP
          • II 
          • in Kitely: paste into Nav (top) bar of Firestorm, Enter.
          • hop:// II/68/369/22

            Previous Articles from the WIP show 

                Entertainment on the Hypergrid

                HG links-- depending on your interests

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                • For more on topics like this, circle Selby Evans in Google+ 
                • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
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                • Google search this blog: Search bar, upper left--or:
                • Put at the end of the search terms 
                • What is Second Life?
                • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
                • All original content on this blog is Creative Commons License, attribution only. 
                • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc. 
                • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else. 
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                1 comment:

                1. Hi Everyone, am MARY from USA,
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